How did you meet your significant other?

lol neo id answer if I could, but Ive never had a boyfriend or significant other... but i can tell you about my mom and stepdad. Met at AA, had a mutual friend who my mom was dating, stepdad offers to take her out for dinner, they fuck, mom breaks up with her bf, and a week later they went on a real date, (they both now work at the place where they had their first official date), and he's never left since then, and that was about 15 (or 16 if you ask my mom who got her dates wrong :/) years ago.
lol neo id answer if I could, but Ive never had a boyfriend or significant other... but i can tell you about my mom and stepdad. Met at AA, had a mutual friend who my mom was dating, stepdad offers to take her out for dinner, they fuck, mom breaks up with her bf, and a week later they went on a real date, (they both now work at the place where they had their first official date), and he's never left since then, and that was about 15 (or 16 if you ask my mom who got her dates wrong :/) years ago.

That is a romantic way to portray a story of true love.:roll:
lol neo id answer if I could, but Ive never had a boyfriend or significant other... but i can tell you about my mom and stepdad. Met at AA, had a mutual friend who my mom was dating, stepdad offers to take her out for dinner, they fuck, mom breaks up with her bf, and a week later they went on a real date, (they both now work at the place where they had their first official date), and he's never left since then, and that was about 15 (or 16 if you ask my mom who got her dates wrong :/) years ago.

Nice. I had a blast and met some cuties at AA and NA meetings. If you don't want to quit, all the meetings due is provide new hook-ups.
I met my wife at a bar in the javanese highlands. Her friend and her rock paper scissored, the loser had to invite the person in the bar to the table that the winner wanted the most, and buy them a shot of tequilla. My wife won the bet. Most important game of rock paper scissors in my life.
MY wife says go ahead and tell. So,we actually met during a crazy time in our lives. We were at a small party 19 years ago...I went in the back to do a line and she walked in on me, it was some good shit and true love after that. We've been together ever since that night.
No fucky with that shit in long long long time though.
Sometimes drugs are good!
i think its a great story, he was 21, 3 years out of high school, yet chose my mom, who was 30 with three kids... and never left, even when we gave him a hard time, he was like our dad. if i had never known about the sex part or her dating his friend, i would have always thought it was a really cute story
I met my wife at a bar in the javanese highlands. Her friend and her rock paper scissored, the loser had to invite the person in the bar to the table that the winner wanted the most, and buy them a shot of tequilla. My wife won the bet. Most important game of rock paper scissors in my life.

Nice! Rock, paper, scissors is universal I've found. A very popular drinking game in China.
Been w/ malady since sophmore year in HS and I'm 22 now; 6th anniversary is march 10th, but we aren't married and have no kids. Just a dog. :)
Been w/ malady since sophmore year in HS and I'm 22 now; 6th anniversary is march 10th, but we aren't married and have no kids. Just a dog. :)

both of those will come sooner than you think... and once the kids come you end up adding on pets too ;) We've been through cats, dogs, fish, turtles my oldest son finds.... anything that they can catch becomes a 'pet'.... at least for awhile.

love the spelling choice there btw ;)
[h=2]Definition of MALADY[/h]1
: a disease or disorder of the animal body

: an unwholesome or disordered condition
27 years ago I was in Houma La. laying on my back under a 1978 Caddy helping a friend & I see this smokin hot ass in yellow hot pants standing above me - couldn't see her face, just beautiful brown legs & that ass.
Being a single father of two young ones (she knew this & was undaunted) I figured I was out of circulation for a while, but that's not what she figured!
Basically she set her sights on me & threw a little Coon ass Gris - gris in the mix to make me love her and the rest is history.
Married 25+ now to my "Pet" Coon Ass. :hump:
both of those will come sooner than you think... and once the kids come you end up adding on pets too ;) We've been through cats, dogs, fish, turtles my oldest son finds.... anything that they can catch becomes a 'pet'.... at least for awhile.

love the spelling choice there btw ;)
Definition of MALADY

: a disease or disorder of the animal body

: an unwholesome or disordered condition
Sometimes it feels that way haha!
i have a pretty good story, i think...

my first year of college, i was pining for this one chick. would often skip classes to hang out with her. anyhoo, i put off writing my final for biology until very late the night before it was due because we were hanging out all that day. i finally finished the paper at about 4am and went to save the thing, and the computer froze, the paper was lost, and i resigned myself to fail that class, which i did (it was an auto-fail if you did not hand in the final).

so next semester i have to retake the class, which is held in a large lecture hall, maybe 200-300 students in there. first day of class, i sat down and took a look around for anyone i knew. i spotted someone who i thought i knew and went over to sit by them, but as i got closer, i realized i was mistaken. so i just sat down somewhere randomly. turns out the seat i just randomly took was next to the woman i would end up calling my wife.

best part of the story is that i never tried rebooting the computer because it was so late that night, but when i did reboot it a few days later, it had auto-saved my paper and i would have passed the class and never met my wife. also, the chick i was pining for at the time has already married, had a kid, and divorced and based on what i see from her facebook updates, is still as big of a whore as ever. if anyone is familiar with the website "hot chicks with douchebags", she is the hot chick and basically every guy she likes is the douchebag. the only normal-ish person she was ever with was her husband, who could not stand her after a while.
Early on I had quite a few girlfriends, even though the relationships didn't last more than a few years, most still remain friends. I've worked in radio a good chunk of my life, started in the 80's. Working mostly the graveyard shift, I hooked up with a lot of girls who called in late at night, so a good supply of nookie, but a lot of them were crazy/drunk/cranksters.

I kept getting calls one one who piqued my interest, even though she was 17 years younger than me. We talked all night once, and she called me when I got home and we had phone sex. Next Friday night I was bored, went to the local bar for a bit, got bored there and decided to call her. Went to where she lived, we talked and I brought over a sixpack of King Cobra. We talked and drank that, then she basically had her way with me. :) We were together for 17 pretty good years, but then she left me to go back east to be with a guy she met playing Everquest (we both played)

Single for the first time in years, I got on Myspace, Facebook and some dating sites and met/dated some really nice women but nothing serious. One a free dating site, OK Cupid, I got a message from a woman who expressed interest. I told her to check my Myspace page since it was loaded with info and pics of me. We met briefly for coffee. Decided we would have a proper date/dinner that upcoming Saturday. On Friday night I was home just having a few beers and chatting on the 'puter when she called and asked if she could come over to hang, she didn't want to wait til Saturday. She came over, we drank/smoked and watched Donnie Darko on DVD. Hehe and then she basically had her way with me!

Less than a year later I moved in with her, and the following year we got married. We rented out the VFW hall and had a 20's gangster-themed wedding that was so cool. All the guests wore flapper outfits/20's era garb, we had decorations, blackjack tables etc. She had her hair done in that 20's curl style and that type of makeup, I rented a zoot suit with a hat with a feather in it, semi-pimp I guess. The part of the cermony where we did vows and were asked if took the other etc etc, we had 2 shots of Patron, so when asked, we paused like we werent sure, each took our shot and then said what the hell ;) Went to Lake Tahoe next day for our honeymoon and saw the time John Bonhams son jason was playing drums for them, this was just a few months after the one shot Led Zeppelin reunion, dude pounded those drums.

That's it!
I figured more people would participate in this thread. I think what is happening is that people are looking at the title and figuring its a Padawan thread and just passing over it. That is what I'll tell myself so I can sleep better tonight. :-(

Make one about getting rid of significant others and I bet it catches fire. =)