Check this Texas flashlight out.

Rock on bliss and I think the idea of personal protection versus the combat situation is everything. Like you say if two to the chest isn't gonna do it then having a couple of extra mags ain't gonna help. Ha Ha I bought my boy a Rem 870 youth shotgun synthetic and he showed NO interest so I took it back. I mean WTF..It's just such a handy little gun that it is my in the house weapon of choice. With 3 inch #4 buckshot I figure unless someone is really coming for me I am OK. Won't go thru "too" many layers of drywall either. I'm pretty sure even the lowly .223 is going to go through the house completely and kill someone standing outside. :D
I never really thought about shooting thru the glass and I should. Multiple sliders and eye level windows make me an easy target. Would have to drag the body back inside though. No Castle Doctrine here.:evil:
Rock on bliss and I think the idea of personal protection versus the combat situation is everything. Like you say if two to the chest isn't gonna do it then having a couple of extra mags ain't gonna help. Ha Ha I bought my boy a Rem 870 youth shotgun synthetic and he showed NO interest so I took it back. I mean WTF..It's just such a handy little gun that it is my in the house weapon of choice. With 3 inch #4 buckshot I figure unless someone is really coming for me I am OK. Won't go thru "too" many layers of drywall either. I'm pretty sure even the lowly .223 is going to go through the house completely and kill someone standing outside. :D
I never really thought about shooting thru the glass and I should. Multiple sliders and eye level windows make me an easy target. Would have to drag the body back inside though. No Castle Doctrine here.:evil:

Yup, .223 will end up in your neighbors house for sure, they are so damn fast shooting. The cops that tought my class actually told us to shoot till you're story is the only one, and drag em' back in if they get out! I swear they tought us that, those guys are friends of mine, I was shocked!

They also said exactly what you're thinking about with the shotgun....the sound of a racking shotgun makes the toughest guy have chills if he thinks it's meant for him!!!!! it.
Haha it's called freakin work jimmy so I have to take my garbage out at night and it's important that I am armed when I drag the barrels up the driveway. You never know when a deranged bottle and can collector will jump out of the bushes.

i hope that's a joke
Powerball makes a great personal protection round. They are polymer tipped, which allows them to go through glass completly prior to expansion. They expansion rate is significantly better on my 9mm powerballs than my .40 carry which I have hollow points in.....just havent bought the expensive powerballs. Also, in some of the areas I have to go into, I'd like to be able to shoot through my own window and take care of business before it gets too up close and personal.

ears would hurt like a biotch though.

If you can't stop a guy with two to the chest with a 9mm you're in deeper shit than you're getting out of alive LOL!
Yep, that Cor-Bon Pow'R Ball looks like it was made to order for 1911s that can't feed jhp.

As for stopping someone with 2 to the chest, it certainly does depend on exactly where. It is entirely possible for a round to miss major blood vessels or spinal cord (CNS), especially if it doesn't expand. Without it, blood loss and/or nervous system interruption might not occur fast enough to stop an attacker, especially with handgun ammo. There have been many people killed by someone shot multiple times in the chest, even well-placed shots aren't always going to be 'movie' effective. You shoot until the threat is gone. If that takes a full magazine or 2, so be it, but the way I was trained is that my handgun is merely a tool that can be used to fight my way to a long gun. If I have immediate access to my M4 or Mossy, that's what I will use first, of course being fully aware of what is behind every wall.
Yup, .223 will end up in your neighbors house for sure, they are so damn fast shooting. The cops that tought my class actually told us to shoot till you're story is the only one, and drag em' back in if they get out! I swear they tought us that, those guys are friends of mine, I was shocked!

They also said exactly what you're thinking about with the shotgun....the sound of a racking shotgun makes the toughest guy have chills if he thinks it's meant for him!!!!! it.
Unless the tough guy is armed too and you just gave away your position. :shock: Another popular myth, no doubt inspired by movies but needs to be eliminated from the minds of anyone using a firearm for self-defense.
Not only that, but if you start out the encounter racking the shotgun, you either started with an unloaded gun or just ejected an unspent round. If you want to use sound to deter a criminal yell, "I'm armed and will shoot you!"

