Well-Known Member
thanks canna i'm off my soap box. stay high
Im not gonna start another debate. I was just answering your question.well is he??? and if so where is your proof? don't give me this father son holy spirit shit either... water comes in 3 forms does it make water god??? stay high
thanks canna i'm off my soap box. stay high
Good luck with that!He has popped up in other areas. And this isnt the toke-n-troll section. People come here to have intelligent conversations sometimes.
It's ok Michigan, I hear, is a nice place to live:
correct me if im wrong, but doesnt the koran say if you arent a muslim you're the infidel an should be killed if found livin among muslims?
No, he's correct. Brainwashed? Blame on Bush? How can anyone be so ignorant of current events and recent history?Your wrong. Dont believe everything in the media my friend. We were all brainwashed to believe muslims were evil terrorists in order to support Bush's oil adventure I mean war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.
View attachment 2221668This was too funny
You just called millions of ppl terrorists because of their faith. Cant you go pick on some Jehovahs witnesses or something?
Hmm... you have alot wrong in your post. You said "your religion" twice.. when did I ever say I was a muslim? Poor assumption made on your part. You also said that all religious terrorists are muslims. Once again very wrong, in the middle east there are just as many extremist Jewish and Christian terrorist sects. And the Catholic church is still basically killing in the name of god..1.- your religion is the only one that gives eternal salvation through violence... immolation is an option as well
2.- your religion is the only one that enacts fatwa's that declare any non-Muslim an enemy of Islam and therefore must converted otherwise terminated
3.- even within small Muslim sects they are persecuted by bigger fundamentalist sects.
not all Muslims are terrorists. true
but all religious terrorists are Muslims.
basically Islam is where the Catholic Church was during the middle ages. Inquisition; killing in the name of a god.
the only thing i'll give Islam is the urge keep their traditions and values not influenced by the western powers.
in your defense it all comes down to the US involvement in foreign affairs.
There are extremist on all sides... does anyone remember this crazy fuck???
this fucker killed 77 ppl last year.
He had his own manifesto... Now he did this because of the Mulims not because he is one... he's of christian faith if i'm not mistaken
With that being said there are more Muslim extrimist than there are christian extrimist hence giving the Muslim religion a bad name.
Devils advocate??? Maybe... stay high
Hmm... you have alot wrong in your post. You said "your religion" twice.. when did I ever say I was a muslim? Poor assumption made on your part. You also said that all religious terrorists are muslims. Once again very wrong, in the middle east there are just as many extremist Jewish and Christian terrorist sects. And the Catholic church is still basically killing in the name of god..
my bad for assuming you were Muslim.
however, most (and i can't think of any who aren't) Christian and Jewish terrorists are not classified as religious terrorists, they are political terrorists under the banner of a distinct religious culture. What i am trying to say is that they don't use their religion to justify terrorism; which Muslims terrorists do.
It seems like alot of ppl still buy into the media hype that muslims are all terrorists just waiting to blow shit up. Thats ridiculous. Whoever supports this ludacris idea is ignorant im sorry. You cant generalize everyone in an entire religion.