Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...


Grown with AN Sensi base nutes only. Used this stuff for few years now and love it, who gives a fuck whats on labels...... if it works and it does thats all i give a shit about.
If thats true, its messed up.

AN is still publishing BigbudsMag.. so I have no idea why the entire staff at Rosebud would be fired without notice...

I understand you don't need a staff to publish BigBudsMag, it's nothing but AN advertisements anyways.... and that's why i rather pick up a copy of UG or MY... although i'm pretty sure UG is out of biz now.

because they changed their minds. trying to make money again now from it. typical for them to charge a fee for what others give for free.
def not sugar water. you can smell the natural stuff in it and the liquid is a dark brown. and they are complete... why wouldn't you think so? 0 deficiencies and beautiful plants just before harvest. not to mention faster growth than ive seen from anyone on here during veg and early flower, although partly due to strain. and ill have enough for round 2 + extra nirvana. and my ppms have been all over the place.
plants love it.
i mean cmon guys, theyre one of the biggest nute companies around, and used by thousands of cannabis growers worldwide. theyre not lying when they say its a complete base nutrient. people would find out.

lol hillarious kid. that dark shit is called dyes and food worked to fool you didnt it. smell the natural chemicals does nitrogen smell
ppm all over the place and they loved it>??
yes they do lie. why do you think they are being shut down everywhere. your one that is sucked in by the label being truthfull i see/ and obviously know absolutly nothing on nutes to say its food cause its brown and smells natural. my shit smells natural and is brown. want to use it to.; they used to be the biggest from foolling kids like yourself. now they arent, some of the kids moved on to the same food but 1/4 the cost
No man, how that happened I have no idea man, clicked the wrong button or something. shit, I'm a grower geek not a computer computer geek. This thread is incredibly funny though, especially the guy pushing AN like it is the best shit. I ran the full Grand Master schedule against Roots Organic Greenfields, 707, adding 30% coco coir soiless mix, I added nothing more than liquified seaweed for veg, and molasses during flowering and my yields were still better; lets see $780 vs a $10.95 bottle of liquidfied seaweed which I still have over half left, and a $3 bottle of Grandma's molasses and got better tasting buds and more of them. FYI AN fans using AN Sensi line, it has Uria in it, which is worthless in hydro and basically the same in soil. A complete line, maybe a complete line of crap you do not need. Customer Service is a joke, the 100% money back promise is a joke, shit myself and 4 pother people are still waiting after 6 months for our money back. Yeah, you can buy AN online for cheap, you know why, b/c places are trying to get that shit off their shelf and carry an honest line that truly backs their products. The only retailers I see push and hype up AN are those more concerned with their end of the day profits than the growers who support their stores.

Sorry about the mis quote Cannabisworks. worries

ya theres a good on. pee on uses eurea as a nitro does miricle grow. its hi in nitro but the nastiest source of it and dosent remove from roots worth a shit. great stuff....but it is the cheepest so he makes the most from it. others use better sources than that salte4d shit
Cannabisworks, I guess what bothers me is the fact that growers actually believe nutrients make the difference. In a sense they do, but any good grower can get the same results with any line. I was growing long before liquid nutrients were available. If you know how they are derived and frm what they are derived from, most could see almost every nutrient line uses agricultural and food grade gradients. They are not much different in make up and basically, can and will produce the exact same results if used properly.

A good grower knows it is not the nutrients, it is how they are used and how well they are dialed in to optimize the plant. I have ran so many lines and do alot of side by side grows with various nutrient lines. My results are basically the same give or take a few gms here n there. so what would warrant me to use one line over another and pay 10X as much for it? Nothing! Growers need to gain more confidence in their skills as a grower and get away from giving the credit to nutrients b/c honestly, any line on themarket will produce very similar results if dialed in and used properly.
yes... 70 dollars for 2 grows is cheap. i see a bunch of people go out and spend way more on GH or whatever other lines. Also i checked that hydrobuddy program, because i thought it is a really cool idea.. but mixing your own nutes is a lot of work, especially if you wanna come up with a custom mix. plus i dont know how i feel about ordering all the chemicals separately online. but its cool that you have the time and experience. maybe someday.

people say AN is way more expensive than it is... in some places ok (like my hydro store sells a quart of bigbud for over a 100$), but you can find deals online.

