trayvan martin

Here is a comedy video mocking "citizens police" made almost 15 years ago by Phil Hendrie

Funny how true it rings today
roninamok plays by his own rules.

i like that he's passionate and well-informed, but the rest is kind of hard to deal with.

glad i handed over those mod duties at times like this.

haha, he is mostly a large child. He uses words in the wrong context, has little understanding of actual communication, is abrasive and condescending and is easily defeated in his debates. He won't last long around here.
You still aren't making any sense, nothing I said was in reference to anything you said, everything I said was factual. I don't think you know who posted what, even more I don't think you can even understand half of what you read.

NO YOU were the one making no sense when you even bothered to bring the factor of CCW into the whole thing , and as usual you shot off your mouth without knowing the slightest of what you were attempting to wax expert on.
haha, he is mostly a large child. He uses words in the wrong context, has little understanding of actual communication, is abrasive and condescending and is easily defeated in his debates. He won't last long around here.

A bit arrogant aren't ya there fella? Got a valet to open the door for your ego since it arrives fifteen minutes ahead of your body?

Do you see me running from you? I still seem to be present don't I? And " debate " , were you debating? I really hadn't noticed in between the strawmen , red herrings , ad hominem , elistist bullshit snobbery , braggadacio and chest beating over your purported wealth etc.etc..

You're an egocentric buffoon who is incapable of any real debate , you at times can indulge in minor by rote regurgitation of stuff you've heard/acquired but an original thought would have a dark and lonely journey to the light of day across the dim recesses of your alleged mind.

And damn straight that I'm abrasive to individuals such as yourself who smugly think that they're better than the rest of the world and that they get to dictate to others.

And indeed that;s the whole problem here , you expect folks to submit to you , I won't and then I'll spit in your eye too , and bullying twats such as yourself can never quite deal with that.

No get back to me when you can actually take what you dish out. Other than that like I said go crawl back in your insular white bread neighborhood where everybody looks the same , talks the same , walks the same bla bla bla BBAAAAAA BLLEAAATTT BBAAAA.

Now ya like them apples Yankee?
roninamok plays by his own rules.

i like that he's passionate and well-informed, but the rest is kind of hard to deal with.

glad i handed over those mod duties at times like this.

Hey I'll play nice if other folks do , trouble is when they decide they just gotta push the buttons sometimes the result isn't quite what they thought it was going to be , and I freely admit to being just perverse enough to find it amusing , all the roundy round meaningless to the question gobbledygook crap to avoid the central issue.

Nobody wishes to discuss the deeper issues present within this , I pointed 'em out.

No matter what Zimmerman got his fifteen minutes of fame , anyway you look at his life is pretty much ruined.
I kind of like him

On the other hand you're a douchebag who should never have been given mod status. Although, at least as far as I can tell, you didnt censor us unevenly. Course i dont think you censored us at all.

lol, fair enough.

the only things i ever deleted were very few and very heinous, shit you would catch a beating for in public. and also a little spam.
I kind of like him

On the other hand you're a douchebag who should never have been given mod status. Although, at least as far as I can tell, you didnt censor us unevenly. Course i dont think you censored us at all.

He did work with Hilary Duff and stop gratuitous use of the word fag.
NO YOU were the one making no sense when you even bothered to bring the factor of CCW into the whole thing , and as usual you shot off your mouth without knowing the slightest of what you were attempting to wax expert on.

Actually, it was Canna who brought up CCW in post #1356, No Drama responded to it in the next post. Do we even know he was not openly carrying? I haven't heard that reported as a FACT, maybe I missed it. He could have a concealed carry license, but that doesn't prove that's how he was carrying.
Actually, it was Canna who brought up CCW in post #1356, No Drama responded to it in the next post. Do we even know he was not openly carrying? I haven't heard that reported as a FACT, maybe I missed it. He could have a concealed carry license, but that doesn't prove that's how he was carrying.

he did have a concealed carry permit, i am not thinking that he was waving the thing out in the open, my guess is that he had it concealed until he decided to use it. no reporting on that aspect, however. not mentioned by any witness.
he did have a concealed carry permit, i am not thinking that he was waving the thing out in the open, my guess is that he had it concealed until he decided to use it. no reporting on that aspect, however. not mentioned by any witness.
My guess is your hero Skittleboy thought he was one hard motherfucker till Zimmerman whipped out his 9mm (that he was legally carrying).
My guess is your hero Skittleboy thought he was one hard motherfucker till Zimmerman whipped out his 9mm (that he was legally carrying).


zimmerman aggresses martin, martin tries to stand his ground, scuffle ensues, martin whoops his ass and continues walking home. zimmerman comes back with 9mm drawn and martin screams for help only to be offed, screams for help go away.

the person whose window this happened outside of heard no fighting, just some screams for help followed by a gunshot.

the above scenario is only one of many that the prosecution could trot out. with zimmerman's story constantly evolving, things don't look good for him.
Actually, it was Canna who brought up CCW in post #1356, No Drama responded to it in the next post. Do we even know he was not openly carrying? I haven't heard that reported as a FACT, maybe I missed it. He could have a concealed carry license, but that doesn't prove that's how he was carrying.

