Warren is doomed


Well-Known Member
Or should I say the Dems prospect to retake the WH is doomed if she is nominated

Warren's agenda would require $4.2 trillion per year in new federal spending, and a like amount in new taxes, if she paid for everything without issuing new debt. The federal government currently spends about $4.4 trillion per year, so Warren’s plans would nearly double federal spending.

The Treasury takes in about $3.4 trillion in tax revenue each year, so if Warren levied new taxes to pay for everything, federal taxation would rise by 124%. She could pay for some of her plans by issuing new debt instead of raising taxes, but with annual deficits close to $1 trillion already, good luck with that.

I think everyone can agree that Trump's tax revision fucked most Americans, while boosting the incomes of the super wealthy and corporations, but will the average American vote for a tax increase on themselves, even if that in the long run it will be beneficial too them?

Somehow don't think so (too fucking stupid?), and the Republicans will drive that point home, and win simply on that.
Or should I say the Dems prospect to retake the WH is doomed if she is nominated

Warren's agenda would require $4.2 trillion per year in new federal spending, and a like amount in new taxes, if she paid for everything without issuing new debt. The federal government currently spends about $4.4 trillion per year, so Warren’s plans would nearly double federal spending.

The Treasury takes in about $3.4 trillion in tax revenue each year, so if Warren levied new taxes to pay for everything, federal taxation would rise by 124%. She could pay for some of her plans by issuing new debt instead of raising taxes, but with annual deficits close to $1 trillion already, good luck with that.

I think everyone can agree that Trump's tax revision fucked most Americans, while boosting the incomes of the super wealthy and corporations, but will the average American vote for a tax increase on themselves, even if that in the long run it will be beneficial too them?

Somehow don't think so (too fucking stupid?), and the Republicans will drive that point home, and win simply on that.
Maybe she can tell them Mexico is going to pay for it?

Conservatives will believe anything if you repeat it enough times, and besides it's not like they can pretend to care about debt at this point. Its okay to spend money as long as we get something out of it, like health care. We have the world's largest economy, Investing in the future is smart. She speaks from experience, people can relate to. I still like Warren.
Maybe ...maybe not
There is a large contingent of young folks who identify with both parties and they all have one thing in common
Climate change and they are the only ones that are most affected by it
So I wouldn't be surprised if they become one issue voters
Or should I say the Dems prospect to retake the WH is doomed if she is nominated

Warren's agenda would require $4.2 trillion per year in new federal spending, and a like amount in new taxes, if she paid for everything without issuing new debt. The federal government currently spends about $4.4 trillion per year, so Warren’s plans would nearly double federal spending.

The Treasury takes in about $3.4 trillion in tax revenue each year, so if Warren levied new taxes to pay for everything, federal taxation would rise by 124%. She could pay for some of her plans by issuing new debt instead of raising taxes, but with annual deficits close to $1 trillion already, good luck with that.

I think everyone can agree that Trump's tax revision fucked most Americans, while boosting the incomes of the super wealthy and corporations, but will the average American vote for a tax increase on themselves, even if that in the long run it will be beneficial too them?

Somehow don't think so (too fucking stupid?), and the Republicans will drive that point home, and win simply on that.
I read where they said we could confiscate every dollar from every American that makes over 250k a year and it still doesn't cover the expense of Liz Warren's proposal's.
Sounds awesome :eyesmoke:
At this point it's still about optics. It doesn't look good, her not being able to answer the questions of how will you pay for it.
Fuck Trump his mentality is like a pissed off fifth grade bully.

A fucking Wall in Colorado. That Idiot has no Idea about our own Land. If we were to take a Blank Map of the U.S. that dumb ass couldn't point out California. That Bozo would point at Alaska. Then say. " People are Saying"
Or should I say the Dems prospect to retake the WH is doomed if she is nominated

Warren's agenda would require $4.2 trillion per year in new federal spending, and a like amount in new taxes, if she paid for everything without issuing new debt. The federal government currently spends about $4.4 trillion per year, so Warren’s plans would nearly double federal spending.

The Treasury takes in about $3.4 trillion in tax revenue each year, so if Warren levied new taxes to pay for everything, federal taxation would rise by 124%. She could pay for some of her plans by issuing new debt instead of raising taxes, but with annual deficits close to $1 trillion already, good luck with that.

I think everyone can agree that Trump's tax revision fucked most Americans, while boosting the incomes of the super wealthy and corporations, but will the average American vote for a tax increase on themselves, even if that in the long run it will be beneficial too them?

Somehow don't think so (too fucking stupid?), and the Republicans will drive that point home, and win simply on that.
such a simple person