trayvan martin

Now the dude's mom is trying to trademark his name. And I say dude because he was 17 and 6' 3" tall. Not the 13 or 14 year old kid they're showing on the news.

No shit. Well it looks like everyone involved is using this to make a point or a profit. Sad, really quite sad when a parent tries to profit from the death of a child.
No shit. Well it looks like everyone involved is using this to make a point or a profit. Sad, really quite sad when a parent tries to profit from the death of a child.
She maybe be trying to stop people from profitting off her sons death. Possible she wants to use the money to raise awareness for her cause what ever that cause may be.

One of the links mentions that also.
he was 17 ..he was a kid..does not matter how tall he is...and he was skinny ..he was a 6 foot 3 stringbean.. funny how this retard zimmerman has called 911 50 plus times in the last 7 years...what a fucking moron this guy is...zimmerman has also had the police to his home twice for domestic violence ..he also played the "she hit me first" card..his girlfriend is 17 and he has been committing statutory rape for 2 years...zimmerman was also arrested for battery to a federal agent when he shoved an atf officer.....

You are just like the news - you post things with no proof, leave out things that don't fit your adgenda, and basically post bullshit.

"he was 17 ..he was a kid..does not matter how tall he is...and he was skinny ..he was a 6 foot 3 stringbean"
How many 17 year old "Kids" have commited asaults, rapes, murder? Where is the current photo of the stringbean? How much did he weigh? Are you telling us you could whip any skinny 17 year old "kid" out there?

"zimmerman was also arrested for battery to a federal agent when he shoved an atf officer....."
This is the standard charge when law enforcement abuse a citizen, you also forgot to mention that the charge was dropped because no crime was commited.

"zimmerman has called 911 50 plus times in the last 7 years...what a fucking moron this guy is"
As neighborhood watch - calling 911 is what the homeowners, and police want you to do. How many calls resulted in the police detaining subjects, how many calls stopped crimes?

You know nothing of what actually happened - nor do I, but you still spew your opinions as if they were proven fact. Only time will tell what happened, but for now you know nothing, so quit posting shit - innocent until proven guilty is for Black, White, and even Hispanic folks.....

You are just like the news - you post things with no proof, leave out things that don't fit your adgenda, and basically post bullshit.

"he was 17 ..he was a kid..does not matter how tall he is...and he was skinny ..he was a 6 foot 3 stringbean"
How many 17 year old "Kids" have commited asaults, rapes, murder? Where is the current photo of the stringbean? How much did he weigh? Are you telling us you could whip any skinny 17 year old "kid" out there?

"zimmerman was also arrested for battery to a federal agent when he shoved an atf officer....."
This is the standard charge when law enforcement abuse a citizen, you also forgot to mention that the charge was dropped because no crime was commited.

"zimmerman has called 911 50 plus times in the last 7 years...what a fucking moron this guy is"
As neighborhood watch - calling 911 is what the homeowners, and police want you to do. How many calls resulted in the police detaining subjects, how many calls stopped crimes?

You know nothing of what actually happened - nor do I, but you still spew your opinions as if they were proven fact. Only time will tell what happened, but for now you know nothing, so quit posting shit - innocent until proven guilty is for Black, White, and even Hispanic folks.....

Wow someone who actually gets it.
Not really, a person not CONVICTED of any violent crime can carry CCW, in a few states you don't even need a permit or license. You don't need any special circumstances at all to carry concealed, just be a citizen, it's your right.

Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crimes.

Thats right i can literally walk into a gun store look at their wide array of pistols long guns and all other guns, buy it in 5 min walk out the door and carry it in the open anywhere i want except as defined under my state statute.
Shortly after Zimmerman called 911 and admittingly stalked a fucking coon


thanks for the info. more proof that stand your ground laws are as retarded as this zimmerman character and that town's police force.

I think the stand your ground law is fine...

