Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Thanks. They're getting rather bush from all the topping i've done to keep them from overgrowing my cab. Will have to top before switching to flower and hope it doesn't overgrow during stretch.

Me too. Might have harvest by eeyores birthday party if I'm not mistaken


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the plus side on pushing through the filter even though it's not the recommended way of doing it. Yeah the cooltube reflector from gotham was too big for my cab. Hoping the heat will be low enough not to need to get one. Already have a grand tied up in this.
Already! Dude it will start paying off, But you will soon notice your never done and will keep putting cash into it. That is if you keep it as a hobby.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a learning experience. If I started from scratch now would be $500 Max I think. I definitely want to expand to breeding but would have way more than I could smoke. Paranoid about moving it but really could use the cash. Sigh catch 22

As for fim it depends if you want to try cloning the top. Im not sure about fim but for mother I'd top after second node is formed to create a bowl but that's slightly different.

By dumb luck I measured my fan after marking but before actual cutting. Forgot the inline was 4in where the duct boosters were 6in. Nearly cut a 6in hole.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Not sure if I can get 4in tubing local and without raising eyebrows at such low quantity.

Other than that working on my air intake light trap. Debating spacing between flashing but have got either half or all cut depending on spacing used.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Not sure if I can get 4in tubing local and without raising eyebrows at such low quantity.

Other than that working on my air intake light trap. Debating spacing between flashing but have got either half or all cut depending on spacing used.
They sell that shit in 4" x 25' - Most clothes dryers are 4". They wont think of anything.

I was buying dry ice to make hash, The lady said "Your not gonna try and burn someones fingers off are ya?"


Fucking people have some nerve...I wanted to say none of your damn fucking business, But went the path of least resistance and said I was using it to mail perishables back home..LOL MY famous chili LOL

oh and how loud is that fan? and how powerful again? LOL


Well-Known Member
It's a soft loud if that makes sense. It's not hard on the ears like a loud engine or the chopsaw but its loud. Think its just airflow noise, no motor noise.

65 Watts. I'll have to check eBay for the cfm. Way more than I need I hope.

But I only need like 5 feet of the stuff.

Tell them your freezer broke and having to put stuff in coolers until you get a new oneput in


Well-Known Member
Thats a good one too! I only remembered that cause I briefly looked over the brochure the time before waiting for customer service to open it.
I need to open the phone book and find aplace that sells the pellets by lb That should be perfect for knocking my buds and trim around!


Well-Known Member
I thought about it and I'd like to modify the cover story.

You're defrosting your freezer. It needs it every month or two or three. It works fine otherwise and you can't justify replacing it.

That way you have a believable repeatable story should they remember you


Well-Known Member
Some reason pain pills haven't taken off the edge, can't sleep. 330am sitting in kitchen alone eating Cheerios out of the bag, staring off into space, cursing the Catholic church in my head for setting humanity back hundreds of years. I want my bionic spine Dammit.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you've got your weed at least based on that post ;) feel for ya man... sounds like you need some cheesequake.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Some reason pain pills haven't taken off the edge, can't sleep. 330am sitting in kitchen alone eating Cheerios out of the bag, staring off into space, cursing the Catholic church in my head for setting humanity back hundreds of years. I want my bionic spine Dammit.
i find somedays its liek i jus took soem weal asprins.... wonder why the receptors do that? some days i get so chromed off pain pills im useless, some days its liek i didnt take any at all. I hate being broken haha


Well-Known Member
Nah that's pain, insomnia and my usual stance on the Catholic church.

I have a small bud left from my failed attempt last year. The plant was maybe 4 or 5 weeks flower and it all dried up and went crispy over night. It was a super lemon haze.tiny little plant, tiny little bud. Harsh as fuck but it sure is fucking trippy. Last night I swore i could feel all the sinus cavities in my head individually. It will spin me right into sleep so when I'm desperate I'll smoke it. But didn't smoke until after the above incident

Well let me know when you got some for me to try ;)

Progress on my light trap for air intake.

Found 3 foot contracted flexible 4 in ducting. Now got to figure out how to cut it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know how that goes. I'm about to pop one now on an empty stomach nice and early to let it set in before bed


Well-Known Member
Overview- can see the roms towering over the little bb seedlings

Least developed roots

What most of the roots look like


Well-Known Member
Hooked the fan up to the air filter for the first time. Still too loud so definitely can't run the cab until I get the fan speed controllers.


Well-Known Member
Dayum, Always something sitting there waiting to get done eh? And it always cost fucking money!

I cut mine with a knife (the actual tube) then once its off and hanging by the metal coil I cut that with pliers (snips and the base). or at times if I didnt have tools handy I sat there bending it back and fourth for bout 5 minutes til it broke off LOL

Plants are loooking beast bro! The blueberries are looking recovered and your right the ROMS are towering over!LOL