Also a question for you about that vodka bottle bud. did you trim some of the fan leaves or did it just grow really tall like that? if so when did you trim the leaves? so much different advice out there on this subject.

1) How easy do you want it? Mixing your own nutes takes not even 5 mins, weigh out proportions of powder mix into a litre of water done! (as easy as the given Hammerhead example, which only has 2 ingredients!)
2) What is the problem with ordering from ebay? They are legal, publicly obtainable, widely available, fertiliser salts. Just because it is a chemical salt doesn't mean it's illegal (do you get stopped in the supermarket buying caustic soda? NO!) Hell you could gets a truckload of the stuff delivered to your front door!
3) The strain is "Sensi Seeds Limited Edition Skunk #1 (Feminised) That photo of the bud next to the vodka bottle was taken 1 week before chop and it is the main cola bud of the plant on the left, with no trimming at all. The bud grew that big/fat as a direct result of the mono-potassium phosphate used.
The first picture is of the same plant the day of chop, I trimmed all the fan leaves before taking the picture (I like naked shots to really show a plant off!). It looks quite tall because it has larger gaps between each node but very, very dense compact buds (helped along by the magic salt) with an awesome calyx to leaf ratio, with the fan leaves gone you have left nearly pure bud making trimming to dry a piece of cake! Check out the grow in my Sig Blog, it's all there.

that software is a joke. it only tells whats on a label. will never know what the hidden formula is. so its making a bottle of miricle grow with just N/P/K. more to growing than that. and its the hidden shit that makes the differences. im looking at some advanced recipes and what i see listed here isnt theirs..not all of it and not same numbers...close but close isnt same. all foods are close to each other so it is a general over the counter reg nute mix. but for the ones want close or good enough it works

I can see somebody else didn't pay attention either, that software does EXACTLY what I said. The more information you give it the more accurate it is and if you actually used it you would know.
Since when has Hammerhead listed on the bottle it's ingredients? It doesn't, it just tells you the N-P-K and as for "the hidden shit". LMFAO! Don't fall for marketing hype or speculation. There is no "hidden shit", Don't you think industrial agriculture would be using Advanced products if AN knew something they didn't?
The formula I gave for Hammerhead in my first post was gained by using it, You tell it the N-P-K and it will tell you what ingredients are in the bottle (how many industrial fert salts do think actually exist?), it tells you the amounts of each ingredient you need to reach said N-P-K if you tell it the VOLUME BY WEIGHT of ingredients. The software uses very basic algorithm, it's not hard to understand! You may need to do some simple division maths to down grade solution strengths to reach the desired 0-9-18 amounts as I did (it doesn't hand it on a plate) but again, not rocket science!

If I could find my original post from about 2 years ago (an ongoing conversation and whole essay/tutorial on the subject snipped from another site) then that may explain it in laymens terms a little better but unfortunately it was mysteriously removed without explanation (the last group of site Mods). I think because SOMEBODY didn't like what I was doing, promoting homebrew nutes and GIVING AWAY the recipes that major companies make millions with?

I shall give you an irrefutable example to solidify my point.

If you are American then you should know this product, if not I'm sure somebody will jump in and back me up. (0-52-34)

That product is "Mother Of All Blooms" by he company "The Mad Farmer" and it DOES list it's ingredients (go look in your local hydro store), it only has 2!
1) Mono-Potassium Phosphate (0-52-34)
2) Vitamin B1 (not needed).

Oh but wait, what is this I have in my hand...............

It's a bottle of the VERY SAME Mono-Potassium Phosphate 0-52-34 (the same stuff that is one of the Hammerhead ingredients!).

Now you can either buy a 500g tub of "MOAB" for $45 or you can get 1lb of Mono-Potassium Phosphate (same thing) from E-bay with FREE DELIVERY for $15.20

I rest my case, no need to rep me all at once I'll be here all week! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Cannabisworks, I guess what bothers me is the fact that growers actually believe nutrients make the difference. In a sense they do, but any good grower can get the same results with any line. I was growing long before liquid nutrients were available. If you know how they are derived and frm what they are derived from, most could see almost every nutrient line uses agricultural and food grade gradients. They are not much different in make up and basically, can and will produce the exact same results if used properly.

