Romney. "I paid no less than 13% taxes in the last ten years

First, Dems are not "my party", I am forced to vote that way because they include a bit more of what i belive and I do think they are just a bit more kind and gentle. I do hold that party accountable but I as I said, I am glad they are getting dirty enough to keep from being run over by the other side. I have seen the tricks they do for decades and that is how they win.

At it's heart there is and always will be something that I would not tolerate. If I saw Dems attempting to alter elections the way Repubs are currently doing I would be down on them in half an instant. I have never said I was not biased. Should I insist that Dems be saints, then those saints, in this environment will lose.

I understand where you are coming from. I don't see a party I could be proud to be a part of. I'm right on fiscal, left on social but the middle seems dirty. Compromise for the sake of compromise isn't always a good thing. I prefer to think I'm straight up instead of left or right. Individual liberty is most important to me.

I was born and raised in Detroit and what I saw the democratic control and unions do in the form of straight up extortion, intimidation and theft made me sick. I'm pro-union so let's not turn this into that, it's undeniable what the leaders used to do and still do. No doubt if the pubs were in charge they would have been just as corrupt but they weren't.

I don't trust ACORN either, that viral video of them helping minor hookers get money was just depressing.
The claim that OBAMACARE cuts $700 BILLION from Medicare is TRUE and the GOOD NEWS is that in doing so, it INCREASES HEALTHCARE FOR SENIORS and AT THE SAME TIME cuts fraud, WASTE and abuse. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office determined that the Medicare provisions in President Obama's health care law would save $700 BILLION over a decade and EXTENDS THE LIFE OF MEDICARE. Extends it EIGHT YEARS.

See? that's the argument you need to make, not that Romney is lying. You failed hard on that one.
I understand where you are coming from. I don't see a party I could be proud to be a part of. I'm right on fiscal, left on social but the middle seems dirty. Compromise for the sake of compromise isn't always a good thing. I prefer to think I'm straight up instead of left or right. Individual liberty is most important to me.

I was born and raised in Detroit and what I saw the democratic control and unions do in the form of straight up extortion, intimidation and theft made me sick. I'm pro-union so let's not turn this into that, it's undeniable what the leaders used to do and still do. No doubt if the pubs were in charge they would have been just as corrupt but they weren't.

I don't trust ACORN either, that viral video of them helping minor hookers get money was just depressing.

You are totally fucked in the head if you didnt know those ACORN videos were highly edited
It's the weekend, let's take off our partisan hats and put on our analyst hats. Do you think this add plays well for Romney?

Personally I do simply because the immediate reaction from the left was this was a LIE!!! When it should have been to their advantage explaining what the cuts do. The left screams lie and the right says, no it's the truth, here's the proof and the last 12 undecided old farts in FL go Romney.
It's the weekend, let's take off our partisan hats and put on our analyst hats. Do you think this add plays well for Romney?

Personally I do simply because the immediate reaction from the left was this was a LIE!!! When it should have been to their advantage explaining what the cuts do. The left screams lie and the right says, no it's the truth, here's the proof and the last 12 undecided old farts in FL go Romney.

But you seem to have no problem with Lies, Voter suppression and false indignation

Take off the partisan hats?

What you are saying and i am not paraphrasing it is

I dont care how the republicans win even if it is illegal and denys rights to others
You are totally fucked in the head if you didnt know those ACORN videos were highly edited

Of course they were edited, nobody has the attention span to sit through hours of plot to see the money shot, doesn't change the image I had of ACORN. They do a lot of good but they are shady as hell and I don't trust them.

Why are you so hateful man? What happened to you to make you so unhappy? You bring the value of this place way down when you do that. We can disagree and still be civil.
Aparently PA just changed their absentee ballot requests as well, forget asking for them online now, mail only.

These guys are shameless.
Of course they were edited, nobody has the attention span to sit through hours of plot to see the money shot, doesn't change the image I had of ACORN. They do a lot of good but they are shady as hell and I don't trust them.

Why are you so hateful man? What happened to you to make you so unhappy? You bring the value of this place way down when you do that. We can disagree and still be civil.

