trayvan martin

You have yet to "prove me wrong" on a single item, In addition your knowledge has been shown to be sorely lacking in regards to subjects that you attempted to speak as expert on.

And I'm not your " bro" , got that Mr. WhiteBread Status Quo Snotnose? Manner to figure that one out yet you overbearing , arrogant piece of febrile detritus?

Figured out that ya ran into someone that you can't push until they just give you your way to shut your pussy mouth up yet? Now go back to running that game of your " daddy that pays 120 grand in taxes"......OOHHH AHHHHHHH that makes ya an authority and everybody should shut up.

That cover it pretty much? Or do I need to make myself even clearer for you? I'll willingly do so.

Febrile detritus? Let me get this straight< i am a piece of non living biological material that shows the signs of a fever?

Well, I have been called worse. But I see you can't actually debate the issues so you resort to plain ole 3rd grade playground insults, in other words, Childish.

You should just leave the adults alone and stick to the Noobie section where most of the other kids hang out. Perhaps toke and talk might be more your style.
Thats right i can literally walk into a gun store look at their wide array of pistols long guns and all other guns, buy it in 5 min walk out the door and carry it in the open anywhere i want except as defined under my state statute.

And YET another blanket statement that's incorrect. Would you actually care to cite why you are incorrect ( which I'm sure you knew you were prior to posting) or do I need to do so.

AGAIN bullshit hyperbole from either side ain't agonna get it.
You have proof of these claims? I didn't think so. Go back to raping little children.

wow really? what a fucking sad and pathetic attitude...

this site is suppose to about intelligent adult discussions..

not ignorant bullshit from an obviously very confused and sick person :joint:
Uh HUH..............thanks for a nice illustration of just how far DOWN a no testicles bullshit artist like you will descend to. NOW BITCH BRING FORTH YOUR EVIDENCE OF THE ABOVE.

You just became the very lowest of the low , more worthless even than clowns like Zimmerman , even a turd can be used for fertiliser , you however are such a toxic piece of shit that you're even more worthless than a cat turd.

Congratulations on your achievement , best hope we never actually do meet.


You go Girl! er I mean BRO!
wow really? what a fucking sad and pathetic attitude...

this site is suppose to about intelligent adult discussions..

not ignorant bullshit from an obviously very confused and sick person :joint:

LOL I assume you haven't read much of the thread or followed along at all have you?
So now Trayvon is a rapist and murderer and even if he were, you and Zimmerman have this awesome psychic ability to guess his prior arrest record. That is some crazy judgment ability, or maybe prejudgment...prejudge... prejudice?

Umm yeah, its the EXACT same way you are treating Zimmerman, you didn't understand that?
LOL I assume you haven't read much of the thread or followed along at all have you?

actually i have ; however this doesn't pertain to Treyvon, my comment is directed at you and you only regarding your rape comment

'nuff said :joint:

unsubbed - no time for this
Febrile detritus? Let me get this straight< i am a piece of non living biological material that shows the signs of a fever?

Well, I have been called worse. But I see you can't actually debate the issues so you resort to plain ole 3rd grade playground insults, in other words, Childish.

You should just leave the adults alone and stick to the Noobie section where most of the other kids hang out. Perhaps toke and talk might be more your style.

Bla blah blah , shove your orders wannabe , like I stated you're not in the Corp anymore. Your impotence when folks don't follow your orders is quite amusing. Did you get that from your rich daddy? Daddy keep a houseboy did he?

And YAH I'd say febrile detritus fairly accurately describes you , after all you show little in the way of sentience and your socalled " mental processes" are quite feverish and decayed...............

Fell right into that one didn't ya clown. Now give me some more orders and see how far they get you.
You guys arguing reminds me of these kids.
But the real question is: Which one of you is the ginger and which one of you is the fat kid?!?

Keep up the chestpounding. It's rather amusing there WhiteBread , your name shouldn't really be " No Drama" though , more correctly it should be " Juvenile MeloDrama " go kick your feet with the little ankle socks some more and cry for daddy , maybe he'll
let you " be the boss " with the servants.
there is so much garbage in this thread it is amusing... 1st of all THIS IS AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD ...NOT A COURT OF stop all this innocent until proven guilty...that only applies to the court of law..not the court of public opinion....secondly ..the facts are zimmerman followed and confronted a 17 year old kid minding his own business while armed with a handgun....i hope all the facts do come out ..but here is my take...zimmerman is a d bag who really wants to be a cop ....he panicked and assumed this bystander walking with skittles and iced tea was committing a crime ...he wasn't ... and he shot the kid after the confrontation.... i hope zimmerman gets charged and convicted of manslaughter... his actions led to th death of a 17 year old kid who was doing nothing wrong ...
You guys arguing reminds me of these kids.
But the real question is: Which one of you is the ginger and which one of you is the fat kid?!?

Whatever , I'll hand back his bullying bullshit on a plate , he's *EXACTLY* like Zimmerman , he would do and probably has done things of just the same nature.

You put up with it if you want. I don't have to put up with the " you better shut up because my Daddies rich and I was a Jarhead" bullshit.

Which never belonged in the thread from the first place.And in the last analysis it IS the basic equivalent of martin bing told " you can't walk here"............if NoDrama wishes to stop me from walking where I please he's gotta come do it for himself.

