Romney. "I paid no less than 13% taxes in the last ten years

If there was a law that said he had to give them over he would hve, also if anyone thinks for a minute that the IRS has not combed over them to look for an issue you are nuts. I am sure they are perfect and in comp with the laws of each year or we would for sure know.

With that said Trump is supposed to drop a bombshell on GOP opening night, would not suprise me if he shows up in Kenya and interiews the doc that delivered Obama.

Trump has pretty much made that his mission in life the last few years. lol
wow, more lies in here than a romney ad, and that's saying something.

mitt's bump is due to his VP pick, and is was a lame bump. historically, the bump is 3-4%, mitt's was about 1%. :lol:

every single polling outlet has the electoral map firmly in obama's hands, so whatever you're spouting about polling is nonsense, just like your sock puppet existence.

obama's approval rating is not dipping below W levels of record low, that is just plain retarded, just like your sock puppet existence.

if you haven't heard obama talk about the economy, it's because you were too busy spanking it to pictures of paul ryan. my wife attended a rally and i watched it live.

nate silver over at, who has nailed the math on the election last election and in 2010, has obama at above 70% to win, with an average of 300+ electoral votes.

deal with it, socky mcsockersock.

Never forget UB, the right has only a glancing aquaintance with reality, they tend to embrace it only when it conforms with what they wish were so. Recall also that when the polls show too much of a shift for the "other" candidate, the polls, polls that all the while were being used to "prove" that the "other" candidate was winning handily are not "only" polls and the only poll that really matters is the one in November.

In fact, likely voters have the two about equal but women, black and latino voters fall heavily on Obama's side. So far as historical numbers - if they are about in a dead heat, then it is unlikely that Obama has the lowest numbers in history.

so long as Romney continues to outright lie about things like Obama's "gutting" of medicare there will be plenty to talk about in the debates other than Mitt's tax returns, although I think it should be brought up.
ladies and gentleman,i present to you,,,,,,,mitt the prick romney.

ladies and gentleman,i present to you,,,,,,,mitt the prick romney.


Romney does not actually flip flop, he is not a prick (well, probably not). He simply has one, single overriding desire to be president and will say what ever he believes needs to be said at the time to whom ever his audience may be at that time in order to have them want to vote for him.

So in actuality, he does not flip flop because his interest is always the same - to BE President. He does not see the office as a means to alter America for the better (or even worse). He does not see it as a place from where he can orchestrate the changes he has cherished in his heart of hearts for these many years, he, like Bush before him simply wants this job so he can say he got it.
Mittens doesn't have to prove shit. How much he pays in taxes or penalties, is between him and the IRS. Why is cheating on your wife no one's business to democrats but taxes are?

Let me repeat this again. No where in the constitution does it state if you don't pay your "fair" share of taxes, you can't be president. You're all fucking retarded.

But there is something called
Article 2 , Section 1, Clause 5.

If the IRS wants money and knows you have over $250 million, you'd be in jail if you didn't pay. Is Mittens in jail? Hmmm? Therefore logic dictates the IRS is satisfied with what "little" Mittens contributed to the tax ponzi scheme. Why does this logic work with a birth certificate, but not taxes. You liberal "taxers" are hypocrites for going after "birthers."

"I pay 30% in taxes, it's not fair!" You're a bunch of cry babies! You can bitch your tax is unfair (too much) and someone else is not enough. :dunce:

Damn psychos!
Mittens doesn't have to prove shit. How much he pays in taxes or penalties, is between him and the IRS. Why is cheating on your wife no one's business to democrats but taxes are?

Let me repeat this again. No where in the constitution does it state if you don't pay your "fair" share of taxes, you can't be president. You're all fucking retarded.

But there is something called
Article 2 , Section 1, Clause 5.

