Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...

carbon basred is after the microbes eat the organic matter and shit it out. when they shit it then it has added carbon or a plant cant eat it, other wise they could eat raw bat shit and so on as we give it to them...and they cant. wrong form, no salt or carbon in it yet for it to be plant food yet. its still microbe food basicly. 99.99999% of the so called organic in a liquid form in a bottle isnt organic at all. its still a chem salt if they looked at the gauranteed analysus, havin omri stamp on the bottle doesnt make it organic or any better than any other nute bottle. they are all organic based as all food comes from earth sea or air. makes them all organic to a point. funny so many dont see that whent hey mix the food and see reg ppm in the nute rez...real organics dont register as it isnt a salt/carbon yet. the plant also provides the carbon.
yes their is fincionality with a chare but is a whole diff subkject. plants only uptake me charges and is what ph buffered means with nutes and mediums. man think it measn we dont need to ph anything..all it means is possitive and negative are bufered or ballanced to resist change when mixed...or the nutes wouldnt work at all. the carbomn or salt is more how easy it passes through roots membranes and how they pass through. diff forms dont relay promote diff growth, they all change from whatever our bottle is to the same form to be eaten by a plant. thats why organic...real so slow. wrong forms so it has to be changed by fungi and microbe to the right one and also within the plant/ when they cheep out and use eurea as their form. plant dot like that so has be changed
and realy ratios arent all that important as long as it isnt supressing other ellements. plants uptake what they want and leave any extras. they why so many burn and have ph issues. over fed a certain ellement and it blocks others so the plant hgets deff and burns from lack of food. ...most call it over feeding but you cant force them to over eat, they send oerages back to the medium as a starch and thats what messes shit up. plants cant be overfed...only mediums can

I'm trying to follow you here, but the spelling errors are making this tricky to read.

Maybe you can make up a simple step by step explanation to post elsewhere in the forum? This seems like it would be hella useful for growers in general!
if you cant follow that then you wont follow it in another thread. theres only a couple spelling errors. im not even part of this site you can see why from bullshit in here alone, i just cant stand this co and how they con the new guys so ill keep posting int his 1 thread since new guys get attracted to this thing and rediculous growing claims, maybe i can save a couple of them a buck or 2

simple step by step??.you feed the medium. bugs eat it. bugs poo its waste product..bug poo/processed ferts, when they poo it adds carbon to the processed food/poo so it can be used by a plant. not the so called organic food. till that happens organic food isnt plant food. if your getting reg ppm as others do then it isnt organic and this process doesnt happen. its a salt chem form. "derived from" doesnt make it organic like they like to claim is.
Only a couple spelling errors? Per sentence maybe. That really was horrifically written and it's nearly illegible. Generally I don't care too much about spelling but if you can't spell, f'in own it. Don't say there's only a couple errors when you literally did not write a SINGLE sentence that didn't contain some kind of egregious error. If that's good enough for you I'm not going to argue. Just own it and don't claim there aren't a metric butt-ton of errors that seriously challenge people's ability to understand what you wrote.

carbon basred is after the microbes eat the organic matter and shit it out. when they shit it then it has added carbon or a plant cant eat it, other wise they could eat raw bat shit and so on as we give it to them...and they cant. wrong form, no salt or carbon in it yet for it to be plant food yet.its still microbe food basicly.

This is patently false. When a microbe "shits" it doesn't add carbon. You need to study some science, specifically the nitrification cycle, before you start stating facts that are not, and don't even vaguely resemble, the truth.

Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonium, which is NH4+ into nitrites which are NO2-. No carbon added. Other bacteria convert that into nitrates which are NO3-. Still no carbon.

Furthermore, you don't put "salt" into anything at any stage. A salt is nothing more than ionic compounds resulting from the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base. You have a positive ion and a negative ion that bond together to create an ionic compound. Now look above. See that plus or minus sign at the end of the compounds I just mentioned? Yeah, that's their ionic charge. They're all one part of a salt pair. (For those interested in the technical terms, the positive charged ones are called "cations" and the negative charged ones are called "anions".) Basically you have a cation and an anion, and that forms a salt.

If you have Nitrates in water, you have nitric acid. That's what an acid is - a volume of water with a bunch of anions in it. If you combined that with a base, the acid and base would neutralize each other and a salt would be formed.

