Check this Texas flashlight out.

This is the worst idea. Not ever, but holy fuck.

"Now you're ready to go for your walk. Gets nasty? Down to business."

Where the fuck you walking kid?

How about the fact that this is a school massacre waiting to happen. "Hey guys, look what I found in my Dad's closet." "You know what? I hate jocks." bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.
Your kid is dead. That kid too. And the one over there. And that one's paralyzed. Oh look, that one will lose that arm. Hey, there's one bleeding to death. Cool gun though.....................WTF!
Didn't Freedom produce the first production .554 Casull. Not a round for the faint of heart but stopping power probably. I don't disagree with mindphuk on the facts of the situation dictating how you store and ready your firearms. I can't really keep hot guns around with the kids. They have taken their gun safety courses and handle them well but it's their friends I would worry about. :-|

Amok the 1 oz copper solid was refering to was Reminton's One Oz copper solid designed for deer. I guess solids must have more than one application. As far as FMJ .45 ammo I was just suggesting that it's more than sufficient for Harry Homeowner. I can go buy reloaded .45 FMJ's at a great price and shoot all day and have every confidence as a homeowner that that same cheap round will knock pretty much any intruder on his ass. Lots of better bullet desgns out there and some better rounds as well but I don't really expect to be in a shoot out where I'm dropping clips and you seem more geared to a combat situation than a home defense one. Wouldn't be picking up the .45 when I heard breaking glass anyway.:shock:

All this because I was comfortable walking the dog with a N. American arms 5 shot .22 Magnum. Ten minutes to relaod ha ha but drops right in the pocket and I don't want to get shot with a .22 magnum at four feet either. (I think they just came out with a break open):D
I wasn't kidding. This is the biggest flashlight I've ever seen. 2000 lumens, $200 and 9" long

[TABLE="class: colors_descriptionbox, width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 1"][/TD]
[TD="width: 100%"][TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD]• PURE POWER 2000 LM: Ultra-Bright LEDs Capable of 2000 Lumens
• ULTRA POWERFUL LED TECHNOLOGY: Emits a much stronger beam of light much further than any halogen based flashlight.
• 5 MODES: High, Medium, Low, SOS and Strobe
• RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: Lithium-Ion, recharges over 500 times
• CROSS-DIAMOND GRIP: Precision cut grip covers most of the battery pack/stem.
• MILITARY-GRADE ALUMINUM: Strong aluminum shell is light weight but strong
• WEATHER RESISTANT: Water resistant and designed to work in all weather conditions.
• COMPACT SIZE: 8.75 Inches long
• LONG BULB LIFESPAN: 3,000 hour bulb lifespan


Is that one of those self defense flash lights? A guy I used to worked with has one, he shined it sort of near my eyes inside an office and I couldn't see shit, the outside rim was shaped like that one too, however his was sharpened, it was designed to smash in eyes.

Gnarly little gadget he got for $75 at a gun show.
This is the worst idea. Not ever, but holy fuck.

"Now you're ready to go for your walk. Gets nasty? Down to business."

Where the fuck you walking kid?

How about the fact that this is a school massacre waiting to happen. "Hey guys, look what I found in my Dad's closet." "You know what? I hate jocks." bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.
Your kid is dead. That kid too. And the one over there. And that one's paralyzed. Oh look, that one will lose that arm. Hey, there's one bleeding to death. Cool gun though.....................WTF!

Republican extremists are the toughest people in the world. Mexicans and Muslims are trying to steal their freedoms, you think they're going to give up their Nascar, and inedible portions of steak? All he was saying is that sometimes Mexicans and Muslims try to steal your freedom of walking your dog and taking out the trash, I don't get why it's such a hard concept to grasp here guys.
Single action revolvers are certainly an exception which is why I mentioned antiques and that would include any modern revolver replicas used for cowboy action shooting which is basically what those Freedom Arms are sold for. Anyone that owns a single action should understand that you store it with the hammer over an empty chamber.

