trayvan martin

What I meant was zimmerman was used to black teens walking around the neighborhood.The gated community was not a "ghetto" but it was 51% black.

Then if he was " used to black teens walking around" why take such offense to a " black teen walking around" that ya follow him , confront him and ultimately shoot him.

Now just answer the question directly for once. Don't sidestep or crawfish...answer it.
You sir are either ignorant or stupid, If your ignorant I suggest you educate yourself, If you refuse to educate yourself then you are stupid

And you Sir , have consumed the Paulista KoolAid. Your man is a career hogtrough feeding piece of shit just like every other damn political shill inside the Beltway.

He's right in line with the rest of the Standard Issue Bullshit Artist Texas Politicos , now take the friggin Paul Proselytisation elsewhere or else you and I can have it right here and now. By the way I'm originally from Victoria Texas , right smack in the 14th Congressional District of other word PAUL'S HOME BAILWICK...........and you can't bullshit me about the Faux Libertarian , Rothbard and Spooner plagiarising , potentially Fascist sonofaBitch.........he's a bought a paid for PUKE,

At least Prurient Perry makes no secret of the fact he's trying to be an oilier Huey Long , freaking Paul is trying to be " everymans George Wallace"..........
Then its the crown attorney who's racist? I thought it was the SPD? or wait zimmerman was the race profiling racist.stalking "fucking coons" as buck referenced at least a dozen times......Im confused.

We don't have " crown attorneys" , we don't have to bow to a " Crown" , and YES now you FINALLY get part of the picture YES SPD is a bucha racist assholes.............that's what part of this is all about...........only took what TWO HUNDRED FREAKING pages for you to FINALLY get it............congratulations.
See I do know something about shooting an unarmed person.. You avoid it !!!!! or at the most hit a leg to stop forward progress ...You don't always have to kill to stop... Zimmerman nor you are ready to own a gun let alone CCW

I agree on Him-n-Zim , the rest you're dead wrong on.
Life experience man come on now this is your idiotic logic.I can't own anything else than a long rifle, Im in Canada.Maybe you'd be happy if gun law were like canada's? Doubt it most people on this forum seem pretty passionate about the right to own a gun.

All the above yet you'll expect us to take your O P I N I O N on firearms and whatever facet of them you're yapping about as Gospel Truth...............

Only a few more shovelfuls left.
I have to have a gun. Motherfuckas are crazy out there. I have been robbed and shot at. and i have Robbed and shot at people. i think people should be able to protect themselves against crazy Mf's like me. Or the Government even.
And that evidence of a " smashed skull" is where?

The smashed skull was avoided by putting a bullet in Travan....

But the lacerations to the back of zimmerman's head have been reported by the police and confirmed by doctors and eye-witnesses.

It is hard to kill someone after they have smashed your skull... Get it?
Nope... My position is that we need to hear all the evidence before lynching Zimmerman.

You dont have to participate in this mud wrestling event yet you just cant get yourself to leave... LOL!

I can do anything I care to , including participate in this if I choose to do so , whatsamatta not having control over anothers actions rankle you?

And quit sidestepping , you're already backpeddling now since your entire stance has been to K night Zimmerman and attempt to portray the kid in the worst light possible........
No, we are going to judge folks guilty if they punch someone in the nose, knocking them down and proceed to beat their head into the pavement.

He didnt get shot because he was wearing a hoodie, he didnt get shot because he had skittles and an AZ iced tea. HE GOT SHOT BECAUSE HE WAS ASSAULTING SOMEONE!!!

And the evidence of a " broken head" is where again? Along with the simple an inescapable FACT of " no follow NO fight" try again CLOWN.
What's yours? If you haven't figured out my "point"........well that says enough to *me* that I don't figure I *have* to explain to you.

LOL, I read about three pages of your posts before I wanted to pull a Zimmerman on you. Get over it kid, you got nothing but disdain for ol whitey and you look pathetic doing it.
this changes little imo...and i promise you i have been in many more fights then you captain...6 foot 3 150 lbs is a skinny dude..i would snap that kids neck like a bread stick or his arm or anything else i grabbed if i was zimmerman before i shot him...but then again i would not have been following him or carrying a handgun....just because the bus driver did not whip this kids ass does not mean he wasn't capable means he probably did not want to lose his job and hurt the kid....sounds like ol jorge will be charged very soon and that is good news.

Haha. You don't know me. Good claim, there. Since we're all claiming shit we don't know, I know a few 150 pounders that will slap the mustache off your face. Keep assuming, moron.