A good grower knows it is not the nutrients, it is how they are used and how well they are dialed in to optimize the plant. I have ran so many lines and do alot of side by side grows with various nutrient lines. My results are basically the same give or take a few gms here n there. so what would warrant me to use one line over another and pay 10X as much for it? Nothing! Growers need to gain more confidence in their skills as a grower and get away from giving the credit to nutrients b/c honestly, any line on themarket will produce very similar results if dialed in and used properly.

While I agree with your overall point, all fertilizers are not created equally nor will they all perform like one another.
thailord....totaly agree with nutes are the least of what makes good smoke. nutes are the biggest con there is in this field

i did use it son. so did my chemist. it works if you know whats in the bottle or you want to believe the label. but if you do then youll never get the same as how we make nutes. the best stuff isnt even on the label
takes more than 5 min to make a batch of nutes from scratch a day just to mix it once everything is in the batch...or longer depnding on what is made. takes more than 5 min to even make our bottled nute if your doing it right as it needs to sit almost an hour for true pH readings.

the pics show us nothing to the quality. miricle grow does big buds to but is shit when tested

the hidden shit isnt marketing if its not talked about. and i make nutes dood so i know for a fact they are in it. your the one guessing by not working in the field

i know for aq fact triacantonol is in massive but not on any label. and theres more. do you see all ezymes or what fungi are in stuff..not all they just says microbial, well theres millions of them. your obviously been fooled by them...not me, does advanced list whey protien on its stuff cause its in there.

untill you actualy worked in a nute making co your the guessing one dood. i rest my case.
thailord....totaly agree with nutes are the least of what makes good smoke. nutes are the biggest con there is in this field

i did use it son. so did my chemist. it works if you know whats in the bottle or you want to believe the label. but if you do then youll never get the same as how we make nutes. the best stuff isnt even on the label
takes more than 5 min to make a batch of nutes from scratch a day just to mix it once everything is in the batch...or longer depnding on what is made. takes more than 5 min to even make our bottled nute if your doing it right as it needs to sit almost an hour for true pH readings.

the pics show us nothing to the quality. miricle grow does big buds to but is shit when tested

the hidden shit isnt marketing if its not talked about. and i make nutes dood so i know for a fact they are in it. your the one guessing by not working in the field

i know for aq fact triacantonol is in massive but not on any label. and theres more. do you see all ezymes or what fungi are in stuff..not all they just says microbial, well theres millions of them. your obviously been fooled by them...not me, does advanced list whey protien on its stuff cause its in there.

untill you actualy worked in a nute making co your the guessing one dood. i rest my case.

1) By your "the same as we do, best stuff not on the label" statement you are no different than AN trying to sell some snake oil with a magic ingredient that modern agriculture doesn't know about, to somebody who you think doesn't know any better! Like I said how many commercial fertiliser salts do you think exist? Daniel Fernandez who programmed Hydrobuddy certainly does!

I don't need a list of ingredients on the label, I can use that program and I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU PUT IN IT!

2) LMFAO! Whey protein for plants? you really are showing your stupidity! :lol::lol::lol::lol: :dunce:

3) If it takes you longer than 5 mins (for a litre that said) to mix a nute made from a water soluble salt (erm.....water soluble means put it in water and it disolves, pretty much INSTANTLY!) then your doing something wrong! And why would you PH balance a nute before bottling it? Because it'll have a completely different value once diluted in water before feeding, making this step redundant!

4) If you paid attention to the posts you would see I can't make Enzyme products (for obvious reasons) and do you think I'm stupid enough to think you put MILLIONS of seperate bacteria in a bottle, one by one?
They are grown in groups you retard, like Trichoderma Fungi. Coco is colonized with it in abundance.
This for example has 89 species in it's genus. They are listed as "microbial" because there wouldn't be enough space on the damn label to list them all!

i dont think people rep for non true info

Go have a look at the back of a tub of "MOAB" and you'll see for yourself what I say about it is true!

and the bottles N/P/K dosent always show what amounts of each are in it if you knew so much on labels...some do some dont.

And I'll say it again. I don't need a list of ingredients to tell whats in it. Sometimes there isn't the volume by weight but like I said the more info you give it the easier it is to use.

So we come to the conclusion that you talk out of your arse! :finger:
sorry shouldnt have said we...i used to work in this, not anymore so its not we.

and most in modern horti do know this stuff..just not you obviously. and by the way...this is horticulture not agriculture. dont even know what class your growing in and telling everyone their
agri is outdoor farming. we are for the most part container growing, and yes it does work differently.

