darwin wrong, no wait he's right sorta no wait.

it's twoo; it's twoo!!! cn

<edit> Proof that Nixon evolved from a parallel line.
But how does the image of the apple travel through the tiny tube? I just can't imagine how it fits unless there's magic involved. Oh wait, must be a miracle.
But how does the image of the apple travel through the tiny tube? I just can't imagine how it fits unless there's magic involved. Oh wait, must be a miracle.

Ma Bell worked that out a century ago. Imagine the negative feedback if someone blew Grandma a kiss across the miles, and it got jammed. cn
fuck religion, i dont believe in it they are a bunch of cult mandating idiots. belief and relationship with my creator. big difference. i had to resort to going to catholic church because i got so much crap from else where. evolution is wrong. ever think that all those fossils and shit they find are just differnt animals completly. its all in guessing we dont no what they looked like. its not based off fact they still claim it as theory

I respect people creating their own belief systems, more so than religion. Custom maate :)

When a group of scientists dissolved some salts in some water, put it under pressure and started discharging electricity in it, after some time they counted 72 amionacids? and much else... They are the basic building forms of life, and they will form that way.

I mean if science can show us a CHANCE on how life came here, and religion can only say look mate, it was god for 2000 years, then we have science to trust because nobody sees a god they just want to belive in him so they go to heaven maan... Its so flawed, its almost like baiting people :)
fuck religion, i dont believe in it they are a bunch of cult mandating idiots. belief and relationship with my creator. big difference. i had to resort to going to catholic church because i got so much crap from else where. evolution is wrong. ever think that all those fossils and shit they find are just differnt animals completly. its all in guessing we dont no what they looked like. its not based off fact they still claim it as theory

You're going to have to face it sometime, silas. Evolution is a proven biological process. Doesn't mean God doesn't exist. I just means living organisms evolve and adapt.
fuck religion, i dont believe in it they are a bunch of cult mandating idiots. belief and relationship with my creator. big difference. i had to resort to going to catholic church because i got so much crap from else where. evolution is wrong. ever think that all those fossils and shit they find are just differnt animals completly. its all in guessing we dont no what they looked like. its not based off fact they still claim it as theory

Gravity is a theory too.