If you move a dead body inside your house after an attack, be prepared to be charged with a crime. If you had reasonable fear for your life or safety that warranted the use of deadly force, that should be your main legal defense, moving the body will make you look guilty of something since you found it necessary to tamper with evidence.
Unless the tough guy is armed too and you just gave away your position. :shock: Another popular myth, no doubt inspired by movies but needs to be eliminated from the minds of anyone using a firearm for self-defense.
Not only that, but if you start out the encounter racking the shotgun, you either started with an unloaded gun or just ejected an unspent round. If you want to use sound to deter a criminal yell, "I'm armed and will shoot you!"

Very good point. A flick of the safety and you should be ready to fire.
Very good point. A flick of the safety and you should be ready to fire.

Keeping a gun loaded like that is a stupid thing to Do IMO

And a Shotgun being pumped turns any persons blood cold, if you don't have time to pump it then you prob don't have time to grab it
Mindphuk... I'm smart enough to listen and you make a couple of good points. I can see that I would be creating an immediate threat to myself by racking a round. Not a problem if they are unarmed or lightly armed like a knife. Your right that the sound makes good TV and it makes me wonder why nobody ever carries a loaded gun to a gunfight. Ha Ha... I just YELLED " I'm armed and will shoot you" and the dog just shit herself.

Sig has a training site up the road a bit. I'm sure it would be a blast but it's pricey.
Keeping a gun loaded like that is a stupid thing to Do IMO
Why? I keep all of my guns loaded.
And a Shotgun being pumped turns any persons blood cold,
According to the persistent myth, sure, but IRL? Not so sure. Maybe if you come up behind someone but otherwise, why would you make any noise that someone can try to get a bead on and shoot at?
if you don't have time to pump it then you prob don't have time to grab it
I never claimed it was an issue of time. Believe me, I can tactical reload faster than you can blink. The point was that the first noise I want an intruder to hear is the blast.
Mindphuk... I'm smart enough to listen and you make a couple of good points. I can see that I would be creating an immediate threat to myself by racking a round. Not a problem if they are unarmed or lightly armed like a knife. Your right that the sound makes good TV and it makes me wonder why nobody ever carries a loaded gun to a gunfight. Ha Ha... I just YELLED " I'm armed and will shoot you" and the dog just shit herself.

Sig has a training site up the road a bit. I'm sure it would be a blast but it's pricey.
One of the most authentic movie wrt to guns IMO is Heat, probably because of the work of weapons technical advisor Andy McNab.
Why? I keep all of my guns loaded.
According to the persistent myth, sure, but IRL? Not so sure. Maybe if you come up behind someone but otherwise, why would you make any noise that someone can try to get a bead on and shoot at?
I never claimed it was an issue of time. Believe me, I can tactical reload faster than you can blink. The point was that the first noise I want an intruder to hear is the blast.

Ever drop or bump a loaded gun? And I live in a apartment block I would rather not take out someone in the building by accident
Mindphuk... I'm smart enough to listen and you make a couple of good points. I can see that I would be creating an immediate threat to myself by racking a round. Not a problem if they are unarmed or lightly armed like a knife. Your right that the sound makes good TV and it makes me wonder why nobody ever carries a loaded gun to a gunfight. Ha Ha... I just YELLED " I'm armed and will shoot you" and the dog just shit herself.

Sig has a training site up the road a bit. I'm sure it would be a blast but it's pricey.

I'm ordering a Sig mosquito in a few weeks. It's only a 22, but it's a great looking gun, and it's reasonably priced for a Sig.

I'm trying to get a group of friends together to go rent something at the Manchester firing line range. I want to get my hands on their mpl.
Ever drop or bump a loaded gun? And I live in a apartment block I would rather not take out someone in the building by accident
If you have a gun that will discharge because you drop it, either you neglected to have it on safe, it is an antique, or it needs repair by a qualified gunsmith. You can certainly keep it safety off, chamber empty, full magazine but I prefer safety on, chamber full. I am only referring to my full-time home defense weapons. They are basically 'always in-use' when I am home. For other guns, like maybe hunting or target only, keeping them unloaded is reasonable.
No prob with mags full but a loaded chamber is a bad idea, most safety's only stop trigger pull, not the pin movement, as for them being in unfit shape, it doesn't matter a hard bump will get most firing pins to move