darwin wrong, no wait he's right sorta no wait.


so what happens to people who don't have a religion / atheist's / "non-believers" / blah blah blah..
uuuummmmm.. they just die and that's it right?

Yup. It is my belief that when i die I will cease to exist. It's not that hard to wrap your head around if you realize that humans aren't special. Just another animal raping and murdering each other.

Blood, bones, piss, and shit. We're all made of the same stuff. What makes humans so special?
Yup. It is my belief that when i die I will cease to exist. It's not that hard to wrap your head around if you realize that humans aren't special. Just another animal raping and murdering each other.

Blood, bones, piss, and shit. We're all made of the same stuff. What makes humans so special?
We have souls. Unlike every other creature, I think that some part of us continues on after our body dies.
We have souls. Unlike every other creature, I think that some part of us continues on after our body dies.

At this point in my life, i am unable to honestly give credence to the actuality of "soul". I believe (and worry) that I am my meat. Sad to say, because the meat's a touch off. cn

<edit> didn't realize that my reply would be at the leading edge of such a poo storm. I feel bad now.
You have anything compelling to back this up?
Hmmm.. interesting question. Let me start by saying that we are the only animals that have a conscious. Its a hard thing to explain, but our emotion, compassion, ability to create complex thoughts.. it all shows that we have souls. Because if we didnt our bodies would only be driven by bare necessities, reproduce, eat, shit, bathe, etc. But no, we go above and beyond. We have the ability to compose great works of music, and have the intelligence to discover stars and shit billions of lightyears away. Its the one thing that makes human beings superior to all life. We arent just bodies, there is a part of our conscious, a part of our mind that survives when the body is dead and decomposed.

And plus havent you read about the expirements of ppl being on scales on their death bed. Ppl have been weighed when they died, and usually after a few seconds around 20 grams mysteriously disappears. Even if I was a blind, head in my ass atheist that would be pretty hard evidence to turn down.
Hmmm.. interesting question. Let me start by saying that we are the only animals that have a conscious. Its a hard thing to explain, but our emotion, compassion, ability to create complex thoughts.. it all shows that we have souls. Because if we didnt our bodies would only be driven by bare necessities, reproduce, eat, shit, bathe, etc. But no, we go above and beyond. We have the ability to compose great works of music, and have the intelligence to discover stars and shit billions of lightyears away. Its the one thing that makes human beings superior to all life. We arent just bodies, there is a part of our conscious, a part of our mind that survives when the body is dead and decomposed.

And plus havent you read about the expirements of ppl being on scales on their death bed. Ppl have been weighed when they died, and usually after a few seconds around 20 grams mysteriously disappears. Even if I was a blind, head in my ass atheist that would be pretty hard evidence to turn down.

Funny those test could never be reproduced: http://www.snopes.com/religion/soulweight.asp
And only humans create works of art?: http://www.elephantartgallery.com/
And your opinion of "great works of music" might be my version of a steaming pile of shit.

Get off your high horse. Humans are just another animal.

The only difference is we learned how to murder better than the others.
Funny those test could never be reproduced: http://www.snopes.com/religion/soulweight.asp
And only humans create works of art?: http://www.elephantartgallery.com/
And your opinion of "great works of music" might be my version of a steaming pile of shit.

Get off your high horse. Humans are just another animal.

The only difference is we learned how to murder better than the others.
Yes, humans are animals. The only difference is that we have souls. Idk why there are certain ppl like you that just refuse to believe in stuff if they cant touch and see it. Dont you think there might be more to this world than meets the eye?
Yes, humans are animals. The only difference is that we have souls. Idk why there are certain ppl like you that just refuse to believe in stuff if they cant touch and see it. Dont you think there might be more to this world than meets the eye?

Certainly. However for a thing to be likely to be true, it must leave consistent and readable traces in the world we CAN see. An idea without which the world still works without demonstrable differences just begs to be shaven by Occam. My opinion. cn
Yes, humans are animals. The only difference is that we have souls. Idk why there are certain ppl like you that just refuse to believe in stuff if they cant touch and see it. Dont you think there might be more to this world than meets the eye?

I can not see or touch gravity, yet I believe in it. You don't appear to have thought this through.

