Damn, Tony Huml had the looks and the personality? Bet he had a tiny dick (like Unclebuck).
people are jealous of my tiny penis.
That's funny.
I have a close friend that had 3 abortions and has 3 children - it isn't all or nothing Spandy. Now what would you say to this woman? That she should have had 6 kids?
She does have 6 children....sadly she had 3 of them killed.
She does have 6 children....sadly she had 3 of them killed.
What's sad is the fact that if the three that were killed would have been black felons, all three would have been pardoned!
What's sad is the fact that if the three that were killed would have been black felons, all three would have been pardoned!
how did race come up in this
She does have 6 children....sadly she had 3 of them killed.
again, what would you say to her, not me - she does not "have" 6, she has three. They are doing quite well, all of them are going to college and are bright and able. Had they had the 6 they most likely would have required government assistance.
Why would what I say to you be any different than what I would say to her?
Just because 3 turned out okay doens't justify the fact that the other 3 are dead.
Actually it does. So is that mother a murderer? And you would have no problem with her going on public assistance to support her 6 children?
By definition of law she is not a murderer. Nonetheless she ordered three innocent lives to be destroyed.
If welfare wasn't so "comfortable" and killing innocent lives, born or unborn, was illegal, many less people like your friend would make babies they couldnt take care of because they wouldn't have anything to gain from it.
cannabinner when will you realilse u should shut the fuck up and learn
Actually it does. So is that mother a murderer? And you would have no problem with her going on public assistance to support her 6 children?
spandy, i am impressed. i dont know u but im impressed by the few comments ive read that u made. right on dude.