If you have a gun that doesn't have a drop safety, it is not going to be a good choice for a home defense weapon IMO. However, someone telling me that it is dangerous to keep a round in the chamber after I disclosed the actual guns I use, doesn't know what they are talking about. Every firearms expert will tell you the same thing.
As far as I know, the single-action revolvers styled after cowboy weapons, particularly the Colt SAA (notably Italian and Brazilian manufacture, but Ruger played that game as well) all have transfer bar safeties that greatly reduce the chance of a drop fire. The Freedom Arms guns occupy (and used to define) a specialty niche ... handguns for rounds of extreme power, either proprietary (like the .454 Casull and .500 WE rounds) (like the 50AE and the .500 S&W Mag, this is actually a .49-bore) or "overdriven" classics like .44 mag and .45 LC.

For bedside duty, I have a Series 80 Colt autoloader with 230-grain HP rounds. For all the interesting developments in small high-pressure handgun cartridges, the venerable, low-pressure (18900 cup) .45ACP round works ... and it has one endearing quality - it isn't quite the sonic stun grenade that the Magnums, 9s and 40s all are. All jmo. cn
BALL? Don't care much about overpenetration do you , and news for you fmj ammo ain't really noted for stopping power. And what's with the crap about " copper solids ".? Do you even know what a real solid is utilised for? And you aren't carrying an ounce slug in *any* sidearm .

You want *real* stopping slugs in .45 acp then look to the 210 grain Hydrashok copy or the 200 or 185 grain JHPs , there are quite a few decent ones out there , 7.5 grains of Alliant Power pistol pushes any one of these to around 900 fps or better out of my fullsize Sigs or 1911s ( Springfield) , a bit less out of the 220c. I generally keep a lot of the Hornady XTP 200 grain JHPs loaded as just all-round type ammo.
Teeny tiny niggle. I had a bullet mold for a .500 Linebaugh that threw 480-grain slugs of wheelweight. That's north of an ounce. The gun is a normal-sized five-shooter on a Ruger Bisley frame with a 5 1/2-inch barrel. it was made for me by a very talented pistolsmith out of Mississippi. Firing those big slugs at an honest 1200fps was a real eye-opener - second-hardest-kicking handgun I've fired. (I've fired a shorty .454 firing full-boat loads, and that wasn't #1 either.) cn
Is there a fleshlight flashlight available with 2000 lumens would someone pm me?

I'm not so sure that would be such a bright idea. cn
Didn't Freedom produce the first production .554 Casull. Not a round for the faint of heart but stopping power probably. I don't disagree with mindphuk on the facts of the situation dictating how you store and ready your firearms. I can't really keep hot guns around with the kids. They have taken their gun safety courses and handle them well but it's their friends I would worry about. :-|

Amok the 1 oz copper solid was refering to was Reminton's One Oz copper solid designed for deer. I guess solids must have more than one application. As far as FMJ .45 ammo I was just suggesting that it's more than sufficient for Harry Homeowner. I can go buy reloaded .45 FMJ's at a great price and shoot all day and have every confidence as a homeowner that that same cheap round will knock pretty much any intruder on his ass. Lots of better bullet desgns out there and some better rounds as well but I don't really expect to be in a shoot out where I'm dropping clips and you seem more geared to a combat situation than a home defense one. Wouldn't be picking up the .45 when I heard breaking glass anyway.:shock:

All this because I was comfortable walking the dog with a N. American arms 5 shot .22 Magnum. Ten minutes to relaod ha ha but drops right in the pocket and I don't want to get shot with a .22 magnum at four feet either. (I think they just came out with a break open):D

Wrong again , it's the .454 Casull , I should know since I load the cartridge ( among myriad others) and you might as well stop with the " I was talking about the 1oz copper solid" , since if course the ONLY copper solids catalogued by Remington are saboted slugs for shotguns.

And damn straight " there are other solids" , a fact that if you weren't busy trying to convince folks here that you know something you don't you'd be aware of.

And it's not a freaking CLIP it's a M A G A Z I NE. And it's not because you mentioned ANY .22 mag , it's because you're attempting to bullshit folks that you know something that you don't.