So there's some basic highschool chemistry for you.

Short version is, there's no carbon added to cations or anions by being "shit out" by microbes.

99.99999% of the so called organic in a liquid form in a bottle isnt organic at all. its still a chem salt if they looked at the gauranteed analysus, havin omri stamp on the bottle doesnt make it organic or any better than any other nute bottle. they are all organic based as all food comes from earth sea or air. makes them all organic to a point. funny so many dont see that whent hey mix the food and see reg ppm in the nute rez...real organics dont register as it isnt a salt/carbon yet. the plant also provides the carbon.

You've got some truth here. The entire concept of "organic" is a fuzzy realm no matter whether you're talking about apples or fertilizers. What is "organic enough" to be organic? Depends on who you ask. OMRI has certain standards that they consider to be "organic enough" to get their little rubber stamp. I think California just came up with a more strict standard that ensures each component that goes into something is vetted as organic back to a certain level, but I don't know enough details about that to say for sure.

You stray from accuracy at the "isn't a salt/carbon yet" thing and saying that "real organics don't register" on a ppm meter. They do. They simply don't register the same way because a ppm meter measures EC (electrical conductivity) of the solution. Simply put, the meter runs a mild electric current between the two metal tips and measures how much resistance the solution has. More dissolved solids decreases resistance, but every dissolved solid alters resistance differently. So even within purely chemical salt fertilizers, different formulations at exactly the same ppm can give radically different EC readings. Fertilizers with more organic sources tend not to be as broken down as chemical salt-based fertilizers, and thus are less conductive, but they still conduct electricity.

Even the most hippy-tree-hugger-friendly organic liquid fertilizer will register on a ppm meter. It just won't register ACCURATELY. Of course from a scientists perspective, nothing is really accurately measured using EC unless you know specifically what compounds you're dealing with in the first place. At best our EC meters provide useful ballpark measurements. Most fertilizers are designed pretty much similarly, so we can get useful (if not accurate) information.

yes their is fincionality with a chare but is a whole diff subkject. plants only uptake me charges and is what ph buffered means with nutes and mediums.

This is the worst sentence in the whole paragraph. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you meant to type, "Yes, there is functionality with a charge but that is a whole different subject. Plants only uptake (no frikkin clue) charges and that is what pH buffered means regarding nutes and mediums." Even written in proper English this makes very little sense.

The mechanism by which plants uptake nutrients depends on the molecules involved having a particular charge or polarity, and those molecules being suspended in a liquid solution of water. Plants cannot uptake any nutrient (with their roots, at least) unless it is dissolved in water and charged. (Of course chemists will note how unlikely anything is to be found in any abundance, dissolved in water UNLESS it has a charge, so "dissolved in water" is really the only necessary qualifier.)

man think it measn we dont need to ph anything..all it means is possitive and negative are bufered or ballanced to resist change when mixed...or the nutes wouldnt work at all. the carbomn or salt is more how easy it passes through roots membranes and how they pass through.

I think I saw this exact sentence in an email from a Nigerian Prince who needed my help to protect his money.

diff forms dont relay promote diff growth, they all change from whatever our bottle is to the same form to be eaten by a plant.

I'm assuming you're talking about Nitrogen here, since it was mentioned earlier. If so, you're absolutely wrong. Plants can and do absorb SEVERAL different forms of Nitrogen, but only a couple forms are easily absorbed. And the form of Nitrogen a plant absorbs absolutely does influence how well it grows. Check this out:

thats why organic...real so slow. wrong forms so it has to be changed by fungi and microbe to the right one and also within the plant/ when they cheep out and use eurea as their form. plant dot like that so has be changed

Read the document above.

Additionally, "real" organic doesn't have to be in the "wrong form". Consider this: if you take a 100% organic source of Nitrogen, and then run it through a 100% organic process to break it down into bioavailable forms, isn't it still 100% organic? Of course it is.

