Banning = boring

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Ursus marijanus
I guess you forget that the Japanese decided to attack us one day and jumped in a bunch of planes and committed suicide...taking out a bunch of American citizens in the
At the time, there was no kamikaze movement in the Japanese air corps. That all happened much later in the war. cn


Well-Known Member
Well damn now I'm all caught up. Damn. UB and FAB were cool. I can see how UB got a time out but not FAB really. I guess I don't see as much as what goes on around here.

If I spent more time on this site, with a computer rather than a iPhone, I probably would catch a ban. The phone use really keeps me in check. I'll see a post every once in a while that really strikes a chord with me. If I was on a computer I would go one huge diatribes and get the hammer. Instead I look at the phone keyboard...and say FUCK IT.
Fab is cool....UB was cool.....until he revealed how much of a bigot he really is.......I mean seriously who sits there and defends homosexuals and then insults another entire race......very hypocritical imo


Well-Known Member
I have never been given a warning or infraction and the only time I was banned I litterally asked for it cause it was during the time riu crashed and we lost all our info lol so it did not really matter and I stayed away for longer than the "vacation time" anyways ;)


Well-Known Member
Fab is cool....UB was cool.....until he revealed how much of a bigot he really is.......I mean seriously who sits there and defends homosexuals and then insults another entire race......very hypocritical imo
I guess I was never around to see UB post anything against an entire race. Lol do we really think he will return all like aww shuks guys? That would be lol. It's either all or nothing with that guy. Don't really we him toning it down.


Well-Known Member
Well damn now I'm all caught up. Damn. UB and FAB were cool. I can see how UB got a time out but not FAB really. I guess I don't see as much as what goes on around here.

If I spent more time on this site, with a computer rather than a iPhone, I probably would catch a ban. The phone use really keeps me in check. I'll see a post every once in a while that really strikes a chord with me. If I was on a computer I would go one huge diatribes and get the hammer. Instead I look at the phone keyboard...and say FUCK IT.
lol same thing here. If my laptop was working I would have A LOT more to say at times


Well-Known Member
yeah but when other members, such as myself and a few others, got the same treatment not that many people got banned. while kaendar is ignorant as shit, he didnt deserve the treatment... but why get so many people banned when not that many people were banned for doing the same things to others?
Im confused... how did I get them banned? I didnt bribe them to act like fools or anything.. im not following your logic.


Well-Known Member
Kaendar, you should get banned to soliciting me for clones yesterday. This fool straight up asked me "how much you want for them" and then tried to play it off like he was joking.

Also, surprised that I haven't gotten a warning or infraction yet with all the trouble I cause...not that I'm dying to get one or anything.
Like Hep said, snitch.

You gotta be fuckin retarded if you think I was being serious. Soliciting you for clones... that just gives me a chuckle..


Active Member
I miss FAB. He helped me out with some good growing advice and stuck up for me when I was getting pounced.

Does he have a temp ban or is he gone for good? I hope he comes back.


Well-Known Member
What race insult did UB make?cn
Dude dont act like you werent in the threads with him and a couple other members referring to blacks as the "N" word. And the version with the "er" at the end too. He then went on to make jokes about laziness, loudness, welfare, and watermelon.


Well-Known Member
I just went through a bunch of UB's post and didn't see anything racist... infact more racism has come from Kaendar than UB... just saying.. stay high
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