If the IRS wants money and knows you have over $250 million, you'd be in jail if you didn't pay. Is Mittens in jail? Hmmm? Therefore logic dictates the IRS is satisfied with what "little" Mittens contributed to the tax ponzi scheme. Why does this logic work with a birth certificate, but not taxes. You liberal "taxers" are hypocrites for going after "birthers."

"I pay 30% in taxes, it's not fair!" You're a bunch of cry babies! You can bitch your tax is unfair (too much) and someone else is not enough. :dunce:

Damn psychos!

Nope, Mitt doesn't have to prove anything at all, but then again he doesn't have to be president either. Nope, no where in the Constitution does it say otherwise, nor does Obama have to show his transcripts. But Romney has a history of lying about his tax returns and beyond that we would all like to know because a portion of his campaign platform is taxes and we would like to know how he managed his.

It is possible however that he did indeed breakt the law. The IRS offered amnesty to those who sought to limit their tax exposure in certain ways, including offshore accounts. It is possible that he went too "grey" in his tax strategies and made use of that amnesty by paying certain taxes and amending his returns. This may be what he is hiding although I don't think this is an election killer when compared to his amnd his wife's refusal to divulge what the voting public is rightfully asking for.
Romney's tax returns and Obama college transcripts (Reid's source told me he went there on a foreign student scholarship) mean so little to me. I really wish they would get on with the policy debates, vote for me because.. , not don't vote for him because...

Now, what's in those Fast and Furious documents do matter to me. Or at least we deserve a better explanation of why a small bi-partisan committee in Congress can't see them. I understand not letting ME see them.
Romney's tax returns and Obama college transcripts (Reid's source told me he went there on a foreign student scholarship) mean so little to me. I really wish they would get on with the policy debates, vote for me because.. , not don't vote for him because...

Now, what's in those Fast and Furious documents do matter to me. Or at least we deserve a better explanation of why a small bi-partisan committee in Congress can't see them. I understand not letting ME see them.

In the long of it they don't matter to me either, but they are a fine wedge and a way to see how Romney handles pressure. None too well so far.
In the long of it they don't matter to me either, but they are a fine wedge and a way to see how Romney handles pressure. None too well so far.

I have to agree with this, and admit Obama's team has played it perfectly (with the exception of Reid). Coming out and saying "OK, just give us 5 years and we'll drop it and never mention it again" takes away the argument "If I give 5 they'll ask for 10, if I give 10 they'll ask for 20".

It's brilliant knowing they won't have to say anything, the media will say it for them.
I have to agree with this, and admit Obama's team has played it perfectly (with the exception of Reid). Coming out and saying "OK, just give us 5 years and we'll drop it and never mention it again" takes away the argument "If I give 5 they'll ask for 10, if I give 10 they'll ask for 20".

It's brilliant knowing they won't have to say anything, the media will say it for them.

Dems have watched their own performing absolutely inept campaigns. Gore's run was sad in the extreme,Gore never managed to run the national conversation, he was attacked and responses came days later if at all. I figured that HE figured that the truth will win out and he didn't need to participate or drive his message home. Kerry was swiftboated to death. Neither should have lost to their opponents as they were both clowns and many of us knew that. This time Dems have their shit together. I take issue with their lying, I really don't think they need to do this and I think it taints their message but I have to accept even that - what do they say about bringing a knife to a gun fight?

Yes, so far Obama has even managed to contain FOX. I have been watching them simply ignore much of the news of the day and it is sadly hilarious to see them obscuring, ignoring and attempting to misdirect the news. They are still on the "you didn't build that" narrative when the country as a whole has gotten way over it.

This simply has to be done if for no other reason than to put Repubs back in the box. They cannot be allowed to control the debate yet again.

BTW, I hear rumors of a new Swiftboat campaign. Some special ops group is making a short video of how Obama took credit for killing OBL and also leaked sensitive information that put those people in danger, coming soon, and those special ops folk are well backed, let's see if it sticks.

Of course they won't mention the outing of Valerie Plame. And they did manage to justify that "leak" before they left it in the dark.