Why isn't this done more often? Because it's expensive. And when you make a truly organic fertilizer that's pre-processed for your plants and sell it for what it's worth you get a whole bunch of armchair chemists who think the ingredient label on a bottle of fertilizer actually tells you something meaningful about what's in the bottle. They throw out fancy-sounding phrases like "carbon based" that actually don't apply IN THE SLIGHTEST to what is being talked about and/or yap about how the ingredient list is the same as product Z that costs half as much so the true organic, pre-processed fertilizer must be a "ripoff".

and realy ratios arent all that important as long as it isnt supressing other ellements. plants uptake what they want and leave any extras. they why so many burn and have ph issues. over fed a certain ellement and it blocks others so the plant hgets deff and burns from lack of food. ...most call it over feeding but you cant force them to over eat, they send oerages back to the medium as a starch and thats what messes shit up. plants cant be overfed...only mediums can

Again, the pdf I linked shows where this is wrong. Ratios ARE important. Plants don't simply pick and choose what to absorb. They don't sit there under the sun and say "gee, am I hungry for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, or Potassium today?" They kick out ions in order to absorb ions, and they don't have very much control over what gets absorbed. Anyone with even the most basic understanding of growing knows that plants can be overfed.

Carbon-based Nitrogen... what a crock. The only form of Nitrogen that even has carbon in it is urea, and when it's broken down the carbon atom is REMOVED.
. i could have wrote a book to but nobody here worth that effort to go so detailed. they dont get it so posting that makes it even more out to lunch. and if it isnt a carbon it isnt food then dood. its salts or carbon based, and organic isnt a salt, lol..the whole thing is carbon dood. its a term. there isnt a chunk of bloody coal connected to it....lololol..your carbon..the plant is carbon but we dont see that either..holly
and same with salt. just a tarm for nitro or any of the nutes we not actualy salt we put on, ya bub i know about the charges and is why i already said they want negative stuff....salt...compoud. 2 ellements together, compound/salt.... all same shit like ive been saying...whats your point?

organic??.its all organic being its all from the earth or sea..that whole periodic table is so its all organic to them labels if they wanted. omri has diff stamps for what you pay..certified or just lisyed. so most only list to avoid checking properly, they are the wall mart of quality testing. cheepst in town, thats why they get used. company knows why bither so use the least coctsly a smost dont know the truth amnyways.
organic wont read cause it doesnt conduct electricity. check the run off after its changed and it reads so if it reads same as chem to begin with it isnt organic, its salt/ chem. whatever term ya want to use for that. means the food isnt hardly avail to the plant with low readings. your just repeating everything thats been said dood in diff words. you ttoaly sound like a
and again with the nitro its been said. why you keep just reposting same info over n over. i never said anywhere they dont take in all nitro. said some are easier.

and i also said ratio do matter if there is to much it supresses others..whats matter dood, all repeats here.
and your last sentence is such thing as carbon based nitro bt yet you say urea is???...again not making sence yourswelf dood, and i never got into what happens after it isn the plant. you seem to just want your 5 min of fame here like the others. you seriously me just repsoted exact info in loooonger more difficult terms for new guys to get it all..way to go. you can read to
Carbon-based Nitrogen... what a crock. The only form of Nitrogen that even has carbon in it is urea, and when it's broken down the carbon atom is REMOVED.

and your last sentence is such thing as carbon based nitro bt yet you say urea is???

He didn't say it was carbon based, just that it has a bonded carbon atom before ammonification. In other words , in it's raw form.
One thing to say... I used dyna grow with shitty results... Switched to Advanced nutes and got amazing rresults with exact same set up... Yes AN are more expensive but they work for me! Very well!! And because something is sourced from organic material DOES NOT make it organic... Perfect example.... Pineapple rush.. My two cents. Continue to argue amongst yourselves. I'll continue buying AN cause they just work BETTER IMHO!!
One thing to say... I used dyna grow with shitty results... Switched to Advanced nutes and got amazing rresults with exact same set up... Yes AN are more expensive but they work for me! Very well!! And because something is sourced from organic material DOES NOT make it organic... Perfect example.... Pineapple rush.. My two cents. Continue to argue amongst yourselves. I'll continue buying AN cause they just work BETTER IMHO!!

Just out of curiosity, how were you using it? What products were you using and how much of each were you adding to a gallon of water?
Just out of curiosity, how were you using it? What products were you using and how much of each were you adding to a gallon of water?
Good question homebrewer!! I was using DWC and I followed their feed schedule.. Veg Pro-Tek @ 2.5ml/gal, grow started @5ml/gal-12.5ml/gal, mag-pro @.5-1ml/gal, also used H2O2 throughout till I started using heinsberg tea due to slime issues..

