trayvan martin

If you are a CCW you bring your gun to the grocery store, the theater, the gas station......

You only get a CCW under special circumstances. Dumb fucks like Zimmerman are supposed to get weeded out once they find out they're deluded paranoid idiots.

But you don't bring it if you plan on being a hateful prick. In that case you're going against the whole reason people get the priveledge.
Alright, I give in. Let's side with Hitler and take all of the guns away...

If it hasn't already: thread has been Godwin'd
You only get a CCW under special circumstances. Dumb fucks like Zimmerman are supposed to get weeded out once they find out they're deluded paranoid idiots.

But you don't bring it if you plan on being a hateful prick. In that case you're going against the whole reason people get the priveledge.
Not really, a person not CONVICTED of any violent crime can carry CCW, in a few states you don't even need a permit or license. You don't need any special circumstances at all to carry concealed, just be a citizen, it's your right.

Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crimes.
What exactly is a dangerous situation? Drug deal? Zombies? Aliens?

Every situation is dangerous, unless you know the outcome. He knew shooting Martin was a possibility. He brought a gun despite that fact. CCW is there for protection, not if a situation arises you knew could happen. In that case it's manslaughter in the very least. It's not like when you go to a known dangerous neighborhood known for muggings. Even if you knew, you didn't ask the mugger to confront you. Zimmerman confronted, had a gun, so he knew the outcome if shit hit the fan. He's not a cop whose job it is to do such things. If he wants to play cop, if he shoots, he pays the consequences of going to jail.
Every situation is dangerous, unless you know the outcome. He knew shooting Martin was a possibility. He brought a gun despite that fact. CCW is there for protection, not if a situation arises you knew could happen. In that case it's manslaughter in the very least. It's not like when you go to a known dangerous neighborhood known for muggings. Even if you knew, you didn't ask the mugger to confront you. Zimmerman confronted, had a gun, so he knew the outcome if shit hit the fan. He's not a cop whose job it is to do such things. If he wants to play cop, if he shoots, he pays the consequences of going to jail.
It isn't the job of the police to protect you or your property. Police investigate crimes and make criminal arrests.

Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he saw Trayvon acting suspiciously, he wasn't out there looking for a confrontation.
Every situation is dangerous, unless you know the outcome. He knew shooting Martin was a possibility. He brought a gun despite that fact. CCW is there for protection, not if a situation arises you knew could happen. In that case it's manslaughter in the very least. It's not like when you go to a known dangerous neighborhood known for muggings. Even if you knew, you didn't ask the mugger to confront you. Zimmerman confronted, had a gun, so he knew the outcome if shit hit the fan. He's not a cop whose job it is to do such things. If he wants to play cop, if he shoots, he pays the consequences of going to jail.

If you have a CCW permit are you not obliged to keep the gun in your posession and concealed at all times unless you plan on using it? And if you are not in posession of your weapon does it have to be stored in a locked container of some sort where others can not access it? and again im not being cheeky i would just like to know.
Not really, a person not CONVICTED of any violent crime can carry CCW, in a few states you don't even need a permit or license. You don't need any special circumstances at all to carry concealed, just be a citizen, it's your right.

Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crimes.

It's your right to open carry. It's a priveledge to CCW.


What are the requirements for a California CCW?
1. Legal resident
2. At least 21 years of age
3. Good Cause
4. Good Moral Character
What is Good Cause?
You must articulate a situation or circumstances whereby the department can determine you have a need, not a desire, to carry a concealed firearm. There is an Attorney General Opinion which defines Good Cause. See Attorney General Opinion.
How easy is it to get a Californian Concealed Weapon Permit?
This varies from county to county and from city to city. Rural counties are normally easier than suburban counties. Good Cause is the variable that applicants must deal with. Statute and case law require departments to make an individual evaluation of each applicant’s Good Cause. Some departments list on their policies certain professions and occupations that under some circumstances will satisfy their Good Cause requirements.
It's your right to open carry. It's a priveledge to CCW.