Breitbart And O'Keefe Withheld Exculpatory Los Angeles ACORN Video For Two Months. In a video released November 16, 2009 -- more than two months after Andrew Breitbart's website began posting videos that they claimed showed O'Keefe and Giles posing as a pimp and prostitute in ACORN offices -- O'Keefe finally acknowledged that a Los Angeles ACORN worker they filmed in August 2009 "would not assist us obtain a house for our illegal activities." Breitbart and O'Keefe, along with their collaborators, had repeatedly denied that any ACORN employees had refused to help them. [Big Government,11/16/09, via Media Matters]
Of course they were edited, nobody has the attention span to sit through hours of plot to see the money shot, doesn't change the image I had of ACORN. They do a lot of good but they are shady as hell and I don't trust them.

Why are you so hateful man? What happened to you to make you so unhappy? You bring the value of this place way down when you do that. We can disagree and still be civil.

O'Keefe Falsely Claimed Only One ACORN Employee "Would Not Assist Us." In a November 16, 2009, post, O'Keefe claimed that "Mr. Felix D. Harris of Los Angeles ACORN" was "the only employee in our nationwide ACORN child prostitution investigation who would not assist us." However, in at least one instance, an ACORN employee apparently deliberately misled O'Keefe and Giles, while ACORN employees at two other offices contacted the police following their visit. [Big Government, 11/16/09, Media Matters, 1/27/10]
Of course they were edited, nobody has the attention span to sit through hours of plot to see the money shot, doesn't change the image I had of ACORN. They do a lot of good but they are shady as hell and I don't trust them.

Why are you so hateful man? What happened to you to make you so unhappy? You bring the value of this place way down when you do that. We can disagree and still be civil.

Breitbart And O'Keefe Spread Pimp Hoax. On September 21, 2009, Breitbart falsely claimed that O'Keefe was dressed as a "pimp" when he visited the ACORN offices. [Washington Times, 9/21/09]
O'Keefe Appeared On Fox & Friends Dressed As A Pimp. On September 14, 2009, O'Keefe appeared on Fox & Friends dressed as a pimp. Host Steve Doocy said that O'Keefe was "dressed exactly in the same outfit that he wore to these ACORN offices up and down the Eastern Seaboard" -- a statement O'Keefe made no effort to correct. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 9/14/09]
O'Keefe Was Not Dressed As A Pimp During His Visits To ACORN Offices. While the "title sequences" of the videos Breitbart promoted show O'Keefe dressed as a pimp, he was not dressed as a pimp during his actual visits to ACORN offices. [Media Matters, 3/2/10]
Of course they were edited, nobody has the attention span to sit through hours of plot to see the money shot, doesn't change the image I had of ACORN. They do a lot of good but they are shady as hell and I don't trust them.

Why are you so hateful man? What happened to you to make you so unhappy? You bring the value of this place way down when you do that. We can disagree and still be civil.

California Attorney General: "[N]o Violation Of Criminal Laws." On April 1, 2009, California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. stated that his office concluded that the videos show "some members of the community organizing group ACORN engaged in 'highly inappropriate behavior,' but committed no violation of criminal laws." The release added that the videotapes were "severely edited by O'Keefe." [California Department Of Justice, 4/1/10, via Media Matters]
Brooklyn DA Cleared ACORN Of "Criminality" After Tape Probe. Politico reported that Kings County, New York, district attorney Joe Hynes cleared ACORN of wrongdoing stemming from claims inspired by O'Keefe and Giles' taping at ACORN's Brooklyn office, stating: "That investigation is now concluded and no criminality has been found." [Politico, 3/1/10, via Media Matters]
Harshbarger Report: No "Pattern Of Intentional, Illegal Conduct By ACORN Staff." In his December 7, 2009, "Independent Governance Assessment of ACORN," former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger (D), who was hired by ACORN to conduct an inquiry into the videos, wrote:
Now I challenge you to compare the Romney Campaign's "he gutted medicare of 716 billion". This is even more of a lie than Obama's "republicans kill people's wives", which the ad never says nor even completely implies. Romney is providing a compound lie - and doing it with a little whiteboard at that.

Got more examples?

The Obama campaign warned Republicans would put blacks back into literal slavery, chains and all, repealing the emancipation proclamation.

Naw, Obama's campaign team ain't playing dirty.

So how much will my own slave cost? Will Republicans subsidize it like meat? If we bring back slaves, it needs to be affordable.
The Obama campaign warned Republicans would put blacks back into literal slavery, chains and all, repealing the emancipation proclamation.

Naw, Obama's campaign team ain't playing dirty.

So how much will my own slave cost? Will Republicans subsidize it like meat? If we bring back slaves, it needs to be affordable.

I heard some Republicans are all right with it
As long as a state makes it legal

Tell me I am wrong