sorry shouldnt have said we...i used to work in this, not anymore so its not we.
and most in modern horti do know this stuff..just not you obviously. and by the way...this is horticulture not agriculture. dont even know what class your growing in and telling everyone their
agri is outdoor farming. we are for the most part container growing, and yes it does work differently.
.how are you going to tell me how much triacantonol, or what form it is in if its not on a label?. ...go us the massive recipe smarty be happy if you can even show us the triacantonol amount alone?..put that generic nutient maker to work
no, its you thats stupid with the whey cause your the one using it by using, didnt say was on ones i was with. and if you knew ,more youd actualy be ok with using.
sonny, by the time you get the water ready, grab the bottles of nutes and ph pens and ec and all the shit needed thats 5 min right there dumass. do you even grow?.
why cant you make enzymes there?..besides not knowing anything about them. you dont make them, you buy them. thought you knew nutes dood.??..
trust me your links there wont learn me anything i dont know already.
again you have to much faith oin a label. i dont care what mob says on it, that may or may not be all that is in it. only one to know is the mixer and recipe holders. or could send to a lab and scan it.
i think the conclusion is obvious. your a puppet repeateting others info and dont know
ill eat my words and leave the forum if you can show us how much triacantonol is in massive...and what source or form., that is important to how it works..or if it does.
"Sorry but shouldnt have said we.......i used to work in this, not anymore so its not we", So keep your mouth shut then Mr sweep the floor and make the tea!

You really do have the attention span of a Goldfish!
I know the difference between Agri and Horti, if you read what my posts say and not what you THINK they say we wouldn't be having this backwards and forwards bullshit! I said, "Don't you think that industrial Agriculture would be using Advanced products if AN knew something they didn't?" hence the connection to Agriculture. You should also look up the definitions of Agriculture and Horticulture because it's not as clear cut as you may think and the mark has definitely been missed!
It really doesn't matter if you grow outdoors or in a container, plants need the same nutrition regardless. The only real difference and the fundamental reason people began to cultivate indoors is, they have the ability to produce multiple harvests from annual plants and can completely control the climate within the growing environment.
I'm not telling everyone they're wrong, I'm telling YOU YOUR WRONG. The former, coincidentally is EXACTLY what YOU have been doing to people in the mere 3 months you've been a member of this site. You have been going around telling people they are wrong (with compelling proof) and that they know nothing without providing any factual evidence or references to back up your claims and solidify your points. You just expect people to listen to you claiming "I've been in the industry 30 years" but based on your posts, that are strewn with inaccuracies and things I (and more than hundreds of other members) know to be 100% false this is utter bullshit! Further more, in the few months you have been here you have contradicted yourself at least 3 different times in respect to the actual job you do within this industry and in this post you NOW say you no longer work in the industry!
When savvy people DO catch you out and provide YOU with facts and evidence you either try to discredit the source with your so called "30 years" knowledge or simply don't post a reply!
You are nothing more than a fraud and a liar, I suggest you screw your neck in!
Triacontonol is naturally occurring and is found in plant cuticle waxes and other things such as Beeswax.
When manufactured for use as plant stimulant products it is a fatty alcohol that comes in 1 form, a white crystalline powder stable in light, air and alkali that is none soluble in water.
The benefits of Tria are actually skeptical due to it's inefficient solubility.
Whey Protein.
As for this, you stated that AN put in their products I never said I use Advanced gear. If you could please enlighten us ALL as to why AN would ever put this very expensive powder in their Nutes and for what reason? If you know ANYTHING about whey protein then you would understand it is a pretty stupid idea that would be absolutely pointless and pretty detrimental to plants.
"Sonny, by the time you get the water ready, grab the bottles of nutes and ph pens and ec and all the shit needed thats 5 mins right there dumass. do you even grow?"
I said 5 mins to mix and you well know it as you stated the need to rest for a ph reading, now you are just being facetious!
Sonny? SONNY?! By the quality of your English and the rampant spelling mistakes in your posts, you are either young (I should call YOU sonny) or you are of limited intelligence. You see that little squiggly red line under a word when you type? That means you spelled the word wrong, DUMB ASS!
I can't make enzymes "FOR OBVIOUS REASONS", I know it's hard with the attention span of a Goldfish but please try to keep up.
I have already stated in my first post I can't make ALL but MOST chemical ferts with the said software (it does have limitations). You however have taken it out of context, blown it out of proportion and taken it to a whole new level in order to try and prove a non existent point.
In the recipe I gave for Hammerhead I use Potassium Sulphate rather than Potassium Nitrate as I don't want any Nitrogen in my bloom booster.
AN have actually change the ratio of N-P-K in Hammerhead 3 times since my home brewing began, from 9-18 to 4-10 and now to 6-12 but regardless of this my recipe coincides with the Guaranteed analysis on their website.
Guaranteed analyses means if that's not what's in it then they have to stop selling it and can be sued by the end user (as they have with products in the past, stated in the report at the start of this thread).
And I may be getting ahead of myself a little here because I'm pretty damn sure that nutrients have to be registered before sale and the governing body MUST be provided with data regarding ALL compounds in the formula (especially if it's an inorganic product). As the end user of a product that is potentially going to be used on fruit bearing plants intended for human consumption then I have a Lawful right to said information and can simply write to the governing body and request said data, thus blowing your snake oil magic ingredients right out of the water. I'm not 100% confident on this but now I'm interested, I'm going to go away and do some study on the subject and I'll get back to you with some concrete facts.
All this pulls away from the actual point of my original post that still stands.