Banning = boring

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
And he totally cussed me out on Ajax's grow thread. He was pissed off about possib getting banned and just started cussing out everyone in every thread he posted in for like an hour.

He knows his stuff. but he has been real rude to me on more than one occassion.


Well-Known Member
I just went through a bunch of UB's post and didn't see anything racist... infact more racism has come from Kaendar than UB... just saying.. stay high
They most likely been deleted by now. I saw some of the shit he was posting before he got banned
And yes I have saw some of the shit kaendar has posted in the past as well.

Just about every stereotype type they have for black people buck covered. Guess PR didn't find it funny either


Well-Known Member
To me trolling and insults in growing threads aren't acceptable.

Every other thread pol/t&t/spiritual ... Ect I feel is more tolerable as long as it doesn't spill into every thread.


Well-Known Member
They most likely been deleted by now. I saw some of the shit he was posting before he got banned
And yes I have saw some of the shit kaendar has posted in the past as well.

Just about every stereotype type they have for black people buck covered. Guess PR didn't find it funny either

Ub isn't racist but say something slightly offensive and it's on.

Wait did UB get banned?


Well-Known Member
Ub isn't racist but say something slightly offensive and it's on.

Wait did UB get banned?
I don't think I ever said he was a racist.
He just doesn't know when to quit and that is what got him banned.

Racial jokes are all fun and games but when they carry from one thread into a totally different one that has nothing to do with race you see how it can become a problem ?


Well-Known Member
No but at the time I was mostly just reading threads and not really posting so it wasn't seen too often.
Oh ok.. See I'm trying to figure out why my last post was deleted. Like rhino said, it's no big deal, just curious if it was because I talked about buck or because of the picture. I'm leaning on the later.
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