Why bash Islam?

WTF??? They tell us to get out and now they are dealing with the truth. The truth a few of us have had the guts to say.
"For me it is a declaration of war and a crime against our cultural heritage. It is time that the international community helped us."

i like this
childrens tv shows...[video=youtube;RdWV02Szb5k]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=RdWV02Szb5k[/video]

stay high
This one is especially touching


Yeah, that's not child abuse..

Why do we allow this again? Those people should be ashamed. That belief system is completely detrimental to a persons health.

This isn't just 'a belief' when it reaches this point.
This is a campaign speech lol

Jerusalem will be the capitol to the United States of the Arabs apparently

It seems like alot of ppl still buy into the media hype that muslims are all terrorists just waiting to blow shit up. Thats ridiculous. Whoever supports this ludacris idea is ignorant im sorry. You cant generalize everyone in an entire religion.

Bashing Islam is a bad idea.

It's still the biggest religion in the world I'm pretty sure.
And when a little religion is mean to a big religion, it usually ends with the smaller religion being forced into the bigger one.
if you haven't see Bill Mahers Religoulis you should... here is a 10 min exerpt...[video=youtube;OmizyHFabqQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmizyHFabqQ&feature=player_detailpage[/video]
stay high...
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2006
