People do not Understand Science, yeah I'm talking to you Creationist so bring it!


Well-Known Member
...sorry man, I don't believe this for a second. And apparently, I believe in some pretty unbelievable stuff :lol:
I meant it in a way that,people are eventualy going to get smart through the generations,i dont think it will be in this lifetime,more of a long view at the creationist perspective , i do not see it lasting for very much longer because of the amount of info we have at our fingertips these days,more and more people will start to see for themselves out of observation and critical thinking thats all.


Well-Known Member
I like to think that someone reading these threads may start thinking about what they have been told, what they believe, and maybe take a look at real science. MAYBE it will get some people to think, "hey maybe I should take a Real look at science. So yeah I hope it helps
Hmm seems like a legit reason to me. But you're going about it all wrong my friend. Try this way. First ask a simple question like "who here doesn't believe in evolution and why? Please provide evidence and logic".... Then maybe somebody will say I don't believe in evolution for whatever reason. Then you guys have a debate and maybe that person will learn evolution is real OR MAYBE you will gain a eye opening revelation. See what I mean? The way you guys do it, everyone just ends up bashing on each other.


Well-Known Member
I watched your last video so that we might discuss some points that you find interesting. I took the time to give you some thoughts and questions. You seem uninterested in exploring and discussing these things, and just want to spread your propaganda apparently. I wont be watching this video.
yah uninterested would be appropriate, im not interested in arguing with anyone about it , i spent years arguing it with myself , there was a time when i looked at the world we live in with a view of we live once and then die , and i was cool with it , it was comforting to "know" there was nothing else and all that mattered was what i wanted to do , but that was a lie , science is also a lie , a great deception by the enemy , not trying to argue , I hope and pray you science guys find Jesus.


Well-Known Member
yah uninterested would be appropriate, im not interested in arguing with anyone about it , i spent years arguing it with myself , there was a time when i looked at the world we live in with a view of we live once and then die , and i was cool with it , it was comforting to "know" there was nothing else and all that mattered was what i wanted to do , but that was a lie , science is also a lie , a great deception by the enemy , not trying to argue , I hope and pray you science guys find Jesus.
He's not hard to find, you can usually find him picking your food on a farm somewhere in mexico. It's nice though that you thank him at dinner time for it.


Well-Known Member
yah uninterested would be appropriate, im not interested in arguing with anyone about it , i spent years arguing it with myself , there was a time when i looked at the world we live in with a view of we live once and then die , and i was cool with it , it was comforting to "know" there was nothing else and all that mattered was what i wanted to do , but that was a lie , science is also a lie , a great deception by the enemy , not trying to argue , I hope and pray you science guys find Jesus.
If this is the approach you want to take then I support your right to it, however I question that you have any business bringing what you think to the table if you are not willing to examine it. Do you suppose you are entitled to have others listen to you without returning the courtesy? With that attitude, do not be surprised when others stop paying attention. If you have made up your mind and are tired of the discussion, stay out of it. In these threads, you can not make a statement like 'science is a lie' and not expect to be held accountable for it.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I meant it in a way that,people are eventualy going to get smart through the generations,i dont think it will be in this lifetime,more of a long view at the creationist perspective , i do not see it lasting for very much longer because of the amount of info we have at our fingertips these days,more and more people will start to see for themselves out of observation and critical thinking thats all.
...that's cool. I guess I'm just on the other side of the fence, as they say. I mean this in a polite way, of course. I see the mind as a vehicle, or apparatus that the will uses to accomplish deeds (mover and the moved). I can choose to go with my head or my heart - hopefully both at the same time. Critical thinking is only one of the many wonderful things the mind can do.


Well-Known Member
If this is the approach you want to take then I support your right to it, however I question that you have any business bringing what you think to the table if you are not willing to examine it. Do you suppose you are entitled to have others listen to you without returning the courtesy? With that attitude, do not be surprised when others stop paying attention. If you have made up your mind and are tired of the discussion, stay out of it. In these threads, you can not make a statement like 'science is a lie' and not expect to be held accountable for it.
but you seem to have your mind made up already also.