He could quite easily have debated this without all his innuendo , bullshit ad hominem , deflections , vilifcation and mischaracterisation of those who DARED to disagree with him.

Tell ya what there Jack , at this point in America you can still speak your mind , if folks such as MeloDrama actually get control you will se the rise of a Fascist type state and attitudes similar to his in positions of power even more than they are , and narcissistic megalomaniacs such as MeloDrama are what will eventually piss the rank and file populace off enough to kick off massive civil unrest.

MeloDrama is an indoctrinated product of wealth and privilege , he's been taught from birth that he's better than everybody else and that the world owes him a liveing and it shows. Well the fact is that he ISn'T and it DOESN'T.

Nor does a single individual on this planet owe him any respect when he gives none on even the most basic human levels.
Bla blah blah , shove your orders wannabe , like I stated you're not in the Corp anymore. Your impotence when folks don't follow your orders is quite amusing. Did you get that from your rich daddy? Daddy keep a houseboy did he?

And YAH I'd say febrile detritus fairly accurately describes you , after all you show little in the way of sentience and your socalled " mental processes" are quite feverish and decayed...............

Fell right into that one didn't ya clown. Now give me some more orders and see how far they get you.

there is so much garbage in this thread it is amusing... 1st of all THIS IS AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD ...NOT A COURT OF stop all this innocent until proven guilty...that only applies to the court of law..not the court of public opinion....secondly ..the facts are zimmerman followed and confronted a 17 year old kid minding his own business while armed with a handgun....i hope all the facts do come out ..but here is my take...zimmerman is a d bag who really wants to be a cop ....he panicked and assumed this bystander walking with skittles and iced tea was committing a crime ...he wasn't ... and he shot the kid after the confrontation.... i hope zimmerman gets charged and convicted of manslaughter... his actions led to th death of a 17 year old kid who was doing nothing wrong ...

He had skittles and tea. "Well boy's this is an open and shut case here, lets wrap it up, boy has to be innocent".
Whatever , I'll hand back his bullying bullshit on a plate , he's *EXACTLY* like Zimmerman , he would do and probably has done things of just the same nature.

You put up with it if you want. I don't have to put up with the " you better shut up because my Daddies rich and I was a Jarhead" bullshit.

Which never belonged in the thread from the first place.And in the last analysis it IS the basic equivalent of martin bing told " you can't walk here"............if NoDrama wishes to stop me from walking where I please he's gotta come do it for himself.

He could quite easily have debated this without all his innuendo , bullshit ad hominem , deflections , vilifcation and mischaracterisation of those who DARED to disagree with him.

Tell ya what there Jack , at this point in America you can still speak your mind , if folks such as MeloDrama actually get control you will se the rise of a Fascist type state and attitudes similar to his in positions of power even more than they are , and narcissistic megalomaniacs such as MeloDrama are what will eventually piss the rank and file populace off enough to kick off massive civil unrest.

MeloDrama is an indoctrinated product of wealth and privilege , he's been taught from birth that he's better than everybody else and that the world owes him a liveing and it shows. Well the fact is that he ISn'T and it DOESN'T.

Nor does a single individual on this planet owe him any respect when he gives none on even the most basic human levels.
there is so much garbage in this thread it is amusing... 1st of all THIS IS AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD ...NOT A COURT OF stop all this innocent until proven guilty...that only applies to the court of law..not the court of public opinion....secondly ..the facts are zimmerman followed and confronted a 17 year old kid minding his own business while armed with a handgun....i hope all the facts do come out ..but here is my take...zimmerman is a d bag who really wants to be a cop ....he panicked and assumed this bystander walking with skittles and iced tea was committing a crime ...he wasn't ... and he shot the kid after the confrontation.... i hope zimmerman gets charged and convicted of manslaughter... his actions led to th death of a 17 year old kid who was doing nothing wrong ...

And that brings us very neatly to that deeper , darker picture I spoke of. Wherein folks will trivialise a tragic death , the media and politicians will exploit it.........and the submerged attitudes and prejudices come out of the closet to the forefront and show just *exactly* the esteem which certain folks hold their fellow members of humanity in. But then of course they aren't human unless of a certain socioeconomic class and suitable racial profile.

" You can't WALK here , your PAPERS...NOW"..........

And it's all relatively speaking hilarious , because if an individual such as Zimmerman ran up on MeloDrama and ran the same game then MeloDrama would be highly indignant and bitching up a storm about why it was so " wrong".......hypocrisy from that quarter rather seems to be the order of the day.

And it's a growing syndrome , Zimmerman will quite likely turn out to be the equivalent of a Proto-Brownshirt.And certain individuals here are not all that far behind them.
Whatsammatta MeloDrama , down to just one line /one picture answers. Hey go raid Daddies medicine cabinet for some help with that seething impotent frustration and anger at your inability to make another individual follow your edicts.
And it's all relatively speaking hilarious , because if an individual such as Zimmerman ran up on MeloDrama and ran the same game then MeloDrama would be highly indignant and bitching up a storm about why it was so " wrong".......hypocrisy from that quarter rather seems to be the order of the day.

And it's a growing syndrome , Zimmerman will quite likely turn out to be the equivalent of a Proto-Brownshirt.And certain individuals here are not all that far behind them.


Didn't take long. a couple of pushes.

Now to collect on the bet.