Check this Texas flashlight out.

Amok and I are just chatting. He is a gun toting god fearing American just like me. I bet he even drives a pick-up just like I do. We have more in common than not were just getting caught up in the net. LOL. Hell were both on a stoner forum and not a gun or hunting forum so wtf. Hell I bet given a chance I would smoke a bone maybe catch a few fish and do a little plinking. The internet is so open to interpretation it sometimes leads to arguing and name calling. OOPS, my bad.
Amok you have a good day and maybe we can burn a few boxes of factory reloaded .45 FMJ. someday and stop eating swaged lead bullets. Geez JK
Amok.. Your slipping further and further away. Overpenetration?? The only "overpenetration" I worry about is the drywall in my home separating the bedrooms and who are these combatants your talking about?? I'm just harry homeowner being prepared for an intruder. Where did you even get that? Further back up the thread I said if I had an option I would reach for a simple little 870 youth gun with three inch #4 buckshot. Dude your just making it up as you go along and are getting too angry. I can't even respond cause I don't know where you got it. I may have opined but show me where I advised. You didn't seem to be bothered by all the .223's in this thread for in home use did you.
"Ego Ridden Fakes"??(that makes no sense). What have I "faked"?? Oh yes I said 554 casull instead of 542... That was misleading sorry. Dude don't you have a militia meeting tonight? If not maybe you should be contacting a shrink cause your fried big time. You do realize that your borderline psychotic and should probably not even own a firearm. Your like a poster child for gun control and your gonna ruin it for all of us. Geez.
Oh Yes oh great pyschotic one of course .45 FMJ while not the best choice it is certainly sufficient for a homeowner to stop an unwanted guest. I'm thinking an old 1911 carrying .45 FMJ would by any standards be considered a fine "DEFENSIVE" round. No I don't know anything about swaging or casting and little about reloading. Oh wait I did use to cast round balls for my old TC .56 smoothbore. :D

If you live in a state that requires you to renew your license let me give you a hint for the interview. Don't talk and don't wear your black tactical outfit to the meeting. :hump:
How about taking this to PM's instead of filling the thread with hate?
Myself (and I'm willing to bet the rest of the thread participants) would appreciate it.
All your little bullshit " you are's" is what I *am* there Mr. Ego , I *AM* a licensed defensive handgun instructor , I *am* a competition shooter of both Rifles and Handguns in several different disciplines , I *do* reload for more different cartridges that you quite likely have *ever* even owned.
RA, have you ever heard or know anyone that has trained using Center Axis Relock system developed by Paul Castle?
How about taking this to PM's instead of filling the thread with hate?
Myself (and I'm willing to bet the rest of the thread participants) would appreciate it.

Nope. This clown is spouting crap that has the potential to get folks hurt or DEAD , it ain't weed where you just end up killing a plant , ain't NO winners in a bad firearms incident , only losers.
Bullshit. You don't know much about firearms if you think the only safety is a trigger block. Why do virtually all LEO and gun experts carry condition 1? Again, I'm not talking about antiques but modern weapons. Guns do not discharge from a hard bump. A firing pin has to more than just move and touch the primer, it has to have impart force. Find me a web reference from a qualified firearms expert that agrees with your claim. Post a link and prove me wrong.

I know more about firearms they I let on, I believe I said most firearms and if you believe that a load gun with the safety on won't discharge from being bumped go load all you fire arms chamber a round and put the safety on then go drop it on a hard floor and see how many fire. And define modern firearms
I know more about firearms they I let on, I believe I said most firearms and if you believe that a load gun with the safety on won't discharge from being bumped go load all you fire arms chamber a round and put the safety on then go drop it on a hard floor and see how many fire. And define modern firearms
A modern handgun would be one that has been designed and produced after the REQUIREMENT for drop safeties. You seem to keep your knowledge of guns well hidden... still.
I know more about firearms they I let on, I believe I said most firearms and if you believe that a load gun with the safety on won't discharge from being bumped go load all you fire arms chamber a round and put the safety on then go drop it on a hard floor and see how many fire. And define modern firearms

You're sidestepping and dancing to cover your lack of knowledge as regards firearms manufacture and design. And YES I do carry and keep sidearms condition one , and NO they won't fire on a " drop" as regards *ANY* of the modern era ones. And since this started with reference to SA revolvers , well I've got enough BlackHawks , F.A.s and other single actions in a variety of cartridge chamberings to provide a test should you wish to make a wager on this and reimburse for repair costs for damage.

And since you're so allfired focused on this " safety issue" , then I suppose that you're equally focused on the well known safety issues with Glocks as referenced to the use of ammunition loaded beyond mild factory specs , I mean you DO know about the dreaded Glock " KaBoom"? Right?

