Check this Texas flashlight out.

Well so much for everything being bigger in Texas. For fans of larger calibers and vastly increased knock down power + low-no recoil, check out Kriss' Vector. .45acp full auto smg. In sub-gun class nothing beats a .45. IMO and many others.
Looks like a very uncomfortable way to walk the dog. A little 4 inch streamlight flashlight is all I need to walk the dog and if I'm walking the dog stopping power isn't an issue. Your never gonna beat the .45 Colt with good old fashioned ball ammo for stopping power at a good price. Stopping power is situational. I guess a 1 oz copper solid has more stopping power than a .223.5.56 but I am equally afraid of both.:-?

My dog walking weapon of choice has been an N. American Arms 5 shot .22 magnum single action revolver for years. You drop it in your pocket like a pocket knife. I live in the burbs so I'm just thinking yotes but I'll tell you the .22 magnum round is an angry little bee. N.A. Arms just came out with a break action model so you don't have to pull the cylinder pin to load Sweet little gun but if I have to reload a .22 I'm screwed anyway. :D
Looks like a very uncomfortable way to walk the dog. A little 4 inch streamlight flashlight is all I need to walk the dog and if I'm walking the dog stopping power isn't an issue. Your never gonna beat the .45 Colt with good old fashioned ball ammo for stopping power at a good price. Stopping power is situational. I guess a 1 oz copper solid has more stopping power than a .223.5.56 but I am equally afraid of both.:-?
Where do you get the idea that ball (FMJ) ammo has better stopping power than hollowpoint? Modern self-defense JHP ammunition is designed specifically to impart more of its kinetic energy and cause more destruction to soft tissue in a person rather than just zip through leaving a couple of small holes. So yes, I can easily beat a .45 ACP FMJ with a smaller caliber expanding bullet. Of course if you have a 1911 then FMJ may be your only option to avoid feed and jamming problems but please don't claim that 'it can't be beat.'

BTW, what the hell is a '1 oz. copper solid'? The heaviest .45 ammo I know is about 260 gr. and they still use copper only for the jacket, lead for the core AFAIK.
Ok god damn it. My weed is good but it can't be this good. What is this with the dog walking and trash taking out? Are there invisible posts hiding from me? What the fuck?
(nice collection Ganjames)
My mistake mindphuk I explained myself poorly as usual. I was just suggesting that a .45 FMJ was tough to beat for general all purpose use and that people were soft targets.:D
Regardless of jamming concerns, expansion or energy retainment the .45 has always been a cannon. Are there better bullet designs than FMJ for knocking something down or better rounds altogether sure there are. :D
As far as the copper solid goes I was comparing apples and oranges or long arms if you will. Remington made a 12g 1 oz solid copper slug but because of the poor expansion copper offers they designed it with petals that folded back. Their claim to fame was that the four petals broke off creating additional wound channels. Great for a person but it sucked as a deer round. Ruined all the meat.:D
Haha it's called freakin work jimmy so I have to take my garbage out at night and it's important that I am armed when I drag the barrels up the driveway. You never know when a deranged bottle and can collector will jump out of the bushes.
tehgeno... I ran into a problem with underpowered .45 reloads. I don't need+P but I think they cheap out on the powder on the low end reloads. Ammunition has become so stinking expensive that I shoot crap reloads at the range. I am surprised that you have any issues with your Kimber. Nice piece.
Where do you get the idea that ball (FMJ) ammo has better stopping power than hollowpoint? Modern self-defense JHP ammunition is designed specifically to impart more of its kinetic energy and cause more destruction to soft tissue in a person rather than just zip through leaving a couple of small holes. So yes, I can easily beat a .45 ACP FMJ with a smaller caliber expanding bullet. Of course if you have a 1911 then FMJ may be your only option to avoid feed and jamming problems but please don't claim that 'it can't be beat.'

BTW, what the hell is a '1 oz. copper solid'? The heaviest .45 ammo I know is about 260 gr. and they still use copper only for the jacket, lead for the core AFAIK.

Powerball makes a great personal protection round. They are polymer tipped, which allows them to go through glass completly prior to expansion. They expansion rate is significantly better on my 9mm powerballs than my .40 carry which I have hollow points in.....just havent bought the expensive powerballs. Also, in some of the areas I have to go into, I'd like to be able to shoot through my own window and take care of business before it gets too up close and personal.

ears would hurt like a biotch though.

If you can't stop a guy with two to the chest with a 9mm you're in deeper shit than you're getting out of alive LOL!