First off, some of this shit is hilarious. I just smoked a joint half and half of Lemon Kush and Diesel Star.
I want to say to the ppl that are constantly seperating religion and science, if you really take your time, learn about it, think about it, and feel it, you will realize that religion and science work side by side, hand in hand. Science explains how and religion, or god, explains why. This is something that takes alot of thinking to realize, but once you can wrap your head around it you will see. Science shows that anything that has happened in the bible and other spiritual literature is very possible. The bible gives an account of why these things happened. They reveal the mysteries of eachother. A scientist can be stuck thinking "why the fuck did that happen??" and a minister can be sitting there thinking "how the fuck did that happen?" If they would just get together and compare notes the mysteries will be unraveled.
Evolution did happen, but neandrathals and all the other apes down the line didnt have souls, so technically they didnt evolve into humans. They were basically very intelligent animals. Humans are the only creatures that have souls, thats why animals and shit dont go to heaven or have spirits. BUT evolution does happen, look at how these creatures get moved to a new environment and over thousands of years their bodies develop to adapt to it. Thats evolution, and it happens so that creatures can survive and be a step ahead of mother earth.
Furthermore, Islam is far from world domination. I have to agree that the Catholic church (totally seperate from non denominational christians) have that under control. And ppl wonder why islams fuck shit up so much, thats because muslims have the most faith of all religions. Sorry to say but most christians wouldnt be willing to martyr themselves for god.