I know a lot more than 1 person tyvm...What claim am I making? The claim I made is that there is waste in the system and its out of hand which is true. The claim that your making is that the food stamp program is perfect which is a false claim and absolute insanity, to argue for the state which is flawed in so many ways and does not have our interest in mind is foolish. The food stamp program simply is not perfect and not without its flaws.I have no respect for fallacious claims.
You know one person. Who is your relative. If you're so upset about it, turn her in. The rest is just your idea of how people live who are on welfare/foodstamps. When you make claims like this then yes, statistics or facts are required. Otherwise you get responses like mine calling you out on your shit.
Hide yo wife! Hide yo children!MAN! I'm sorry I started this thread. I'm gonna go cleanse my soul in Newbie Central.
When I was a kid we were on welfare and if it wasn't for foodstamps I'd a starved . Mom figured out that if she claimed dad beat her shed get sympathy and money for booze and drugs. And he would have to stay away or go to jail if he even tried to be a dad to me . It's the leadership in the US that allows this to happen and by the way we arent black . Back to the leadership being shitty - they enjoyed my family being torn apart , my home destroyed , my life as an innocent child ruined - just so long as no one noticed their pay raises or other benefits increased , the leaders proffit while we get f'd up . Is that what we pay them for ? I don't think so . As a builder I get paid to build , if no building goes up - no pay . These fuckers get paid all the time while lying their asses off , and robbing the rest of us . So lets all fight about some shit that does nothing for any of us . And by the way with our industry gone , wheres anyone going to work ? I felt that way too but look at the whole thing - whats happening to America .white black red yellow I dont give a fuck, get a fucking job and leave me more of my money in my paychecks. nothing racist about it, i hate ALL welfare people.
I know a lot more than 1 person tyvm...What claim am I making? The claim I made is that there is waste in the system and its out of hand which is true. The claim that your making is that the food stamp program is perfect which is a false claim and absolute insanity, to argue for the state which is flawed in so many ways and does not have our interest in mind is foolish. The food stamp program simply is not perfect and not without its flaws.
Then what are you arguing about and attacking me for? If you think the food stamp system is imperfect then we agree.Show me where I say the food stamp program is perfect. Please. Just like your other claims, you can't back it up.
Then what are you arguing about and attacking me for? If you think the food stamp system is imperfect then we agree.
umm okay, so you stereotype me as an "attacker of welfare recipients", that is fairly closed minded and immature of you.Because of you trying to stereotype welfare/food stamp recipients. Your worded it carefully with plenty of wiggle room but the implication was rather obvious. As usual.
The irony being the fact that "whites" are the largest number of welfare recipients.
Since the biggest group of welfare recipients are white that must make you a racist....
No, that makes other people mis-informed as well.
Probably because they don't have any white friends.
The true Welfare Queen.
I just pasted these from a government site:And we're supposed to take this as gospel because you said it. Do you have facts or statistics to back up your claims besides one anecdotal story and opinion?
There is always going to be waste in any thing that effects so many people. And yes, people are going to scam the system. However there becomes a point where in order to stop that waste, you have to pass measures who are going to hurt people who need foodstamps. It's actually very efficient compared to how it used to be.Uh no...I don't really think its that much of a problem , just saying there is waste in the system I have seen with my own eyes. Just like there is waste in any government crap because the government fucking sucks.
additionally to assume that I am being manipulative is offensive. I am just writing my mind, I am being honest and writing that there is waste and abuse in the system. Why would I try to manipulate on a weeed forum, I am trying to have an adult conversation and you seem to be incapable of opening your mind and have a discussion without letting your stereotypes get in the way.Because of you trying to stereotype welfare/food stamp recipients. Your worded it carefully with plenty of wiggle room but the implication was rather obvious. As usual.
Probably not a whole lot, I don't think its a big issue, but every bit does add up. I agree with you for the most part but I am not really sure if it is more efficient, why do think that? My social worker friend has started recommending applying for food stamps to a wider array of people because he says more people are eligible these days.There is always going to be waste in any thing that effects so many people. And yes, people are going to scam the system. However there becomes a point where in order to stop that waste, you have to pass measures who are going to hurt people who need foodstamps. It's actually very efficient compared to how it used to be.
My guess is that if we cut walfare down to only 5 very poor people, people would still be complaining about how wasteful those 5 people are.
How much do you think welfare waste/corruption costs us each year?
i'll remember this when it is pointed out that "those wealthy job creators pay the most taxes already".Stop parroting the "more whites are on welfare than blacks " nonsense. Either you don't get how stats work or you are trying to be deceptive.
I heard it and believed it, so sue me...
Stop parroting the "more whites are on welfare than blacks " nonsense. Either you don't get how stats work or you are trying to be deceptive
i'll remember this when it is pointed out that "those wealthy job creators pay the most taxes already".
the point of welfare is not to make people wealthy, ya know.Nobody ever got wealthy off of receiving welfare legally.
I think that author's logic is flawed and deceptive. Because the topic isn't what percentage of each race as a whole collects welfare? The topic is how many people from each race collect welfare as a whole. He's comparing 2 different things at the same time.I just pasted these from a government site:
With regard to AFDC the figures are:
White 38.8%
Black 39.8
Hispanic 15.7
Asian 2.4
other 3.3
To break down these numbers, we look at how many Whites are in the population as a WHOLE. If Blacks make up less 14% of the population and are almost 40% of all recipients, then they represent about 2.5 times their actual population. Since Whites are over 50% of the total US pop., they represent less than their overall piece of the pie, population-wise. Hispanics are at least 15% of the general population, so they take only about as much as what their population represents. Why am I writing this? Because I am tired of the misrepresentations on this issue. I read so many on here claiming that more Whites are on welfare than Blacks (true, in terms of raw numbers), yet not accounting for the fact that there are over 4X as many Whites in this country than Blacks! In statistics, you cannot go by mere numbers. Only if the playing field is exactly equal, which is rarely is! This thread was started, not to be racist, but to keep it real. After all, there are some legitimate reasons for Blacks to be on welfare more than Whites. But the worst thing anyone can do is be in denial.
Stop parroting the "more whites are on welfare than blacks " nonsense. Either you don't get how stats work or you are trying to be deceptive.