You have yet to "prove me wrong" on a single item, In addition your knowledge has been shown to be sorely lacking in regards to subjects that you attempted to speak as expert on.
And I'm not your " bro" , got that Mr. WhiteBread Status Quo Snotnose? Manner to figure that one out yet you overbearing , arrogant piece of febrile detritus?
Figured out that ya ran into someone that you can't push until they just give you your way to shut your pussy mouth up yet? Now go back to running that game of your " daddy that pays 120 grand in taxes"......OOHHH AHHHHHHH that makes ya an authority and everybody should shut up.
That cover it pretty much? Or do I need to make myself even clearer for you? I'll willingly do so.
Febrile detritus? Let me get this straight< i am a piece of non living biological material that shows the signs of a fever?
Well, I have been called worse. But I see you can't actually debate the issues so you resort to plain ole 3rd grade playground insults, in other words, Childish.
You should just leave the adults alone and stick to the Noobie section where most of the other kids hang out. Perhaps toke and talk might be more your style.