MellowFarmer, you presume about me. I do not watch Fox or any other televised news, and I don't consider our government to be above either reproach or accounting. I would have enjoyed this more if your reply to my longer post had contained information alongside the dismissal. Jmo. cn
<edit> Moses, thank you for answering one of my questions.
I apologize for being harsh. I get shy at times when my response contains subjects that may be considered cooky conspiracy theories. Did you watch the videos by chance? You may have noticed I plagerize quite a bit especially if it's funny but alas I often forget it isn't so funny out of context.
Bankers throughout history have started and manipulated wars to increase wealth and power. They loan money to both sides and ching ching. Grandaddy Bush was part of that crowd. The small group of obsenely wealthy families known as the 1% have always been in control. They accumulate more wealth and power with each generation. The Rothschilds for example. They are often referred to as the Owners. A big interest they have is Eugenics, and were involved deeply involved in helping Hitler in his big Eugenics experimentation as well as all his crazy medical research; ie meth, mind control... after the war they cashed in and moved the Nazi Dr's and research to America. Hitler yes is ultimately responsible but it's not that simple.
I think Nam and Korea have been well discussed. The CIA which Bush Sr riegned over for the majority of his carreer but is seldom mentioned or acknolwedged used Sadam. He isn't innocent either but it's not that simple. He is one of many evil dictators the CIA supported and protected that got ultimately screwed.
This is my hypothesis on Bush Sr obeying the UN... we got embarressed in Nam. We were not vindicated in Korea. All our other aggressions however successful were in secret so no cred. (Iran, Central and South America) What better way to boost the population's faith and support of it's military than to win a war 150,000 deaths to 79 in only months by bombing the shit outa em? That's my generation and during the 90s those joining the military did so relatively confident of 4 peaceful years. When we invaded Afganastan and then Iraq the general belief was another Desert Storm. I don't find it farfetched that Bush Sr pulled out as strategy to build up the military having succeded in overshadowing the shame of Nam.
Afganastan was mainly to put in that nice pipeline that the Taliban refused. Iraq to funnel treasury money to Cheney's cronies and divert attention from the fact most named 911 terrorists were Saudi Arabian.
This is still a very simplified and inadequate response I feel but I hope I hit enough main points. Peace.