What are the requirements for a California CCW?
1. Legal resident
2. At least 21 years of age
3. Good Cause
4. Good Moral Character
What is Good Cause?
You must articulate a situation or circumstances whereby the department can determine you have a need, not a desire, to carry a concealed firearm. There is an Attorney General Opinion which defines Good Cause. See Attorney General Opinion.
How easy is it to get a Californian Concealed Weapon Permit?
This varies from county to county and from city to city. Rural counties are normally easier than suburban counties. Good Cause is the variable that applicants must deal with. Statute and case law require departments to make an individual evaluation of each applicant’s Good Cause. Some departments list on their policies certain professions and occupations that under some circumstances will satisfy their Good Cause requirements.
No, sorry, in most states you need a permit or license to also open carry.
Every situation is dangerous, unless you know the outcome. He knew shooting Martin was a possibility. He brought a gun despite that fact. CCW is there for protection, not if a situation arises you knew could happen. In that case it's manslaughter in the very least. It's not like when you go to a known dangerous neighborhood known for muggings. Even if you knew, you didn't ask the mugger to confront you. Zimmerman confronted, had a gun, so he knew the outcome if shit hit the fan. He's not a cop whose job it is to do such things. If he wants to play cop, if he shoots, he pays the consequences of going to jail.

I dunno. If I could carry, I would carry all the time. You never know what could happen at anytime.

But I agree, it is a very big responsibility to carry.
Just remember folks, there are plenty of folks who have a small firearm hidden on their person who do not have a CCW permit. If they shoot you in defense of their life they still walk free.
No, sorry, in most states you need a permit or license to also open carry.

Those laws are unconstitutional, but somehow because of the higher population excuse, no one questions them. The Patriot Act is also unconstitutional. It has several provisions which require constitutional amendments to enforce.
I dunno. If I could carry, I would carry all the time. You never know what could happen at anytime.

But I agree, it is a very big responsibility to carry.

But would you use it to confront thugs? Even if you knew 100% they were real thugs. In your apartment complex? Would you actively search potential threats? That's the difference. If someone were on your actual property that would be one thing.
But would you use it to confront thugs? Even if you knew 100% they were real thugs. In your apartment complex? Would you actively search potential threats? That's the difference. If someone were on your actual property that would be one thing.
Zimmerman wasn't actively searching for potential threats, he was on his way to the grocery store. Why would he think someone would be out there in the pouring rain?

I was once in a real bad blizzard , 10 below, howling winds and so much snow you couldn't see 20 feet. I didn't worry about anyone possibly trying to break in that night ( not that I really ever worry about that)
Do you teach if you pull the trigger, I better be to kill? There are many other alternatives to using a gun. The gun is last resort. You also aim for center of mass, the chest. You don't shoot arms or legs as they show in movies. You keep firing until they fall. I know it may sound harsh or cruel to some, but you shoot to save your life.

Zimmerman brought a gun. You only bring a gun to dangerous situations. If he felt it was that dangeroud, he shouldn't have confronted. When you CCW you have certain fiduciary duties than those who don't. It's not a free license to shoot your mouth off and know you have a gun, which gives you secretly the upper hand. CCW is there to protect you in case trouble comes to you, not to protect you in going after potential trouble.

Zimmerman's screwed once this goes to trial. He has nothing to stand on. It's manslaughter in the very least. And his punishment will have nothing to do with shooting a wannabe black thug.

FINALLY..........somebody GETS IT. And by the way I was a direct student of Coopers at Gunsite in the old days. That should answer your questions above quite completely. And also shortcut the nonsense as regards " incapacitory wounding ". But no I don't teach anyone to empty the mag , double/triple tap , acquire next. Don't want to run that mag dry and get caught by a secondary opponent while in the middle of a mag change.

If you are a holder of a CCW you are held to a higher standard of behavior. This means holding your mud over petty little bullshit such idiots flipping you off in traffic and the like , if you're walking down the street towards a group of thugs have the damn commonsense to cross the street.

Furthermore *IF* it becomes necessary to fire you better be damn certain of your surroundings , stray bullets carry no names and if you park one in the wrong place , say an innocent're going to jail.

And thank you for highlighting again that ***wrong is wrong*** regardless of colors involved.
FINALLY..........somebody GETS IT. And by the way I was a direct student of Coopers at Gunsite in the old days. That should answer your questions above quite completely. And also shortcut the nonsense as regards " incapacitory wounding ". But no I don't teach anyone to empty the mag , double/triple tap , acquire next. Don't want to run that mag dry and get caught by a secondary opponent while in the middle of a mag change.

If you are a holder of a CCW you are held to a higher standard of behavior. This means holding your mud over petty little bullshit such idiots flipping you off in traffic and the like , if you're walking down the street towards a group of thugs have the damn commonsense to cross the street.

Furthermore *IF* it becomes necessary to fire you better be damn certain of your surroundings , stray bullets carry no names and if you park one in the wrong place , say an innocent're going to jail.

And thank you for highlighting again that ***wrong is wrong*** regardless of colors involved.
If you see "thugs" walking your way, they will take it as highly offensive if you cross the street in order to avoid them.