Well-Known Member
your a bit behind i think dude , mainstream "science" is very very quietly about to begin "concluding" that the delicate balance that all our lives hang in is not just by chance , but that in order for such a complicated life system to exist , it had to be "done" it didnt just "happen" . Most mainstream scientists off camera will admit that darwins chit is very flawed and that in order for the universe to exist it has to have been "CREATED" . God the Father gave us Jesus and raised him from the dead after he died on the cross and was dead for three days dude , there are historical accounts , do you really think that if you were a roman guard and you were told, "stay awake and stand guard , make sure you don't let anyone steel the body ", do you really think that you woulda slacked off and fell asleep? Heck no you wouldn't fall asleep , they didnt fire you from work back then you know. Also after God brought The Saviour Jesus back to life , Jesus went and talked to his homies ,he even let one of them feel his wounds , he went and preached and people saw him ascend up out of this earth and in to heaven. Open your eyes please before you are REALLY decieved.
I believe in Jesus and he saves me from my sin , and I smoke weed and seriously don't think it's sinful .but if it is I will be forgiven , and if Jesus was like , dude you gotta stop smokin bud , then i would stop, gotta be Jesus or God though.
now THAT is crazy!


Well-Known Member
As a useful first approximation I like Gould's concept of "nonoverlapping magisteria", or schools of thought. Science is specialized toward asking questions and collecting answers about what we can observe and manipulate. Religion fits elsewhere and operates otherwise. cn
I agree if it is with a god that does not interact with the natural world. But when the god supposedly exits the supernatural world and enters the natural world, that is the point where the god enters the 'science bubble', so to speak. Maybe today we cannot 'test' it. But as you know, that doesn't mean it is impossible. Today it may seem impossible, but if the object of study is in the natural world, we must continue to hold onto the idea that maybe someday we can. And because those who believe in this god claim he is interacting with the natural world, we must reserve speculation until further evidence comes, since none has come as of yet.


Well-Known Member
i spent years arguing it with myself
there is your problem. try debating with others that do not hold your point of view. those other people may ask you questions you would never ask yourself, or may provide evidence which you have never seen that refutes your argument. this leads closer to the truth, as opposed to what feels good to YOU.

there was a time when i looked at the world we live in with a view of we live once and then die , and i was cool with it , it was comforting to "know" there was nothing else and all that mattered was what i wanted to do
you obviously did not take the scientific approach to this. logical atheists do not 'know' there is no god. for all we know, new evidence might show up tomorrow and prove scientifically that there is a god. it probably wont happen, but we always keep the option open. to do otherwise would be like sticking your fingers in your ears. if we already know a god doesnt exist, we will tend to dismiss any evidence showing otherwise. therefore, we shouldnt do it.

also atheists do not believe our actions do not matter. a lot of us take the humanistic approach and realize that our actions affect others. we realize that other beings are like us, and we respect them because of this. we do not do it because some god told us, but rather because of the social contract between humans.

but that was a lie , science is also a lie
WTF?!?! please tell me which part of the scientific method you disagree with.

a great deception by the enemy
who is deceiving you? isnt it more likely that your religion is deceiving you? it does tell you that you have to follow without question, right? right there should tell you its bullshit.

not trying to argue , I hope and pray you science guys find Jesus.
you mean that guy that got sent by god to the middle of fuckin nowhere to tribes people that didnt understand shit? why didnt god send him down to the chinese, who knew a TON more? wouldnt they know how to spread the word better with better technology and know-how?


Well-Known Member
...that's cool. I guess I'm just on the other side of the fence, as they say. I mean this in a polite way, of course. I see the mind as a vehicle, or apparatus that the will uses to accomplish deeds (mover and the moved). I can choose to go with my head or my heart - hopefully both at the same time. Critical thinking is only one of the many wonderful things the mind can do.
your heart doesnt think... LOL.
the will is nothing but the end result of brain computations. many parts of the brain compete to decide what your reaction will be to certain stimuli. sometimes emotion wins over, other times logic does. the VAST majority of brain computation is unconscious, and our consciousness is nothing but the end result of that 'war' in your brain. you have absolutely no reason to believe that anything other than the brain is doing your thinking.

curious question:: why do people say they make decisions 'with their heart'? what would make someone think it is their heart making the decision and not the brain? maybe because it is more of an emotional decision, and some attribute emotion to the heart? i personally think its the unconscious emotional part of the brain, which we cant really describe in words but we just 'feel' like its the right answer.


