Banning = boring

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the new

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Well-Known Member
well ive gotten alot of shit. not recently as much as it was this time last year... kaendar just got hella people banned, i never tried to get anyone banned when i got the bullshit last year
Right cause kaendar MADE them break site rules
I'm sure rollie gave them a warning before breaking out the ban hammer.

Some respected the warning and are still here ....some ignored it and now they are gone

I won't be losing any sleep at night over it


Well-Known Member
yeah but when other members, such as myself and a few others, got the same treatment not that many people got banned. while kaendar is ignorant as shit, he didnt deserve the treatment... but why get so many people banned when not that many people were banned for doing the same things to others?


Weed Modifier
yeah but when other members, such as myself and a few others, got the same treatment not that many people got banned. while kaendar is ignorant as shit, he didnt deserve the treatment... but why get so many people banned when not that many people were banned for doing the same things to others?
depends if they were reported?


Well-Known Member
yeah but when other members, such as myself and a few others, got the same treatment not that many people got banned. while kaendar is ignorant as shit, he didnt deserve the treatment... but why get so many people banned when not that many people were banned for doing the same things to others?
why don't you pm rollie and ask him yourself ?
This isn't something we can answer


Well-Known Member
I feel like perhaps I should have been infracted..then again I wasn't terribly mean or insulting I don't think...I'm not usually one for name calling...but there are those special times when nothing else will fit.


Well-Known Member
I was talking shit to FDD and when he was a mod. I got a warning then a 7 day ban, that's when NoGutsGrower2 & 3 showed up. I met FDD in person and we were cool, even bought a pipe from him.
Never even knew him online or kmk for that matter but that pain just hit my chest, any good word? what about that truth in trials act? a little too late?
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