Is mankind more intelligent Today than ever before?

The smarter we get..... the more destruction we are capable of.
Once we loose the fear of dying... we loose the fear of war and anything else.

I see what you mean. I just think we don't fear death enough. War would have been over long ago, right? We don't value life enough, yet. Maybe that's it?
humanity has become so materialistic. just because we have fancy toys to play with we think we have somehow accomplished something as a society. its laughable. there is a huge difference between INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM.

as for the egyptians, YES they absolutely were more advanced than we are now. did you know that it has been PROVEN that slavery did not exist during ancient egypt? no artifacts have ever been found to date that suggest slavery was used to build the pyramids. they used fucking mind powers dude. pure mental energy.

we also used to communicate telepathically. language was created to tear us apart as a species.

read the holographic universe by michael talbot. or anything by david icke.

opened my mind.
humanity has become so materialistic. just because we have fancy toys to play with we think we have somehow accomplished something as a society. its laughable. there is a huge difference between INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM.

as for the egyptians, YES they absolutely were more advanced than we are now. did you know that it has been PROVEN that slavery did not exist during ancient egypt? no artifacts have ever been found to date that suggest slavery was used to build the pyramids. they used fucking mind powers dude. pure mental energy.

we also used to communicate telepathically. language was created to tear us apart as a species.

read the holographic universe by michael talbot. or anything by david icke.

opened my mind.

Thats why I said they would laugh at us playing with our toys lol. We've only gotten dumber and dumber as time passed.

More attention should be payed to what the ancients had to say.
humanity has become so materialistic. just because we have fancy toys to play with we think we have somehow accomplished something as a society. its laughable. there is a huge difference between INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM.

Laughable? Seriously? It was laughable how older generations and our ancestors went about pulling false answers out of their asses.

And what's all this talk about suddenly being materialistic? Check out how people were mumified (is that how you spell that?). Those mother fuckers were burried with all their treasures. They used to have kings that would be worshiped.

Yes we're materialistic (one example would be you using whatever it is that you're using to post here on RIU), but it's always been that way.

as for the egyptians, YES they absolutely were more advanced than we are now. did you know that it has been PROVEN that slavery did not exist during ancient egypt? no artifacts have ever been found to date that suggest slavery was used to build the pyramids. they used fucking mind powers dude. pure mental energy.

Pure mental energy? Really dude? What leads you to believe that?

we also used to communicate telepathically. language was created to tear us apart as a species.

Again, what leads you to believe this?

read the holographic universe by michael talbot. or anything by david icke.

opened my mind.

I refuse to read anything that guy has ever written lol...

Why am I responding to this?
david icke is one of the few people speaking the truth it this world of lies.

stay ignorant. i could care less. lol

What leads you to believe we used to speak one language? How do you think a language barrier was set up?

Why do you believe we used to speak telepathically?

I guess I am ignorant, enlighten me.
david icke is one of the few people speaking the truth it this world of lies.

stay ignorant. i could care less. lol

The following is clear proof David Icke is full of shit...
He's still alive!

He speaks about global conspiracies and how these aliens that have infiltrated governments have no qualms about mass murder but for some reason haven't yet found it necessary to eliminate the one guy exposing them.
I see what you mean. I just think we don't fear death enough. War would have been over long ago, right? We don't value life enough, yet. Maybe that's it?
I’m glad mushrooms are against the law, because I took them one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, “My God! I love everything.” Yeah, now if that isn’t a hazard to our country … how are we gonna keep building nuclear weapons, you know what I mean? What’s gonna happen to the arms industry when we realize that we’re all one?!


Bill Hicks – Shock And Awe
The following is clear proof David Icke is full of shit...
He's still alive!

He speaks about global conspiracies and how these aliens that have infiltrated governments have no qualms about mass murder but for some reason haven't yet found it necessary to eliminate the one guy exposing them.
That is because he's been laughed at most of his life for what he says :dunce: They Love That! All the sheep laughing at the one dude speaking the truth or as close as anyone else seems to have deduced!
humanity has become so materialistic. just because we have fancy toys to play with we think we have somehow accomplished something as a society. its laughable. there is a huge difference between INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM.

Laughable? Seriously? It was laughable how older generations and our ancestors went about pulling false answers out of their asses.

