How did you meet your significant other?


Well-Known Member
I'll play.

I met my wife at a Detroit rave. I was a big time party kid, I went to a party every weekend with my two best friends, and a couple of their friends, who obviously became mine. Well, one of them, had an older sister, and she and her friends went to the same parties, we just didn't hang together, as they were 5 yrs older, and I was after younger pussy, rolling like a crazy person :).

Anyway, one night, one of the "older" girls was really all over me, as people on E always are touching eachother, backrubs and shit. She and I were making out, and getting down, it was fun. And then, as this girl and I are all over eachother, here comes my girl. She didn't know me, and was sooooooo cute, and could dance too.

Ok, I was introduced to her, but was so fucked up on E and K and Coke I couldn't remember my own name, let alone hers. All I could remember was that she was cute and could dance.

Flash to the next weekend. We're standing in line, in the abandoned warehouse district, at the old Packard plant, and there she was......I asked one of her friends if she had a boyfriend, girl said no. I walked up to my wife of the future, and just said "you are beautiful.....I can't take my eyes off you.....I want you to hang with me here tonight." She didn't know what to do.....she just smiled and said hell yes.

We bought a handful of killer E, got feeling so good, danced together all night, and we were together from then on. I lived an hour away from her, still in college. One day, my landlord let themselves into my apartment, and saw my grow. I packed up all my shit that night, before the cops came the next day, dropped off a check in the landlords mailbox for the remainder of the years rent, and moved in with my new girlfriend........the rest is history :).


Well-Known Member
My wife was working for me in a group of mall stores I owned.......she was getting ready to move to the west coast and after she left my employment, I asked her out. We've been together ever since- 27 years, 25 of them married.