Well-Known Member
First, Dems are not "my party", I am forced to vote that way because they include a bit more of what i belive and I do think they are just a bit more kind and gentle. I do hold that party accountable but I as I said, I am glad they are getting dirty enough to keep from being run over by the other side. I have seen the tricks they do for decades and that is how they win.
At it's heart there is and always will be something that I would not tolerate. If I saw Dems attempting to alter elections the way Repubs are currently doing I would be down on them in half an instant. I have never said I was not biased. Should I insist that Dems be saints, then those saints, in this environment will lose.
I understand where you are coming from. I don't see a party I could be proud to be a part of. I'm right on fiscal, left on social but the middle seems dirty. Compromise for the sake of compromise isn't always a good thing. I prefer to think I'm straight up instead of left or right. Individual liberty is most important to me.
I was born and raised in Detroit and what I saw the democratic control and unions do in the form of straight up extortion, intimidation and theft made me sick. I'm pro-union so let's not turn this into that, it's undeniable what the leaders used to do and still do. No doubt if the pubs were in charge they would have been just as corrupt but they weren't.
I don't trust ACORN either, that viral video of them helping minor hookers get money was just depressing.