Bloom: Pro-Tekt @5ml/gal, Bloom @12.5-15ml/gal, mag-pro @2.5-1 then back up to 2.5ml/gal..

Any advice?

And also my grow or bloom (I can't remember which) had chunks of solids in it....
Good question homebrewer!! I was using DWC and I followed their feed schedule.. Veg Pro-Tek @ 2.5ml/gal, grow started @5ml/gal-12.5ml/gal, mag-pro @.5-1ml/gal, also used H2O2 throughout till I started using heinsberg tea due to slime issues..

Bloom: Pro-Tekt @5ml/gal, Bloom @12.5-15ml/gal, mag-pro @2.5-1 then back up to 2.5ml/gal..

Any advice?

And also my grow or bloom (I can't remember which) had chunks of solids in it....

Those are roughly the numbers I used when I first tried DG in hydro and found that as a whole, their bottles run pretty hot. That's a good thing IMO because they'll last you a looong time when feeding at the EC that works best for your plants. The bad thing is that following their chart overfeeds your plants which is not unlike many plant foods which also call for too much.

I'll PM you about some specifics if you ever run it again.
Is 25 15 15 npk to high to give to my plant in the first week if I diute this down to 1/4 of strenght in the very first stage of nutrients but is it wise to use 2 1 1 organic first and diulte this down to 1/4 for the end of the first week
and your last sentence is such thing as carbon based nitro bt yet you say urea is???
He didn't say it was carbon based, just that it has a bonded carbon atom before ammonification. In other words , in it's raw form.

Exactly, patlpp. Thank you. I think (I certainly hope, anyway) that everyone here can agree with the fact that urea isn't useful to plants until it's broken down. As this process REMOVES the carbon atom it actually makes the molecule not "carbon-based". To suggest that an atom of Nitrogen is somehow different in the present by virtue of once - in the past - having been bonded to a carbon atom demonstrates an astounding and fundamental misunderstanding of atomic chemistry.

. i could have wrote a book to

Yes, you could have written a book too, assuming the looser definition of "book" meaning "a lot of words".

but nobody here worth that effort to go so detailed.

So if we're all too worthless to bother trying to clearly explain yourself (as is so painfully clearly the case) why bother? If it's futile, and you do it anyway, what does that say about you?

and if it isnt a carbon it isnt food then dood. its salts or carbon based

Saying things doesn't make them true. Nearly all the "food" plants eat contains no carbon whatsoever. The vast majority of the carbon plants absorb comes from the air. Carbon dioxide. None of the fertilizer they use needs to have carbon in it and in fact the presence of carbon atoms in fertilizer compounds generally indicates they require additional processing before the plants can use them.

and organic isnt a salt

Saying "organic isn't a salt" is like saying "Ford isn't a truck". Not all trucks are Fords. Not all Fords are trucks. But a salt can absolutely be organic by any definition you want to use. You can have "organic sea salt". You can have salts that involve organic compounds. Monosodium glutamate, iminium salts, organophosphates are all organic salts.

Hell - your beloved urates are frikkin' organic salts.

You can say they're not organic by your book, if that's what you want to say. I can say that in my opinion up is down and dogs are cats. It doesn't make me right, and it doesn't make my opinions useful to anyone else.

just a tarm for nitro or any of the nutes we not actualy salt we put on, ya bub i know about the charges and is why i already said they want negative stuff....salt...compoud. 2 ellements together, compound/salt.... all same shit like ive been saying...whats your point?

Let me ask you the same question: what is your point? What you type is so incredibly difficult to read that by the time I've finished mentally translating it into English I've forgotten to remember what it said in the first place.

It seems you're agreeing with my description of what salts are, which is good because what I said was all true. I don't know why you'd say that it's not salt like "we put on dinner". Not only did I not say that, what I did say explicitly contradicts that assumption. As far as I can tell, the points you make that I argue against are being responded to by you taking my side on things I'm not arguing with you about, and then arguing my side against me. That's weird.

organic??.its all organic being its all from the earth or sea..that whole periodic table is so its all organic to them labels if they wanted. omri has diff stamps for what you pay..certified or just lisyed. so most only list to avoid checking properly, they are the wall mart of quality testing. cheepst in town, thats why they get used. company knows why bither so use the least coctsly a smost dont know the truth amnyways.