And what's all this talk about suddenly being materialistic? Check out how people were mumified (is that how you spell that?). Those mother fuckers were burried with all their treasures. They used to have kings that would be worshiped.

Yes we're materialistic (one example would be you using whatever it is that you're using to post here on RIU), but it's always been that way.

as for the egyptians, YES they absolutely were more advanced than we are now. did you know that it has been PROVEN that slavery did not exist during ancient egypt? no artifacts have ever been found to date that suggest slavery was used to build the pyramids. they used fucking mind powers dude. pure mental energy.

Pure mental energy? Really dude? What leads you to believe that?

we also used to communicate telepathically. language was created to tear us apart as a species.

Again, what leads you to believe this?

read the holographic universe by michael talbot. or anything by david icke.

opened my mind.

I refuse to read anything that guy has ever written lol...

Why am I responding to this?
Hep for people to not learn from past mistakes it takes the worst self induced ignorance plaguing mankind.

If you refuse to read, please watch this with an open mind? As if it were a class presentation you were critiquing for valid arguments and facts? Otherwise to completely shut your self off from information is well... self induced ignorance.


*Hmmm the first one was blocked by Fox on Youtube, now why would anyone flock such fiction?
I'd say it's equal. Nothing physical has significantly changed in the time period our species has really come into being, within 10,000-12,000 years. So it depends on what you mean by 'intelligence'. We've obtained more knowledge, that's obvious, because we have the benefit of having built upon centuries of progress.

I think most people today don't give our ancestors enough credit. Think about it, fire. Just one example. Imagine the life a person was living before there was fire compared to the one after. Fire was one of the biggest advancements in all of human history, if not the biggest. The wheel, agriculture, domestication of animals, cities, political systems, religions, weapons. One thing I think is particularly remarkable is our earlier findings in astronomy, having nothing but fucking mathematics to prove theories. That's absolutely amazing to me, somebody could come up with something that there is no way to currently physically verify, then 100 years later somebody invents a tool and tests the numbers and instantly in that moment 100 years of progress is added to the history books and every human being to come after that can point to the moment in time when scientific justice was finally served! Shit gives me chills sometimes.

I do think ancient people were much more efficient and their personal relationships were probably much more meaningful to them than they are to us. They probably had vast knowledge of their environment, what plants could be used for what types of medicines, excellent hunters, excellent builders, great role models, etc. Most of them lived in tribe type nomadic societies where being a stand up guy paid off and being a dead beat affected your social status and brought shame to yourself. Today, none of that shit matters at all, the only thing that really matters is how much money someone has, it doesn't even really matter how you get it either, be it legally or illegally. It's socially unacceptable to even ask in most cases..

You nailed it, especially the part I made bold! Knowledge is cumulative, and it stands to reason, as time goes by, later generations will be more knowledgeable. But does that mean they are "smarter?" Sure, they have more knowledge and a more advanced technology because of the PAST, but that's not an indication of how smart THEY are, that's an indication of how smart their ancestors were.
humanity has become so materialistic. just because we have fancy toys to play with we think we have somehow accomplished something as a society. its laughable. there is a huge difference between INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM.

as for the egyptians, YES they absolutely were more advanced than we are now. did you know that it has been PROVEN that slavery did not exist during ancient egypt? no artifacts have ever been found to date that suggest slavery was used to build the pyramids. they used fucking mind powers dude. pure mental energy.

we also used to communicate telepathically. language was created to tear us apart as a species.

read the holographic universe by michael talbot. or anything by david icke.

opened my mind.

You forget the voluntary slavery of religion. You don't understand commerce in a Guild society. Guild knowledge of stone cutting and placing is a jealously guarded art. There were towns of artisans, their journeymen, and their labor. The pyramids were built by a combination Guild, Art, Royal Patronage. In that way it is like Notre Dam.

So, yes. PROOF of no slaves, but, you left out the inconvenient truth. What ruled out slaves was the PROOF of the generational Artisan Guilds.

Why can't we just see that was the ant like work of generations that got us here, today? The scary truth is we need no help. That's the truth. The universe will be a far more dangerous place when we get out there.

BTW, Language was invented by women in the berry bushes to keep track of themselves, out of line of sight. Men on the hunt stay in line of sight, but need to use signs for stealth.

Women taught men to speak if they wanted sex. Good dog. You like this style? But, they really just wanted to bug us, right?
Where's wiki?