We believe a proposition because we trust that it accurately represents a state of reality. From a simple belief like "I tied my shoes this morning" to a complicated belief like those behind chemotherapy, this remains true. Even a superstitious belief, like fear of black cats, follows the mechanism of trusting that it states something about reality. Basic survival demands we be accurate about our reality. Beliefs become principals of action. We rightfully attempt to justify beliefs with some sort of evidence. We seek for them to cohere both logically and comparatively with each other. This is why individuals are able to construct a personal view of the world that largely agrees with others. Even something simple like knowing what I mean when I say words like 'danger', 'upwards', or 'seven' stems from this shared connection. Religious beliefs are not distinct; they are not exempt from this premise, so why should they be exempt from the constraints we apply to all other beliefs?

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
&#8213; Christopher Hitchens
Yes, humans are animals. The only difference is that we have souls. Idk why there are certain ppl like you that just refuse to believe in stuff if they cant touch and see it. Dont you think there might be more to this world than meets the eye?

So you believe in a flying spaghetti monster? I mean you can't touch and see it so it might be real right? What about Illuminati Lizards? Just because you've never seen one doesn't mean it's not real.

Stephen King said:
&#8220;What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle.&#8221;
Hmmm.. interesting question. Let me start by saying that we are the only animals that have a conscious. Its a hard thing to explain, but our emotion, compassion, ability to create complex thoughts.. it all shows that we have souls. Because if we didnt our bodies would only be driven by bare necessities, reproduce, eat, shit, bathe, etc. But no, we go above and beyond. We have the ability to compose great works of music, and have the intelligence to discover stars and shit billions of lightyears away. Its the one thing that makes human beings superior to all life. We arent just bodies, there is a part of our conscious, a part of our mind that survives when the body is dead and decomposed.

And plus havent you read about the expirements of ppl being on scales on their death bed. Ppl have been weighed when they died, and usually after a few seconds around 20 grams mysteriously disappears. Even if I was a blind, head in my ass atheist that would be pretty hard evidence to turn down.

The first paragraph isn't really telling me anything other than we are smrer than other animals, essentially. Intelligence, or consciousness, does not equal a soul. That's something you choose to assume. In response to the missing weight, you are aware that a breath of air is about 20g, correct? That pretty much explains the post-death weight loss. You don't hold your breath when you die.
The first paragraph isn't really telling me anything other than we are smrer than other animals, essentially. Intelligence, or consciousness, does not equal a soul. That's something you choose to assume. In response to the missing weight, you are aware that a breath of air is about 20g, correct? That pretty much explains the post-death weight loss. You don't hold your breath when you die.

Trouble with the air theory is that the exhalate is balanced by the reduction in the body's volume and the air it displaces.
(Also, 20 grams of air is thirteen liters. A pro bicyclist can exhale maybe seven.)

My issue with the weight concept is that it is essentially impossible to get a stable weight on approx. 80 kilos of living person. Heart, gut, breath ... they move. Makes that kind of precision spurious imo. Never seen an authoritative study that removed systematic error. cn
Trouble with the air theory is that the exhalate is balanced by the reduction in the body's volume and the air it displaces.
(Also, 20 grams of air is thirteen liters. A pro bicyclist can exhale maybe seven.)

My issue with the weight concept is that it is essentially impossible to get a stable weight on approx. 80 kilos of living person. Heart, gut, breath ... they move. Makes that kind of precision spurious imo. Never seen an authoritative study that removed systematic error. cn
I like how you can input on all these controversial topic without being a complete dick like everybody else. Polar bear avatar is the shit.
Trouble with the air theory is that the exhalate is balanced by the reduction in the body's volume and the air it displaces.
(Also, 20 grams of air is thirteen liters. A pro bicyclist can exhale maybe seven.)

My issue with the weight concept is that it is essentially impossible to get a stable weight on approx. 80 kilos of living person. Heart, gut, breath ... they move. Makes that kind of precision spurious imo. Never seen an authoritative study that removed systematic error. cn

Yeah, I realize he breath weight thing is a bit iffy. I didn't do the math myself. So I'll discard that to be fair. You are right about the weight thing though. The average US male weighs 88.6 kilos, so that's 88,600 grams. Take that, and divide the weight lost in this claim (20g), so 20/88,600=0.000225 (I rounded off); then multiply that by 100, so 0.000225*100=0.0225. Meaning that the shift detected is 225/10,000 of a percent shift. That's so small, that I doubt it was anything more than margin of error on his part.