trayvan martin

Please the only violence youve seen was on law and order. shut the cbc off and get out of bumblefuck.

At least I admit it.Im not going around saying how fucking tough I am.How much shit I've seen.Doesn't mean I don't know right from wrong.Innocent from guilty.Facts from Hearsay.

Ive lived it in this country and others. I dont have to speculate. Ever seen a dead body? Ever have a bomb go off close to your neighborhood and live for a week without electricity or harrassed by police in a riot tank for just sitting on a corner?

Didnt think so.

Go back to blasting people on Modern Warfare and GTA3 and shit talking on XBOX Live. Keep speculating what the real world is like.

Its not about being tough its about adapting to reality and not letting it permanently make you jaded, especially if youve never lived it.

Ive lived it in this country and others. I dont have to speculate. Ever seen a dead body? Ever have a bomb go off close to your neighborhood and live for a week without electricity or harrassed by police in a riot tank for just sitting on a corner?

Didnt think so.

Go back to blasting people on Modern Warfare and GTA3 and shit talking on XBOX Live. Keep speculating what the real world is like.

Its not about being tough its about adapting to reality and not letting it permanently make you jaded, especially if youve never lived it.

Thats not the real world for most people.No I haven,t seen a dead body.So what? I don't want to .And Id rather not live in a place were my kids would be exposed to that.Talking shit on xbox live?Your the one flapping your gums about how badass you are not me.Real tough guys dont need to brag about it
And you Sir , have consumed the Paulista KoolAid. Your man is a career hogtrough feeding piece of shit just like every other damn political shill inside the Beltway.

He's right in line with the rest of the Standard Issue Bullshit Artist Texas Politicos , now take the friggin Paul Proselytisation elsewhere or else you and I can have it right here and now. By the way I'm originally from Victoria Texas , right smack in the 14th Congressional District of other word PAUL'S HOME BAILWICK...........and you can't bullshit me about the Faux Libertarian , Rothbard and Spooner plagiarising , potentially Fascist sonofaBitch.........he's a bought a paid for PUKE,

At least Prurient Perry makes no secret of the fact he's trying to be an oilier Huey Long , freaking Paul is trying to be " everymans George Wallace"..........

I am so shocked it took me a long time to digest this and be able to respond, Did you just cite Paul as potentially fascist?
Is this in context with current and past leaders and events and in comparison to current and past leaders? I could laugh so hard I would fall over, if you are calling Ron Paul potentially fascist in context, that would be like likening Elvis to being potential devil music during a Slayer concert- I am potentially a lottery winner, I'm hoping I have the right numbers if not Ed Mchman could potentially stop by with a check from publishers clearing house and cheer me up- Ron Paul is to fascism like oil is to water or east is to west-
This case highlights the reason we all need to demand and excersie second amendment rights, had Trayvan had a gun he may have been alive today to tell his story
Im on the money and Ive been on the money all thread long. Headshot for cliffy when I said he lived in the suburbs and had never left. Vagina shot for Bonkleesha when I said cliffy was on XBOX Live and Bonkleesha got offended.