Active Member
Luger: it's like saying "going with your gut feeling" term not to be taken literally. And if someone thinks your heart can think, well they is ignant.

Brick Top

New Member
Sometimes when talking with someone I will, just for the fun I get from it, take up an opposing position to them on something, even if in reality I am in total agreement with them. I just like to see how good someone might be now and then.

Now and then if someone gets onto the Big Bang and how it is the only way to answer everything, I sometimes like to ask them something just to see how they respond.

I'll say something like how I really do know little about the more detailed bits of the Big Bang (which is true), but if put in the most simple of terms, a void existed, within this void there was dust and gasses and rocks, and everything else that was around at that time, and for whatever reason or reasons the right stuff got together at the right time and combined with great temperature fluctuations and intense pressures, that was when and where 'it' all started, where the "void" began to be filled with all that was being created and expanding outward, that's basically the Big Bang, right?

The normal response would be that more or less, within reason, that would be an acceptable caveman understandable level way to explain the Big Bang.

Then I ask where dust and gasses and rocks, and everything else that was around at that time that all got together came from in the first place. Then I add, and a void existed, allegedly, but be it a void or something else, just call it early space if you want, it, the area, the place where it all began, went on, and is still going on in, it existed. Why? How? Because of what?

The normal, to continue to keep it simple for me, response would be something like, that part is based on any number of theories, though some are believed to be more probable than others, but the general upshot of it all is that we all agree that some shit went down and that's how it all happened.

So I ask, again about the 'stuff' and the 'void' and all, and the keep it simple for the moron who is bugging me with questions, meaning of course me, continues and basically it was all stuff that just sort of somehow 'got there, over time, it gathered.'

I ask about the great pressures and temperature extremes and great amounts of energy, and I get a Sesame Street version how under those extreme conditions there would be large amounts of energy created between the various gasses and elements and dust and rock and extreme temperatures and intense pressures ... but so far no one must have thought I was intelligent enough for even a basic explanation for why all the dust and gasses and elements and rocks, and everything else that was around at that time that then through amazing circumstances created all that energy and temperature extremes and pressure ever existed in the first place, and how it came into existence, let alone the void/area of space/some amount of almost nothingness, whatever you want to call it, existed in the first place for all this inexplicable stuff to be floating around within and then occur within.

It always ends up how the very earliest steps in the Big Bang are strictly theory, some hotly contested and others more accepted, but all no where near proven in it's actual works, though in what would then follow people could most likely get that part right.

That's where I like to joke how, to me anyway, that early inexplicable part, that's the Big Bang theory's leap of faith, so to speak, what, in a way, just makes it a totally different form of religion, in that at it's core it is faith based. It's just another chosen belief (not commenting on actual accuracy here) minus the stylized, ritualized mumbo jumbo that goes with other forms of religion.

Someone could argue until the cows come home how much factual data has been compiled and how it is enough to prove their belief and that it is only a matter of time before enough facts are in so the 'guesstimates' can be weeded out and then the true facts be known to all.

But that is sort of the same cry of the creationism crowd and thereligionists are another, as are the 'Ghostbusters' and psychics etc. .... the proof is out there .... it is only a matter of time before we discover it and learn it's mysteries.

Wouldn't the kicker be that the Big Bang people are right, other than the parts they can't really explain are in fact the actions of some 'all powerful being' and that in a way the Big Bang is the true creationism. That is was a thought out, planned, intended action, but a much slower longer term one than creationists and religionists tell about when they tell the story. But in the end, both sides are correct, at least in principal, that the Big Bang did start everything off, but some 'big guy' supplied the makin's and lit the fuse.

That would be funny ..... both sides arguing and defending their position, when it was in fact the same position, but they just saw it as being different. Now that would be a funny end to it all.


