Is mankind more intelligent Today than ever before?

Without a doubt we are less intelligent, due to the toxic environment.

Before we can attempt to come to any understandable conclusion we would have to first agree on what intelligence actually is.

In my opinion...things that are not measurements of human intelligence advancing:
* Using gismos/consumer technology ( bimbos smoking a cigarette with fake tans and makeup in child-labor made brand new outfits texting on a smart phone while driving to mcdonalds with thier baby in the backseat and playing radio music are not intelligent. They are just destroying the earth in every country as fast as humanly possible )
* making money ( so the most intelligent people on earth coincide with the forbes richest person list? )
* getting good grades or maintaining an "occupation"
* being on prescription medication
* using toxic chemicals on your food

if you teach a chimpanzee sign language are they more intelligent or were they naturally intelligent you just showed them a language construct that we use?

and missnu sorry to hear about your grumpy old man. i guess thats why people flock to the internet.
I've seen the "toxic environment" phrase tossed around. I admit it's catchy, but is there a reliable body of information on its nature and effects? My criterion for "reliable" is not sharp, but it must be at a solidly higher standard than, say, what the antifluoride crowd uses for argument. cn
There was supposed to have been a giant shift in the toxicity of the atmosphere. And, most species that were alive then, are now dead.

Us O2 <-> Co2 types are currently enjoying the oxygen levels. Toxicity kills the weak and favors the strong to adapt and prevail. Even today O2 is fatal to the organisms that could not adapt.

We are smart and adapt, so far, let the record show. Can you show some link to stress and mortality, toxins and otherwise bad stuff? No, the data, MAY suggest, we are going the other way in Info Quota and in living longer, more productive lives.
Ive heard we are living longer based on a few simple factors, but mainly: hygiene

it was argued that hygiene such as clean water, clean food, clean living conditions, etc have far more contributed to our longevity than any other facet of modern science. There were even studies shown that heart disease increases in certain controlled populations ~after~ the addition of western doctors, due to lifestyle changes and dependence on pharmas that accompany the presence of western medicine.

Anyone that thinks we dont live in a toxic environment is living in a cave. Do some research and take off the blinders LOL there is ONE website for you to look at. Or go start up your gas guzzling planet eating automobile in the garage, with the door closed, and you in it, and give me a 10 minute lecture on how we dont live in a toxic environment. Dont have a full tank or your neighbors might get to experience how non-toxic our environment is also ( and thats happened). Or look at the recent movie theater shooting in the news...

We dont live in a toxic environment, but we just cant seem to kick this cancer thing...or society wide obesity epidemics... lol

ever heard of the dude who regrew half his finger ( including a new nailbed ) that got chopped off from an hobby airplane propeller? They applied powdered pig bladder that contain stem cells. Supposedly sperm are also stem cells....just thinking out

Also crazy is a news story I read where cops have attempted to identify a suspect based on DNA heritage. DNA from ancestry type companies where people send in blood samples to learn of heritage, has been used to find a suspects lineage and a probable last name and race. Just a taste of things to come lol.

And sorry cannabiner, ur permanently on my ignorance list and will be ignored lol that link wasn't even FOR you lol
OK I looked at that. It looks like a general-purpose, popular-skewed enviro-chiliast website. No focus on environmental toxins or their epidemiology.

The reason I asked for a link was inter alia to be spared the glossy digests. Got something primary from a respected center of science? cn
OK I looked at that. It looks like a general-purpose, popular-skewed enviro-chiliast website. No focus on environmental toxins or their epidemiology.

The reason I asked for a link was inter alia to be spared the glossy digests. Got something primary from a respected center of science? cn

By the definition of toxic provided so far, swerving back and forth from environmental toxins like forest fire smoke and oxygen levels to natural stressors like war and attainment; I'd say, the toxins are about the same as they always were.

It a dangerous place and always has been.
By the definition of toxic provided so far, swerving back and forth from environmental toxins like forest fire smoke and oxygen levels to natural stressors like war and attainment; I'd say, the toxins are about the same as they always were.

It a dangerous place and always has been.

yes, for the last hundred thousand years homo sapiens have always been giving our kids lead-contaminated petroleum plastic toys from unregulated manufacturing countries ironically made by other kids....or sprayed all our food with pesticides and herbicides...DDt, Rbst, mad cow disease....flouride in water...oil spills fucking up the gulf coast, oil spills fucking up absolutely hopeless

at least this thread pretty much PROVES overall mankind is not intelligent at this moment... < purposely infecting people with terminal disease and witholding treatment without consent as recently as thats not toxic or anything

are you aware of how many tons of roundup and other pesticides we've been dumping annually for decades over columbia, and how it is making all their citizens sick?

If our environment isnt toxic, why are so many species being extinct so quickly? For answers to this and other simple questions relating to the real world, proceed to surgically remove your head from the deep caverns of your rectum. Get a dictionary. There exists the word Toxic. And there exists the word Toxin. Each have different meanings in different contexts. U are now on my ignorance/ignore list too.

World's nature 'becoming extinct at fastest rate on record', conservationists warn
[h=2]The world&#8217;s animals and plants are being killed off by humans faster than new ones can evolve, for the first time since dinosaurs became extinct, experts have warned.[/h]
yes, for the last hundred thousand years homo sapiens have always been giving our kids lead-contaminated petroleum plastic toys from unregulated manufacturing countries ironically made by other kids....or sprayed all our food with pesticides and herbicides...flouride in

at least this thread pretty much PROVES overall mankind is not intelligent at this moment in time...

You are trying to say your toxins are the real toxins. That to me, is funny, and party line. I'm saying you have no idea.

And so far, just expressing opinion. You are assuming this is Bad for our intelligence.

I'm saying, that is not in evidence. Can you provide some data about hydrocarbon plastic and child development, for example?

And then you insult our intelligence? Classic.
If our environment isnt toxic, why are so many species being extinct so quickly? For answers to this and other simple questions relating to the real world, proceed to surgically remove your head from the deep caverns of your rectum. Get a dictionary. There exists the word Toxic. And there exists the word Toxin. Each have different meanings in different contexts. U are now on my ignorance/ignore list too.

But this is reasoning by inference.
And as for the veracity of the links you've posted, oh my.
The Public Record?? Wow.
They claim that "untold thousands" in Colombia were harmed by glyphosate spray. The choice of words is interesting and probably quite true: "untold" means literally undocumented and fabricated in this instance. I SPECIFICALLY asked no tin hat; real sources only. Dtp, you are so full with your opinions that a dissenter has no room to even stand in the parlor of your mind. cn
Ah, that's it....I couldn't think of the term again. Misleading Rhetorical Device. If this is this way, why not that? It's when neither this or that are related. They are only related in the Retaliatory Loaded Question.

I feel like things can be discussed and points can be taken and points can be yielded. We can all be ignored, supported, challenged. Such fun. Understanding can and does occur.

We don't need to conduct this as a debate so, device of any kind is not very welcome. We are saying, 5150, that we are inviting you to discuss this concept. Just get your points lined and leave out the argument. Unless of course, that you feel you're above it. We have seen this before and we can help.

You don't need to defend this. This question is wide open and I for one am not defending. It's not a debate.