darwin wrong, no wait he's right sorta no wait.

Did you read the article? They are saying all mammals come from sharks - well not sharks but a type of cartilaginous fish. Actually ALL invertebrates, that's everything with a spine. So Darwin is right and the ape theory stands.

And if you trace us back even further we came from a primitive fish, a sponge, a single celled organism, some proteins... Doesn't disprove it but strengthens the argument of evolution.
I just came from Wal-Mart. cn


O.k., what did you do now?
lol fuck that the people that deny Evolution are usually the ones least educated on the subject....I took 3 semesters of Anthropology in college and that shit definitely happened
lol fuck that the people that deny Evolution are usually the ones least educated on the subject....I took 3 semesters of Anthropology in college and that shit definitely happened

dude you piad for a class to be convinced of something, what did you think was going to happen?
dude you piad for a class to be convinced of something, what did you think was going to happen?

They have gathered too many facts together. They have documented everything they can find! We are still discovering species, and fossiles.

Religion... Whatever floats your boat mate :)
They have gathered too many facts together. They have documented everything they can find! We are still discovering species, and fossiles.

Religion... Whatever floats your boat mate :)
fuck religion, i dont believe in it they are a bunch of cult mandating idiots. belief and relationship with my creator. big difference. i had to resort to going to catholic church because i got so much crap from else where. evolution is wrong. ever think that all those fossils and shit they find are just differnt animals completly. its all in guessing we dont no what they looked like. its not based off fact they still claim it as theory
fuck religion, i dont believe in it they are a bunch of cult mandating idiots. belief and relationship with my creator. big difference. i had to resort to going to catholic church because i got so much crap from else where. evolution is wrong. ever think that all those fossils and shit they find are just differnt animals completly. its all in guessing we dont no what they looked like. its not based off fact they still claim it as theory

Pull your head out of your ass. Evolution is scientifically proven. The difference between science and religion is I don't have to believe in science for it to be true.
fuck religion, i dont believe in it they are a bunch of cult mandating idiots. belief and relationship with my creator. big difference. i had to resort to going to catholic church because i got so much crap from else where. evolution is wrong. ever think that all those fossils and shit they find are just differnt animals completly. its all in guessing we dont no what they looked like. its not based off fact they still claim it as theory
It's funny when "believers" flip out when people talk about religion since they're trying to seperate themselves from religious people so bad. May I ask what you believe in and how you came about to believe in him/her/it? This is all in the spirit of debating with you.. It's not my intention to be a dick. :bigjoint:

And fossils aren't the only way they can prove evolution.. What about DNA sequences?
It's funny when "believers" flip out when people talk about religion since they're trying to seperate themselves from religious people so bad. May I ask what you believe in and how you came about to believe in him/her/it? This is all in the spirit of debating with you.. It's not my intention to be a dick. :bigjoint:

And fossils aren't the only way they can prove evolution.. What about DNA sequences?

Heph, have you read "The Ancestor's Tale" by Dawkins? Rippin' good read. cn