And need I point out the MOST important facet of your whole ridiculous stance , that being that it's a REAL bad habit to cultivate.........dropping your sidearm........
Wow, interesting thread, and I agree that some of these things should be debated here for those of us with less knowledge, perhaps a little less dick measuring (save that for the jacked up 4x4s.)

DaBaby you had a great question about "stovepiping" and I think North answered it pretty well. For clarification, in my case it is during the feed part of the slide's action. The new round was not going into the chamber, but rather shooting up the ramp and jamming the slide sticking straight up. I did take it in and had it "throated". That was years ago, and I don't think I have fired it much since, although I will this next week. Which brings me to my next question....

Ron, what is the dreaded Glock "Kaboom"? I have cwp in two states (plus the other 20 or so that honor them) and have carried for about 15 years. It is a last resort back up to my awesome martial arts moves (which are a back up to my awesome communication skills [which are a back up to my awesome, peaceful smile]). I only carry Glocks and I always have one chambered. Of course, I treat them with repect and cannot imagine ever dropping them. I have been in two scuffles rolling around on the ground, once helping PD make an arrest, and had no problems. Please tell me what I have to worry about with the Glock being chambered and why the PD does the same. Much appreciated.
Powerball makes a great personal protection round. They are polymer tipped, which allows them to go through glass completly prior to expansion. They expansion rate is significantly better on my 9mm powerballs than my .40 carry which I have hollow points in.....just havent bought the expensive powerballs. Also, in some of the areas I have to go into, I'd like to be able to shoot through my own window and take care of business before it gets too up close and personal.

ears would hurt like a biotch though.

If you can't stop a guy with two to the chest with a 9mm you're in deeper shit than you're getting out of alive LOL!

I hate 9mm rounds. Gangbangers and rappers just love them, despite the fact that much better chambering exists. And the "from up high shooting down sideways" shooting type of crap is gonna win you a Darwin award. Ignorant, uneducated, retarded. 9x19mm Luger was a good round 60 years ago.. You can get hydroshock rounds which are better, they're more frangible (better transfer of kinetic energy), and have a hardened core for penetration. Very high velocity rounds have a shock-effect to the human body that can cause rupturing of blood vessels in the brain when they take a hit to the chest.. Its unreliable, though, and doesn't always happen. Also, higher velocity rounds are more difficult to suppress, due to the sound barrier getting broken.. Subsonic is better for suppressed fire, so a higher caliber is the way to go for that. I saw an .80 caliber revolver once, and yes it does exist, but never got to fire it. Apparently the curved handle of revolvers really limits how much power you can grip. If you've ever shot a .44 magnum, you know what I'm talking about. Or even a .357 magnum. The 1911 fixed that problem. Also if you're gonna shoot through windows, it doesn't matter at all if you have a coating on your bullet, its gonna deflect anyway. From inside shooting out through the front, aim higher. Outside shooting in through the front, aim lower. And solid copper shotgun slugs are most proficient at disabling vehicles... You can bust an engine block with one hit..

I remember the Sons Of Guns episode about the hiking flashlight or whatever they called it.. They used a MAC-11 in .45ACP, and the case they built really sucked.. it was thick as hell. They should have made a custom receiver, so that the case is part of it, and no wider.

Speaking of gun shows, how about American Guns? I love watching the hottie on that show strut around with her hiphuggers and tight jeans. She's so fine.
Also I wanted to add.. there was a movie a few years back about an alien invasion in a supermarket.. One of the "good guys" was this black dude with a shotgun, and every time he got a line, he racked his shotgun! Im thinking, ok there goes another shell on the ground.. he's gonna be empty before he fires his first shot! Fucking hollywood. Anything you learned about guns from hollywood and games, FORGET. Its all garbage. People all the time talk shit about how crappy this gun or that gun is, because they had a bad experience with it in Call Of Duty or some shit.

Glocks have an excellent safety system that allow you to safely keep a round chambered. But *nothing* is 100% safe, nothing. Thats why when you rack your semiauto pistol, you point it in a safe direction first, or into a device that can capture the round on slamfire. Try chambering a round, and then check the primer.. You will probably find a little dent from the firing pin, because on most guns the firing pin has to be a little out of the bolt face. My M-14 leaves a big dent on the primer before its fired.. kinda scares me. So I only use military ammunition for it.

If you're having stovepipe problems, you should check out some shooter forums, as they're among the most difficult to fix. Common jams are Failure to extract, or failure to eject.. or failure to chamber. Stovepiping is a type of FTEject.. usually too much energy extracting the cartridge and it bounces off the inside of the receiver.