trayvan martin

And that brings us very neatly to that deeper , darker picture I spoke of. Wherein folks will trivialise a tragic death , the media and politicians will exploit it.........and the submerged attitudes and prejudices come out of the closet to the forefront and show just *exactly* the esteem which certain folks hold their fellow members of humanity in. But then of course they aren't human unless of a certain socioeconomic class and suitable racial profile.

" You can't WALK here , your PAPERS...NOW"..........

And it's all relatively speaking hilarious , because if an individual such as Zimmerman ran up on MeloDrama and ran the same game then MeloDrama would be highly indignant and bitching up a storm about why it was so " wrong".......hypocrisy from that quarter rather seems to be the order of the day.

And it's a growing syndrome , Zimmerman will quite likely turn out to be the equivalent of a Proto-Brownshirt.And certain individuals here are not all that far behind them.
Oh ya fool.

UH HUH. But NO address of your completely erroneous point , why am I not surprised at that? AGAIN would you care to detail the handgun purchasing laws or will you still atempt to throw a blanket generalisation over purchasing requirements in all fifty states?

Since you now make the claim that I'm a " fool" , then it should be relatively " easy" to prove me in error on this subject , shouldn't it? I mean really what does that say about YOU if you fail to prove me a " fool" on this?
UH HUH. But NO address of your completely erroneous point , why am I not surprised at that? AGAIN would you care to detail the handgun purchasing laws or will you still atempt to throw a blanket generalisation over purchasing requirements in all fifty states?

Since you now make the claim that I'm a " fool" , then it should be relatively " easy" to prove me in error on this subject , shouldn't it? I mean really what does that say about YOU if you fail to prove me a " fool" on this?

I go in the store.
walk to the gun counter.
look at guns.
ask to see one or two.
Say " I like that one ill take it"
I do my paper work, 3-5 min later im out the door.
Now actually at that point i can walk anywhere except as defined by state law court houses, police station, etc open carrying my fire arm fully loaded and chambered.
That is the process any day of the week.

Didn't take long. a couple of pushes.

Now to collect on the bet.

Go collect your BrownShirt boy , you damned straight I Godwinned it , deliberately just for you and your goosesteppers. And I note quite amusedly that you're still argueing via ad hominem and carefully staying away from the talking points and any rebuttal of same.'re pretty much toast , reduced to a petty clown on the 'Net attempting domination via juvenile insult whilst smugly proclaiming himself better than everyone else.

Perhaps you'll someday learn that wealth and privilege does not allow you to dominate and hold sway of other members of humanity , but I doubt it. Perhaps you'll eventually learn that civility and courtesy extended gets returned...but I doubt it.

Those basic life lessons that most learned at Mommas knee were never taught to you , or you're a sociopath who views the rest of humanity as a subservient toy for you to play with.

Which is it boy?
I go in the store.
walk to the gun counter.
look at guns.
ask to see one or two.
Say " I like that one ill take it"
I do my paper work, 3-5 min later im out the door.
Now actually at that point i can walk anywhere except as defined by state law court houses, police station, etc open carrying my fire arm fully loaded and chambered.
That is the process any day of the week.

Ronin doesn't understand that you are talking about the state you live in, he has poor reading comprehension and thinks you are saying that you can do that in any state in the nation. he reads things too fast and misses words and therefore misses the meaning of those words. Either that or he is from some high context culture and doesn't understand low context speech. I don't know if its a genetic malady, like autism or if he really is just that bad with language. He uses the wrong words all the time, has no idea on some of them actually, just strings them together trying to sound intelligent.
Go collect your BrownShirt boy , you damned straight I Godwinned it , deliberately just for you and your goosesteppers. And I note quite amusedly that you're still argueing via ad hominem and carefully staying away from the talking points and any rebuttal of same.'re pretty much toast , reduced to a petty clown on the 'Net attempting domination via juvenile insult whilst smugly proclaiming himself better than everyone else.

Perhaps you'll someday learn that wealth and privilege does not allow you to dominate and hold sway of other members of humanity , but I doubt it. Perhaps you'll eventually learn that civility and courtesy extended gets returned...but I doubt it.