.how are you going to tell me how much triacantonol, or what form it is in if its not on a label?. ...go us the massive recipe smarty be happy if you can even show us the triacantonol amount alone?..put that generic nutient maker to work

no, its you thats stupid with the whey cause your the one using it by using, didnt say was on ones i was with. and if you knew ,more youd actualy be ok with using.

sonny, by the time you get the water ready, grab the bottles of nutes and ph pens and ec and all the shit needed thats 5 min right there dumass. do you even grow?.

why cant you make enzymes there?..besides not knowing anything about them. you dont make them, you buy them. thought you knew nutes dood.??..
trust me your links there wont learn me anything i dont know already.

again you have to much faith oin a label. i dont care what mob says on it, that may or may not be all that is in it. only one to know is the mixer and recipe holders. or could send to a lab and scan it.

i think the conclusion is obvious. your a puppet repeateting others info and dont know

ill eat my words and leave the forum if you can show us how much triacantonol is in massive...and what source or form., that is important to how it works..or if it does.
I'd like to put my 2 pence in and truly do something "for them" because this is what growers do,we spread the love.
I have been making my own nutes for a couple of years now (not all growers are dumb consumers that don't know any better,how do you think we were growing trees before cannabis specific nutes came around?) with a free software program called Hydrobuddy (Google it, it was invented for just that use by a Biochemist).

You tell me the N-P-K value,the volume by weight of solution and the container size and I'll tell you how to make the damn stuff yourself.
Hell I can make most AN stuff, CANNA's entire line (except cannazyme and other enzyme products) and most other company's nutes.

Most raw fertiliser salts are available on Ebay cheap as chips.
So here we have Advanced Nutrients Hammerhead PK 9/18.
Recipe as follows for 1 Litre size....

MonoPotassium Phosphate (0-52-34) 78.2g
Sulphate of Potash (0-0-41) 91.8g
distilled or RO water, to top up to the 1L mark
as a preservative you can add 1g of sodium benzoate if you wish (food preservative).

Knock yourself up a makeshift lab in the kitchen and your good to go!

The ingredients (minus water) to make more than 10 litres of Hammerhead cost me about £12,a kilo of potassium sulphate (with delivery) is less than £4!

That Mr Black,is how you do something for the community :finger:

just downloaded that and tried to use it , way way way too complicated for me! theres like 15 different input values
While I agree with your overall point, all fertilizers are not created equally nor will they all perform like one another.

Sorry, but you are completely wrong. There are few(3 to be exact) companies right now using Technical & Laboratory gradients in the market, they make some difference, but the ending results are the same. All nutrients lines are derived from basically from the same raw materials, only the grade of gradients are different. Some may mix certain elements stronger, have higher or lower concentrations, but in the end, they are dervied from the exact same raw materials. I have researched nutrients since General Hydroponics came on the market in the 70's and saved us all from having to mix ortho 30-30-30 and cow shit to feed our plants.

Regardless of the hype you want to believe from companies, they are derived from the same ingredients and the little added stuff they like to hype up in their ingredients are not even needed, and actually are seldom used by the plant. A perfect example is L-Amino products, Urea is used in AN's B-52, for what? Why is there 21 L-Aminos in an Amino product, when only 17 L-Aminos have been proven beneficial to plant growth? Why do so many companies use Urea when it is worthless in Hydro and basically useless in soil/soiless mixes? You show me a nutrient line that is not derived from the exact same raw materials? They all work and do the exact same thing, only difference is the concentration and grade of gradients used; all but 3 companies manufacturing synthetic nutrients use agricultural and food grades. 1 of the other companies uses all technical and laboratory grades, and the other 2 uses both technical/laboratory and food grades in their mixes.