Bluntly , you know diddly squat about the .45 acp or firearms in the general sense , and it shows *immediately* when you attempt to play at being an expert.
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I have a Colt Mustang Plus II (.380) and it has serious stovepipe issues. I fired it less than 100 times, stovepiping at least 10, for me and others. I put it back in its case and it has been there since, save cleaning and oil occasionally. What is the best ammo for this gun to prevent this? I would prefer hollowpoints. Thank you.
Clayton, I can think of two things.
Since it is a rather new gun, it's not "broken in". Usually guns like that need to eat 200-300 rounds of ball before they settle in.
The other thing would be to select a mainspring one level lighter ... most stovepipes are a symptom of incomplete slide travel.

I'd load the hottest ammo with the heaviest bullet in the interim, like something from Cor-Bon. cn
Thanks cn. I considered that too, but having never had that problem with any of my other pistols I disregarded it. My brother (20 yrs SF) told me it's my "limp wristed throwing style" (think Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds). It happened to him too. It's the only Colt I have owned and heard they can be very tempermental. I bought it in the early 90's right before they stopped making them. Mine is SS and I see them going for about $1100 now. (I paid $330 new) With a bag of other options I wonder if I should put some more through it or keep it as prestine as possible. I do need a smaller piece for my new job. I may go Keltec for it though. Know anything about them?
lol at the Lamar reference, Clayton! You need a flexible link in the barrel!

Small autos do not take kindly to a hold that's not very firm. I've heard of Kel-Tec, but to me that firm is one of several making cheap guns not intended for much more than backup duty. I'd stick with a proven performer (like Sig-Sauer) or switch gun types entirely. I have a little S&W Model Sixty that is small enough, totally reliable and throws a mean slug. cn

<add> I see you changed your sig back. I don't know whether to be disappointed ... or relieved. ;) cn

<edit> Maybe have a competent pistolsmith give it a once-over. Sometimes it's something really simple, like a burr in the feed ramp or something polishable in the sliding surfaces.
Thanks cn. I considered that too, but having never had that problem with any of my other pistols I disregarded it. My brother (20 yrs SF) told me it's my "limp wristed throwing style" (think Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds). It happened to him too. It's the only Colt I have owned and heard they can be very tempermental. I bought it in the early 90's right before they stopped making them. Mine is SS and I see them going for about $1100 now. (I paid $330 new) With a bag of other options I wonder if I should put some more through it or keep it as prestine as possible. I do need a smaller piece for my new job. I may go Keltec for it though. Know anything about them?
If you want small, try a Kahr PM40 or PM9. The .40 is my backup and it is smaller than my S&W model 60 .38 special snubby I used to own.
Republican extremists are the toughest people in the world. Mexicans and Muslims are trying to steal their freedoms, you think they're going to give up their Nascar, and inedible portions of steak? All he was saying is that sometimes Mexicans and Muslims try to steal your freedom of walking your dog and taking out the trash, I don't get why it's such a hard concept to grasp here guys.

.lol. :D .lol.
Is that one of those self defense flash lights? A guy I used to worked with has one, he shined it sort of near my eyes inside an office and I couldn't see shit, the outside rim was shaped like that one too, however his was sharpened, it was designed to smash in eyes.

Gnarly little gadget he got for $75 at a gun show.

It's not specifically intended for self defense, just a super strong hand spotlight. The 2000 lumen Cree is easily double the power necessary to blind someone for many seconds, especially on strobe mode. The $75 1000 lumen Cree is the best compromise IMO. The wife and I each have a 400 lumen Cree that will put a perfect 12' circle of white light 100 yards away. Those were $20 each.

Bulb powered flashlights, like the piece of shit on the weapon this thread is about, will be gone in the next five years.
can you elaborate on the term stove pipeing? is that where it will seemingly feed to fast? and jam?

A stove pipe jam happens generally because the slide does not move all the way to the rear of the frame when cycling and the round becomes trapped in the ejection port standing straight up like the proverbial stove pipe. 8)