Those basic life lessons that most learned at Mommas knee were never taught to you , or you're a sociopath who views the rest of humanity as a subservient toy for you to play with.

Which is it boy?
Civility and courtesy? Kettle meet pot x infinity.

You really are quite the character.
Hey Ronin, in the state in which I reside, I can buy guns with no paperwork, no background check, no identification and its all legal.
I go in the store.
walk to the gun counter.
look at guns.
ask to see one or two.
Say " I like that one ill take it"
I do my paper work, 3-5 min later im out the door.
Now actually at that point i can walk anywhere except as defined by state law court houses, police station, etc open carrying my fire arm fully loaded and chambered.
That is the process any day of the week.

BWHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.............shot yourself RIGHT in BOTH feet and the pecker to boot. ' Cause sorry that's NOT the " process" in " all fifty states".............apparently you've never heard of the " waiting period" go do some very basic research and get back to me on this. You can then detail for us all exactly which states are " waiting period states" and for WHAT firearms , and you can also detail items for us such as The Sullivan Act ( NYC).........and since you're so well informed perhaps you'd care to detail the *specific ammunition laws* as regards *specific locales*.

Now go ahead and sidestep , crawfish all you care to , however mere cursory research as regards the above will show that your original statement was in drastic error and the corollary FACT that you're woefully misinformed as regards the firearms acquisition process and it's variable within the various States.

SHOW us all where you claim I'm incorrect.Anything less is just more bullshit on your part.
Ronin doesn't understand that you are talking about the state you live in, he has poor reading comprehension and thinks you are saying that you can do that in any state in the nation. he reads things too fast and misses words and therefore misses the meaning of those words. Either that or he is from some high context culture and doesn't understand low context speech. I don't know if its a genetic malady, like autism or if he really is just that bad with language. He uses the wrong words all the time, has no idea on some of them actually, just strings them together trying to sound intelligent.
I think he's just a brainwashed yuppie who believes weird media propaganda about not having gun rights in america or its really really hard to obtain guns in all 50 states. Only the most certified graduates of firearms schools can buy gun's under extremely strict guidelines. Something like japan's gun laws.
Ronin doesn't understand that you are talking about the state you live in, he has poor reading comprehension and thinks you are saying that you can do that in any state in the nation. he reads things too fast and misses words and therefore misses the meaning of those words. Either that or he is from some high context culture and doesn't understand low context speech. I don't know if its a genetic malady, like autism or if he really is just that bad with language. He uses the wrong words all the time, has no idea on some of them actually, just strings them together trying to sound intelligent.

BLAH B:LAH BL:Ah yet more ad hominem attacking the person , with no proof of error. It figures. As I said you're done. Now since his postulation was that you can walk in just about anywhere and purchase a handgun you will of course be able to show evidence that it's a TRUE statement.

It really is as simple as that. And all your faux intellectual bullshit in an attempt to prop up your ego won't change that in the slightest.

And the whole purchase issue , like the CCW issue is nothing more than deflection from the central issue here , it's not pertinent to that main issue.

And if you demand that I sit and let erroneous hyperbole stated as Gospel truth fly by uncorrected then you demand that in vain.
BWHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.............shot yourself RIGHT in BOTH feet and the pecker to boot. ' Cause sorry that's NOT the " process" in " all fifty states".............apparently you've never heard of the " waiting period" go do some very basic research and get back to me on this. You can then detail for us all exactly which states are " waiting period states" and for WHAT firearms , and you can also detail items for us such as The Sullivan Act ( NYC).........and since you're so well informed perhaps you'd care to detail the *specific ammunition laws* as regards *specific locales*.

Now go ahead and sidestep , crawfish all you care to , however mere cursory research as regards the above will show that your original statement was in drastic error and the corollary FACT that you're woefully misinformed as regards the firearms acquisition process and it's variable within the various States.

SHOW us all where you claim I'm incorrect.Anything less is just more bullshit on your part.

I dont think im alone here when i say, WHAT THE FUCK YOU RAMBLING ABOUT?