Well-Known Member

  • .I'm frustrated with the average persons understanding of what science is.​

wow, so you got some marxism in you, typical of atheists to think in a selfish manner. What is science? what is your understanding like that makes it better then mine or someone else's?

your frustrations are ill spent bro, get a life.

creationism in a class is not just about God, but about other cultures and how they practice and what they preach. If your mind is TOO small to understand and play like an adult, then that is all on your small brain. From what you are posting, it seems that you think your own understanding is supreme... As stated previously, get a life bro!

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Luger: it's like saying "going with your gut feeling" term not to be taken literally. And if someone thinks your heart can think, well they is ignant. putz. :razz:

"The gut's brain, known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), is located in sheaths of tissue lining the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. Considered a single entity, it is packed with neurons, neurotransmitters and proteins that zap messages between neurons or support cells like those found in the brain. It contains a complex circuitry that enables it to act independently, learn, remember and, as the saying goes, produce gut feelings.

In his book The Second Brain, HarperCollins 1998, Dr. Michael Gershon, a professor of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, dubs the entire gastrointestinal system the body's second nervous system. "The brain is not the only place in the body that's full of neurotransmitters," says Dr. Gershon. "A hundred million neurotransmitters line the length of the gut, approximately the same number that is found in the brain..." If we add the nerve cells of the esophagus, stomach and large intestine, there are more nerve cells in the gut than there are in the entire remainder of the peripheral nervous system. Nearly every chemical that controls the brain in the head has been identified in the gut, including hormones and neurotransmitters." about, gut feeling with an equal amount of planning. Not ignoring one function or the other. There's an advantage to being a believer, and also a believer in what science can do. To start, it sure takes the fckn edge off.


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
your heart doesnt think... LOL.
the will is nothing but the end result of brain computations. many parts of the brain compete to decide what your reaction will be to certain stimuli. sometimes emotion wins over, other times logic does. the VAST majority of brain computation is unconscious, and our consciousness is nothing but the end result of that 'war' in your brain. you have absolutely no reason to believe that anything other than the brain is doing your thinking.

curious question:: why do people say they make decisions 'with their heart'? what would make someone think it is their heart making the decision and not the brain? maybe because it is more of an emotional decision, and some attribute emotion to the heart? i personally think its the unconscious emotional part of the brain, which we cant really describe in words but we just 'feel' like its the right answer.

...I have a lot of reason to think that my brain is not the only processor in my body. The very fact that I call it a processor means that it is a component of a body (group). I say it would be a little crazy to assume any sort of 'for certain' stance on who's doing the thinking.

When a person goes into a psychotic state f.e., who's 'driving' the other person? The 'other' person still functions, has memory of events of an episode or episodes. There's nothing to be sure about here other than to just accept the possibilities. (imo)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
also, why is it that when a certain part of the brain is damaged... we may lose conscious thought forever? does that mean consciousness is dependent on organic living material to exist?


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
also, why is it that when a certain part of the brain is damaged... we may lose conscious thought forever? does that mean consciousness is dependent on organic living material to exist?

...If consciousness is energy how could it be lost? The question is, what function is it now serving. Does this mean that organic living materials need consciousness to exist? I think you might be proving my point a bit. The consciousness never goes away, the vehicle or apparatus diminishes in function as time goes on. I don't want to place too much stock in what will eventually be turned into the ground. I don't deny its use, or abilities, but the consciousness stays while the flesh is reused. Think about it like this - all of us will die one day. Other people will still be living. What do you think happens to conscious awareness? It's energy so no dying, right? Great, now, what's the source of that?


Active Member
LOL thats all i can say to the OP. Apparently he is going to edumucate us about how religion is not science. really, you don't say?

wow thank you soooooooo much for this life changing revelation, now take you bigotry elsewhere if you please.

honestly i was actually expecting more when click on the topic, i thought we were going to have a nice debate about the scientific method of making good choices in cannabis growing. Turns out its just another anti religious fanatic trying to start up a fight.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when talking with someone I will, just for the fun I get from it, take up an opposing position to them on something, even if in reality I am in total agreement with them. I just like to see how good someone might be now and then.

Now and then if someone gets onto the Big Bang and how it is the only way to answer everything, I sometimes like to ask them something just to see how they respond.