I worked in the industry, grown for over 3 decades, and get free samples almost daily to test from companies coming out with new products, I can assure you they are all created from the exact same raw materials and will work the exact same way if used properly. They all perform by how they are used, not by what they are derived from. I welcome you to prove me wrong here. For I know by experience of doing side by side grows since 1998 that they all perform the same and if you think otherwise you are reading into the hype of the labels and marketing, not into the grow. I welcome you to send me any product out there and I will run it side by side with Technaflora, AN, GH, Aurora, Atami, Cyco, X Nutrients, Fox Farm, Botanicare, Humboldt whatever you want; organic or synthetic. A plant uses what is given to it, and many of these companies are selling snake oil b/c half of the ingredients they list are not even used by the plant. Send me whatever nute line you want homebrewer, and I will show you, as I have showed most nute companies that they all work and produce the same one dialed in. As I stated earlier, I ran Greenfields, 707 and the coco coir soiless all mixes together with nothing more than liquidfied seaweed during veg and molasses during flower and had almost exact results give or take a gm or 2 and the taste using my mix over Advanced was not even comparable. As for potency, it is another hype, anyone who understands genetics knows the strain determines potentcy factors, it is all about optimzing it to be the best it can be. And yes, I have my bud tested, but this is a different debate.
heres the N/P/K for smarty pants to tell us whats in this....1/1.5/2.8 and another of.....0083/.011/.0505...throw those in your software and show us what you get
all you needed was an N/P/K right?
sorry shouldnt have said we...i used to work in this, not anymore so its not we.

and most in modern horti do know this stuff..just not you obviously. and by the way...this is horticulture not agriculture. dont even know what class your growing in and telling everyone their
agri is outdoor farming. we are for the most part container growing, and yes it does work differently.

.how are you going to tell me how much triacantonol, or what form it is in if its not on a label?. ...go us the massive recipe smarty be happy if you can even show us the triacantonol amount alone?..put that generic nutient maker to work

no, its you thats stupid with the whey cause your the one using it by using, didnt say was on ones i was with. and if you knew ,more youd actualy be ok with using.

sonny, by the time you get the water ready, grab the bottles of nutes and ph pens and ec and all the shit needed thats 5 min right there dumass. do you even grow?.

why cant you make enzymes there?..besides not knowing anything about them. you dont make them, you buy them. thought you knew nutes dood.??..
trust me your links there wont learn me anything i dont know already.

again you have to much faith oin a label. i dont care what mob says on it, that may or may not be all that is in it. only one to know is the mixer and recipe holders. or could send to a lab and scan it.

i think the conclusion is obvious. your a puppet repeateting others info and dont know

ill eat my words and leave the forum if you can show us how much triacantonol is in massive...and what source or form., that is important to how it works..or if it does.

"Sorry but shouldnt have said we.......i used to work in this, not anymore so its not we", So keep your mouth shut then Mr sweep the floor and make the tea!

You really do have the attention span of a Goldfish!
I know the difference between Agri and Horti, if you read what my posts say and not what you THINK they say we wouldn't be having this backwards and forwards bullshit! I said, "Don't you think that industrial Agriculture would be using Advanced products if AN knew something they didn't?" hence the connection to Agriculture. You should also look up the definitions of Agriculture and Horticulture because it's not as clear cut as you may think and the mark has definitely been missed!
It really doesn't matter if you grow outdoors or in a container, plants need the same nutrition regardless. The only real difference and the fundamental reason people began to cultivate indoors is, they have the ability to produce multiple harvests from annual plants and can completely control the climate within the growing environment.

I'm not telling everyone they're wrong, I'm telling YOU YOUR WRONG. The former, coincidentally is EXACTLY what YOU have been doing to people in the mere 3 months you've been a member of this site. You have been going around telling people they are wrong (with compelling proof) and that they know nothing without providing any factual evidence or references to back up your claims and solidify your points. You just expect people to listen to you claiming "I've been in the industry 30 years" but based on your posts, that are strewn with inaccuracies and things I (and more than hundreds of other members) know to be 100% false this is utter bullshit! Further more, in the few months you have been here you have contradicted yourself at least 3 different times in respect to the actual job you do within this industry and in this post you NOW say you no longer work in the industry!
When savvy people DO catch you out and provide YOU with facts and evidence you either try to discredit the source with your so called "30 years" knowledge or simply don't post a reply!
You are nothing more than a fraud and a liar, I suggest you screw your neck in!

Triacontonol is naturally occurring and is found in plant cuticle waxes and other things such as Beeswax.
When manufactured for use as plant stimulant products it is a fatty alcohol that comes in 1 form, a white crystalline powder stable in light, air and alkali that is none soluble in water.
The benefits of Tria are actually skeptical due to it's inefficient solubility.