I'd say it's equal. Nothing physical has significantly changed in the time period our species has really come into being, within 10,000-12,000 years. So it depends on what you mean by 'intelligence'. We've obtained more knowledge, that's obvious, because we have the benefit of having built upon centuries of progress.

I think most people today don't give our ancestors enough credit. Think about it, fire. Just one example. Imagine the life a person was living before there was fire compared to the one after. Fire was one of the biggest advancements in all of human history, if not the biggest. The wheel, agriculture, domestication of animals, cities, political systems, religions, weapons. One thing I think is particularly remarkable is our earlier findings in astronomy, having nothing but fucking mathematics to prove theories. That's absolutely amazing to me, somebody could come up with something that there is no way to currently physically verify, then 100 years later somebody invents a tool and tests the numbers and instantly in that moment 100 years of progress is added to the history books and every human being to come after that can point to the moment in time when scientific justice was finally served! Shit gives me chills sometimes.

I do think ancient people were much more efficient and their personal relationships were probably much more meaningful to them than they are to us. They probably had vast knowledge of their environment, what plants could be used for what types of medicines, excellent hunters, excellent builders, great role models, etc. Most of them lived in tribe type nomadic societies where being a stand up guy paid off and being a dead beat affected your social status and brought shame to yourself. Today, none of that shit matters at all, the only thing that really matters is how much money someone has, it doesn't even really matter how you get it either, be it legally or illegally. It's socially unacceptable to even ask in most cases..

I got stoned in the middle of that, so it probably sounds a little different... lol

First time in a few days too, so damn I'm gone! I'll just leave it at that.. lol
Hep for people to not learn from past mistakes it takes the worst self induced ignorance plaguing mankind.

If you refuse to read, please watch this with an open mind? As if it were a class presentation you were critiquing for valid arguments and facts? Otherwise to completely shut your self off from information is well... self induced ignorance.


*Hmmm the first one was blocked by Fox on Youtube, now why would anyone flock such fiction?

Man thats some intense stuff. Makes you question a lot of things. You shouldnt put too much thought into these types of things though, can make you paranoid and fearful. Shouldnt fear these bitches! lol
Man thats some intense stuff. Makes you question a lot of things. You shouldnt put too much thought into these types of things though, can make you paranoid and fearful. Shouldnt fear these bitches! lol
I try to watch as many different documentaries with the same mind frame I advised Hep because not knowing or ignorance Was bliss but it is long gone and now my only comfort is seeing through as much of their lies as I can in this life.
Hep for people to not learn from past mistakes it takes the worst self induced ignorance plaguing mankind.

If you refuse to read, please watch this with an open mind? As if it were a class presentation you were critiquing for valid arguments and facts? Otherwise to completely shut your self off from information is well... self induced ignorance.


*Hmmm the first one was blocked by Fox on Youtube, now why would anyone flock such fiction?
I didn't watch march of the penguins since I thought it looked stupid.. I'm not gonna have anything to do with michael for the same reason.

Since you asked kindly, I may watch the video in increments of 10 mins so that I just don't get full out annoyed and never view the video again lol.
I try to watch as many different documentaries with the same mind frame I advised Hep because not knowing or ignorance Was bliss but it is long gone and now my only comfort is seeing through as much of their lies as I can in this life.

I'm not ignorant lol.. I used to be into these conspiracies. Hell, I even have some threads on these guys. Now I just can't believe anything they say.. It honestly sounds like a load of horse crap.

humanity has become so materialistic. just because we have fancy toys to play with we think we have somehow accomplished something as a society. its laughable. there is a huge difference between INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM.

as for the egyptians, YES they absolutely were more advanced than we are now. did you know that it has been PROVEN that slavery did not exist during ancient egypt? no artifacts have ever been found to date that suggest slavery was used to build the pyramids. they used fucking mind powers dude. pure mental energy.

we also used to communicate telepathically. language was created to tear us apart as a species.

read the holographic universe by michael talbot. or anything by david icke.

opened my mind.

The Egyptians did have slaves, there are records of it... and the pyramids weren't built with telekinesis... they were built with hard labour...
Sure they had slaves. The tribe of Abraham was said to be slaves in Egypt. It seems that slaves were un-worthy to build the pyaminds. It took generations of artisan devotion to Pharoah, looks like.