I'll say something like how I really do know little about the more detailed bits of the Big Bang (which is true), but if put in the most simple of terms, a void existed, within this void there was dust and gasses and rocks, and everything else that was around at that time, and for whatever reason or reasons the right stuff got together at the right time and combined with great temperature fluctuations and intense pressures, that was when and where 'it' all started, where the "void" began to be filled with all that was being created and expanding outward, that's basically the Big Bang, right?

The normal response would be that more or less, within reason, that would be an acceptable caveman understandable level way to explain the Big Bang.

Then I ask where dust and gasses and rocks, and everything else that was around at that time that all got together came from in the first place. Then I add, and a void existed, allegedly, but be it a void or something else, just call it early space if you want, it, the area, the place where it all began, went on, and is still going on in, it existed. Why? How? Because of what?

The normal, to continue to keep it simple for me, response would be something like, that part is based on any number of theories, though some are believed to be more probable than others, but the general upshot of it all is that we all agree that some shit went down and that's how it all happened.

So I ask, again about the 'stuff' and the 'void' and all, and the keep it simple for the moron who is bugging me with questions, meaning of course me, continues and basically it was all stuff that just sort of somehow 'got there, over time, it gathered.'

I ask about the great pressures and temperature extremes and great amounts of energy, and I get a Sesame Street version how under those extreme conditions there would be large amounts of energy created between the various gasses and elements and dust and rock and extreme temperatures and intense pressures ... but so far no one must have thought I was intelligent enough for even a basic explanation for why all the dust and gasses and elements and rocks, and everything else that was around at that time that then through amazing circumstances created all that energy and temperature extremes and pressure ever existed in the first place, and how it came into existence, let alone the void/area of space/some amount of almost nothingness, whatever you want to call it, existed in the first place for all this inexplicable stuff to be floating around within and then occur within.

It always ends up how the very earliest steps in the Big Bang are strictly theory, some hotly contested and others more accepted, but all no where near proven in it's actual works, though in what would then follow people could most likely get that part right.

That's where I like to joke how, to me anyway, that early inexplicable part, that's the Big Bang theory's leap of faith, so to speak, what, in a way, just makes it a totally different form of religion, in that at it's core it is faith based. It's just another chosen belief (not commenting on actual accuracy here) minus the stylized, ritualized mumbo jumbo that goes with other forms of religion.

Someone could argue until the cows come home how much factual data has been compiled and how it is enough to prove their belief and that it is only a matter of time before enough facts are in so the 'guesstimates' can be weeded out and then the true facts be known to all.

But that is sort of the same cry of the creationism crowd and thereligionists are another, as are the 'Ghostbusters' and psychics etc. .... the proof is out there .... it is only a matter of time before we discover it and learn it's mysteries.

Wouldn't the kicker be that the Big Bang people are right, other than the parts they can't really explain are in fact the actions of some 'all powerful being' and that in a way the Big Bang is the true creationism. That is was a thought out, planned, intended action, but a much slower longer term one than creationists and religionists tell about when they tell the story. But in the end, both sides are correct, at least in principal, that the Big Bang did start everything off, but some 'big guy' supplied the makin's and lit the fuse.

That would be funny ..... both sides arguing and defending their position, when it was in fact the same position, but they just saw it as being different. Now that would be a funny end to it all.
as you probably know, Hubble discovered red shift of galaxies. he showed that the space between the galaxies is expanding. the galaxies arent necessarily moving apart, but rather the space is expanding. not only that, but it is going faster and faster with every second that goes by. it is speeding up. if you turn back the clock, it appears that everything at one time was 'squished into a tiny point. things like rocks and atoms werent even formed yet. the particles that make up the atom had to be created from energy first, then coalesce together to form atoms, using the forces that also appeared.

it is still hotly debated, but according to the evidence, that looks like what may have happened. im not really convinced, as i think it is more of an inflation/deflation cycle that repeats. and each time it deflates and gets tiny, the particles collide and destroy eachother, turning back into their elementary particles and starting the universe anew.

here is some vids that i found the other day. the first is about particles and forces(obviously) and the second shows how those forces separated and the particles came together during the big bang.
