And that brings us very neatly to that deeper , darker picture I spoke of. Wherein folks will trivialise a tragic death , the media and politicians will exploit it.........and the submerged attitudes and prejudices come out of the closet to the forefront and show just *exactly* the esteem which certain folks hold their fellow members of humanity in. But then of course they aren't human unless of a certain socioeconomic class and suitable racial profile.
" You can't WALK here , your PAPERS...NOW"..........
And it's all relatively speaking hilarious , because if an individual such as Zimmerman ran up on MeloDrama and ran the same game then MeloDrama would be highly indignant and bitching up a storm about why it was so " wrong".......hypocrisy from that quarter rather seems to be the order of the day.
And it's a growing syndrome , Zimmerman will quite likely turn out to be the equivalent of a Proto-Brownshirt.And certain individuals here are not all that far behind them.