That's CCW , not the direct address of states where *no* CCW is required which ND brought up, which is NOT even remotely germane to this issue. Furthermore if one is going to bring said States up then it might behoove one to have some knowledge of which they are.

And Florida is NOT an open carry state , it IS a right to issue state.

This is why all the CCW crap is a red herring as regards the issue at hand , if he had been guilty of illegal carry he'd have been arrested and held.
My guess is your hero Skittleboy thought he was one hard motherfucker till Zimmerman whipped out his 9mm (that he was legally carrying).

And my guess is that Zimmerman was one hard motherfucker until he was getting his ass whipped by a kid he accosted and then pussed out and resorted to a sidearm to avoid a simple asswhipping.

That he could have avoided by not following the kid in the first place , which the dispatcher had warned him against.
Hmmmm a " straight" guy that constantly has to talk about " gays" , " fags" etc and continually remind everyone that he's " straight".....................latency anyone?

Hey sweetie do you have a purty mouth? Got the Red Slippers in your Closet do you Dorothy? Secret stash of Barbara Streisand and Village People albums under you bed.

You're on your way to Oregon where it rains a lot , are you going 'cause it's " Raining Men "......

leave poor gyroscope alone!

he follows me around, he's my little bitch, you don't get to make him your little bitch.

while i do not disagree that gayroscope seems to have an inordinate obsession with reminding us all that he is a self-proclaimed heterosexual, i see nothing wrong or worthy of ridicule in gayroscope being a closet homosexual.

raining men, barbara streisand, and the village people are crossing the shit line. i will not even dignify the "purty mouth" jab with a response, you animal.

gayroscope is only upset because my wife has a wealthy family and i live a life of simple pleasures.

i mean, sure, i could start assuming the family business tomorrow, since my dad-in-law's daughters, son, and son-in-law have no interest in it, and his long time go-to people are not quite the full all-around people that he needs. also, it was handed down to him from his father, and he wants to keep it in the family. but i like my gardens and chickens and leisure time better.

i choose to live my frugal, low-responsibility lifestyle, and this makes gayroscope upset. bitter, one might say.

hey gayroscope, listen to this: i could not claim the standard deduction in my state because my wife takes itemized deductions due to her wealth, and i filed separately. instead of getting a ~$70 refund on the several hundred dollars of taxes i had paid in, i owed ~$80 to the state on top of the several hundred i had paid in.

since she will be getting way more back by taking itemized deductions than the $150 or so i sacrificed, i have asked her to invest that money i chose to forgo by investing it into soil and nutrients for the greenhouse again this year, and she happily agreed. she will receive a QP for that $150 i chose to forgo if all goes well again this year.

for the record, i bet gayroscope knows the correct spelling of streisand's first name.
My guess is your hero Skittleboy thought he was one hard motherfucker till Zimmerman whipped out his 9mm (that he was legally carrying).

I love it when groups that were once treated like shit in this country, like the Irish, forget about that past and think they have assimilated enough to shit on the next group of immigrants. At one time it was your people under that hood Harrekin and people assumed awful things about you based on appearance. Its a shame to get ahead the next group has to climb over the previous group.

Divide and conquer buddy

All together 1, 2, 3, HISTORY!

Ugly Ugly History
I love it when groups that were once treated like shit in this country, like the Irish, forget about that past and think they have assimilated enough to shit on the next group of immigrants. At one time it was your people under that hood Harrekin and people assumed awful things about you based on appearance. Its a shame to get ahead the next group has to climb over the previous group.

Divide and conquer buddy

All together 1, 2, 3, HISTORY!

Ugly Ugly History
Are you fucking joking me? I'm the one saying race didn't matter...Zimmer approached Treyvon (possibly profiling, I'll give it that), a fight ensued for whatever reason, Zimmerman used his gun... I never mentioned race, and I never said Zimmerman should've fired or even approached Martin, it was a bad call using common sense, but he didn't appear to have any at this occasion and what occurred occurred.

Can you not consider the fact that (regardless of moral stance) Treyvon trying to be hard could've started a fight with Zimmerman? A fight Zimmerman ended with a gun he was legally carrying?

Im not saying what's right and what wrong, but it was a senseless killing that could've been avoided. However in absence of certain facts one cannot preclude the possibility of the "perfect storm" where shit just got out of hand.

Anyways this shit is boring now, 2012 has been a good year for the markets tho, Iseq and the DowJones are rallying seemingly tied together when you check out the graphs. As much as I think Obama is a joke, keep up the good work and keep buying our "shit" (aka as "Produce" or "Hard Liquor") ;)

zimmerman aggresses martin, martin tries to stand his ground, scuffle ensues, martin whoops his ass and continues walking home. zimmerman comes back with 9mm drawn and martin screams for help only to be offed, screams for help go away.

the person whose window this happened outside of heard no fighting, just some screams for help followed by a gunshot.

the above scenario is only one of many that the prosecution could trot out. with zimmerman's story constantly evolving, things don't look good for him.

Uncle Buck they were in FLA the oldsters don't hear shite. In Florida a considerable amount of people pull down their hurricane shutters at night to protect themselves and then they are cut off from the world until the next morning. So of course they didn't hear anything.