I live in a state that does not have the SYG law

I have a friend who was at home asleep was approached by an asshole with a shotgun in the wee hours of the morning tearing shit up on his property, threats a flying ,the asshole aimed and was shot by my friend with a shotgun who was defending himself, his home and family

my friend was released after a few weeks of deliberation and the scumbag is still in jail !

I am proud of what my friend did, I will defend what is mine !

each state has different particulars related to the SYG law...
Shit i love the SYG law, its really scary when you live in a state where the law states you have to try and get away first, thats some risky shit right there.
NO YOU were the one making no sense when you even bothered to bring the factor of CCW into the whole thing , and as usual you shot off your mouth without knowing the slightest of what you were attempting to wax expert on.

I have already proven you wrong on every level, to continue to argue about it is only making you look more and more like a child BRO! You have NOTHING of substance to provide, you falsely accuse others of things they didn't do and when asked to prove your assertions you can't do it, therefore proving you are WRONG!! You have been PROVEN to be in error, no amount of bitching will change your amount of ERROR in the slightest.
A bit arrogant aren't ya there fella? Got a valet to open the door for your ego since it arrives fifteen minutes ahead of your body?

Do you see me running from you? I still seem to be present don't I? And " debate " , were you debating? I really hadn't noticed in between the strawmen , red herrings , ad hominem , elistist bullshit snobbery , braggadacio and chest beating over your purported wealth etc.etc..

You're an egocentric buffoon who is incapable of any real debate , you at times can indulge in minor by rote regurgitation of stuff you've heard/acquired but an original thought would have a dark and lonely journey to the light of day across the dim recesses of your alleged mind.

And damn straight that I'm abrasive to individuals such as yourself who smugly think that they're better than the rest of the world and that they get to dictate to others.

And indeed that;s the whole problem here , you expect folks to submit to you , I won't and then I'll spit in your eye too , and bullying twats such as yourself can never quite deal with that.

No get back to me when you can actually take what you dish out. Other than that like I said go crawl back in your insular white bread neighborhood where everybody looks the same , talks the same , walks the same bla bla bla BBAAAAAA BLLEAAATTT BBAAAA.

Now ya like them apples Yankee?
You have proof of these claims? I didn't think so. Go back to raping little children.
Police Report said:
“While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and he was covered in grass, as if he was laying on his back on the ground,” Smith wrote in the police report. “Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and the back of the head.”

I suppose the police are liars and it's all a racist conspiracy?

You are just like the news - you post things with no proof, leave out things that don't fit your adgenda, and basically post bullshit.

"he was 17 ..he was a kid..does not matter how tall he is...and he was skinny ..he was a 6 foot 3 stringbean"
How many 17 year old "Kids" have commited asaults, rapes, murder? Where is the current photo of the stringbean? How much did he weigh? Are you telling us you could whip any skinny 17 year old "kid" out there?

"zimmerman was also arrested for battery to a federal agent when he shoved an atf officer....."
This is the standard charge when law enforcement abuse a citizen, you also forgot to mention that the charge was dropped because no crime was commited.

"zimmerman has called 911 50 plus times in the last 7 years...what a fucking moron this guy is"
As neighborhood watch - calling 911 is what the homeowners, and police want you to do. How many calls resulted in the police detaining subjects, how many calls stopped crimes?

You know nothing of what actually happened - nor do I, but you still spew your opinions as if they were proven fact. Only time will tell what happened, but for now you know nothing, so quit posting shit - innocent until proven guilty is for Black, White, and even Hispanic folks.....

So now Trayvon is a rapist and murderer and even if he were, you and Zimmerman have this awesome psychic ability to guess his prior arrest record. That is some crazy judgment ability, or maybe prejudgment...prejudge... prejudice?

You know nothing of what actually happened - nor do I, but you still spew your opinions as if they were proven fact. Only time will tell what happened, but for now you know nothing, so quit posting shit - innocent until proven guilty is for Black, White, and even Hispanic folks.....

Maybe you should aim that BOTH ways then , cause it sure seems like an awful lot of folks here are quite willing to convict the victim based upon thin and nebulous criteria.