Banning = boring

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Well-Known Member
Hey I'm still catching up but am seriously wondering if any of y'all thought I was a banished one or if you could tell that I was a RIU virgin? And who was I if the former? or latter or damn sun it's good for the girlz not my brain :bigjoint:

HaHa could use someone playing in my threads you are right ;-)
Then you should have included monkey bars.

I present the hypothesis that UB is the sacrificial lamb?
I present your hypothesis with the cold hard backhand of truth. Negative.

I mean I didn't witness any thing but kaendar is just too fucking easy to have it go to low blows you feel? Plenty of above board insults to go around!
Low hanging fruit is generally picked on an 'as needed' basis.

Yeah well don't a 1% a pussy, a crybaby or a bitch then if you can't handle the heat :finger:
This last one confused me. Popcorn hot rocks, firecracker, spit. Citizen moonball tastes like chicken. There, now we're even.


Ursus marijanus

Then you should have included monkey bars.

I present your hypothesis with the cold hard backhand of truth. Negative.

Low hanging fruit is generally picked on an 'as needed' basis.

This last one confused me. Popcorn hot rocks, firecracker, spit. Citizen moonball tastes like chicken. There, now we're even.
I think the last one lacked a verb ... "call".

This sentence no verb. I accidentally it. Is that bad? cn


Well-Known Member
they weren't jokes bro.......he literally went into one thread just typed "ni$$erz....."

that's not a joke......who even finds that funny?
I didn't see him do that

I just saw all the watermelon, fried chicken , ect. Pics he was spamming threads with

I probably got off before he kicked into over drive


Ursus marijanus
He went on a rampage about blacks.....and how "N-words" are lazy
Oh - !! I must have missed it. Knowing UB though, it was a sarcasm barrage. He's usually more interested in uncovering and punishing racism (at times to a fault ... he sees stuff sometimes that few others would) than perpetrating it.

I also see he has a fan thread in SS&P of all places. cn



Well-Known Member
Oh - !! I must have missed it. Knowing UB though, it was a sarcasm barrage. He's usually more interested in uncovering and punishing racism (at times to a fault ... he sees stuff sometimes that few others would) than perpetrating it.

I also see he has a fan thread in SS&P of all places. cn
I agree.
Now I remember what I said before my post was deleted.

It went something like this..
I did see uncle buck play around with racism, but it was all in the name of trolling.


Well-Known Member
Does it mean your banned from ICmag when your password no longer works and keeps locking you out? Or does it tell you your banned and allow you to log in?


Well-Known Member
Does it mean your banned from ICmag when your password no longer works and keeps locking you out? Or does it tell you your banned and allow you to log in?
You chose icmag over rollitup in 07 ?
Shame on you !!

Edit: Or do you just lurk both sites and aren't really active on either ?


Well-Known Member
Relax guys relax.... Check out my threads ... you should be stoked I logged I back in ... Vibe here used to be whack as fuck...seems mellow compared to the old days


Well-Known Member
Relax guys relax.... Check out my threads ... you should be stoked I logged I back in ... Vibe here used to be whack as fuck...seems mellow compared to the old days
Were just fucking with you man.
I never had a icmag account so I wouldnt know. I can make one and get banned on there really quick if you want me to. Then ill be able to answer your question


Well-Known Member
The Mods at IC can be control freaks at times...I have thread on there called Iranian Indica... Landrace genetics new to the Western Hemisphere
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