Whey Protein.
As for this, you stated that AN put in their products I never said I use Advanced gear. If you could please enlighten us ALL as to why AN would ever put this very expensive powder in their Nutes and for what reason? If you know ANYTHING about whey protein then you would understand it is a pretty stupid idea that would be absolutely pointless and pretty detrimental to plants.

"Sonny, by the time you get the water ready, grab the bottles of nutes and ph pens and ec and all the shit needed thats 5 mins right there dumass. do you even grow?"

I said 5 mins to mix and you well know it as you stated the need to rest for a ph reading, now you are just being facetious!
Sonny? SONNY?! By the quality of your English and the rampant spelling mistakes in your posts, you are either young (I should call YOU sonny) or you are of limited intelligence. You see that little squiggly red line under a word when you type? That means you spelled the word wrong, DUMB ASS!

I can't make enzymes "FOR OBVIOUS REASONS", I know it's hard with the attention span of a Goldfish but please try to keep up.

I have already stated in my first post I can't make ALL but MOST chemical ferts with the said software (it does have limitations). You however have taken it out of context, blown it out of proportion and taken it to a whole new level in order to try and prove a non existent point.

In the recipe I gave for Hammerhead I use Potassium Sulphate rather than Potassium Nitrate as I don't want any Nitrogen in my bloom booster.
AN have actually change the ratio of N-P-K in Hammerhead 3 times since my home brewing began, from 9-18 to 4-10 and now to 6-12 but regardless of this my recipe coincides with the Guaranteed analysis on their website.

Guaranteed analyses means if that's not what's in it then they have to stop selling it and can be sued by the end user (as they have with products in the past, stated in the report at the start of this thread).

And I may be getting ahead of myself a little here because I'm pretty damn sure that nutrients have to be registered before sale and the governing body MUST be provided with data regarding ALL compounds in the formula (especially if it's an inorganic product). As the end user of a product that is potentially going to be used on fruit bearing plants intended for human consumption then I have a Lawful right to said information and can simply write to the governing body and request said data, thus blowing your snake oil magic ingredients right out of the water. I'm not 100% confident on this but now I'm interested, I'm going to go away and do some study on the subject and I'll get back to you with some concrete facts.

All this pulls away from the actual point of my original post that still stands.
industrial agri isnt growing medicine. it grows bulk shit. what we do is a little fussier...if you care about the product anyways...and crop food taste like shit compared to what i grow or others do at home with better quality soils and foods. i think most know that and taste the diff between store shit and our own grown foods.

3 months?...ive been on here for years dood. lost old log in shit. i see your one of those that think a new member never grew before or dont know his shit. and i assume you watch them points and shit like this is a game or popularity contest to?
no i dont expect people to just take my word..if im asked to back something i will. when asked to.
lol..i dont contradict ,myself on my jobs..ive had more than 1 in my fukin life dum ass. sorry youve only ever done 1 or can only do 1 at a time. not all are paying jobs, just what i do as a passion and can concider it a job...just as growing is like a job. may not pay and have bennefits as a reg job would, but its a job.

so your going to feed your plant waxes to allow it to get the triacantonol out?...there is diff processes to get diff should know that, all foods are like that or we would be putting rocks in out soils thinking its food as most nutes come from rocks / minerals. you going to put plain bee wax in the soil?

i do understand whey protien..and im not with advanced so go ask them. i know what it can do but for plants i have no idea if its same. just an eg to you making claims to be able to make any nutes out there with just N/P/K/. you cant. youll make generic based foods/. we can buy 20/20/20 and get the same shit without all the math and software and mixing

ya i see the squigly line dood..under almost every word even if its right. poor guy dont cry over bad typing. you can obviously still read it.

so thats nice again. that software can make what anyone can make without it. still wont be the same as the bottled stuff.

you dont have a clue on labels dood. nobody has to label everything . only if its harmfull to human or environment. yes all and each bottle must be passed in each state before sales are allowed. what we would send to the gov would have to match. then there is the same clause nute co and food industry can hide behind and non disclosue to secret ingredients as long as its not harmfull. and there are many ways to manipulate the info to be true enough for a pass.
if you realy had been in nute bizz for as long or made nutes as long as you say you would know that.
just the like the N/P/K

just like N/P/K on labels isnt always even truthfull.a couple ways to label that should also know that

i will correct the comment that the software is shit. its just wont make food exact as some thing. it will make a basic generic recipe

still waiting to see the recipe for the food i listed...cant do it?