That's pretty much exactly what I said, changed around and then typed in with your elbows. "lisyed"? "coctsly"? Dude, I've been high but never that high. Isn't "amnysways" that company that sells soap?

organic wont read cause it doesnt conduct electricity.

This is an excellent example of my point, which once again you're not getting and thus not effectively disagreeing with. My point is you're frequently very nearly right, but you get key details horribly wrong. Organic anything conducts electricity. Anything made of matter conducts electricity.

Seriously - name an object that doesn't conduct electricity.

Whatever you just thought of is wrong. So is the other thing you thought of.

If it has electrons in the atoms, it conducts electricity because that's what electricity is. Electrons moving from one atom to the next, through the material in a particular direction. Some materials are better conductors than others - that's the key. What we call an "insulator" is actually just a poor conductor of electricity, but it still conducts electricity. Electricity is lazy (like your typing) and will take the shortest route through the best conductor, which is why rubber gloves protect you from most voltages. But if you're the tallest thing around no amount of rubber soles on your shoes is going to stop your body from being a very effective conductor of the electricity in a bolt of lightning.

In terms of an EC meter, organic fertilizers absolutely DO register. They do not, however, register as well as a mineral fertilizer does and therefore the EC meter is ineffective at measuring them. That's what I said. It's true. Again, you can choose not to believe it and say that organic doesn't conduct electricity. You're allowed to be wrong. It just means people like me are going to point it out so no one else gets infected with your crazy.

why you keep just reposting same info over n over.

Because when you're telling the truth, it sounds shockingly consistent.
Best old ass thread ever. Old like Advanced Nutrients attempts at changing the subject.

Like making your own Hammerhead/MOAB and a bunch of other recipes to make your own nutes at pennies on the dollar...micro pennies compared to AN dollar... Thanks to this thread I now have this summarized for any future readers...
nute calculator to make your own nutes....thanks again for this link...

found this website that has all the fertilizers you can dream of...for 50 bucks i'll be able to make Hammerhead/MOAB for 5 containers of "retail" priced liquid ferts.

bunch of recipes here on this link... here are a few nice quotes from this link...

"a quick overview of hammerhead PK 9/18.... 1L recipe

Soluble Potash 0-0-60 91.8 grams
Mono-potassium phosphate MKP 0-52-34 78.2 grams
distilled H2O 0-0-0 830 grams

This will give you 0-9-18 within a percentage point"

Hydroponic "6 pack" nutrients

all around base nutes. During flower though I would add the bloom additives to increase the P and K, and drop the base nutes down accordingly.

#1 calcium nitrate
#2 potassium sulphate
#3 potassium nitrate......which is.....salt peter
#4 Mono Potassium Phosphate......which is.....MKP
#5 magnesium sulphate......which is.....epsom salts
#6 trace elements & nitric acid

formula is as follows (you may have to increase or decrease the amount of water to account for your strains tolerance to nute levels)

#1 765g/1000L or 30.6grams /10 gallons
#2 530g/1000L or 21.2grams/10 gallons
#3 223g/1000L or 8.92grams/10 gallons
#4 220g/1000L or 8.8grams /10 gallons
#5 456g/1000L or 18.24grams/10 gallons

#6 Trace elements .29gr/1000L or .01grams/10 gallons
nitric acid 50 ml/1000L or 2ml /10 gallons

This is all based on 4L of water to a gallon
heres a good lie

lawful dollar of the United States was 371.25 in silver, Over time, that excess of printing has destroyed the value of that dollar you think you have. If you want to know by just how much, go out and try to purchase 371.25 grains of silver right now and see if it adds up to a dollar

Not sure what the point was to this old comment but today 371.25 grains of silver is valued at $11.22 based on July 3 2019 silver price of $15.30 per Troy ounce. You didn’t mention purity so I went with .999 Fine. Now back in 2011 when you made this comment - silver spot was running a high of $48+ per Troy ounce (4/28/2011). So wonder what the issue was..”see if it adds up to a dollar”—it did many times over when you posted this strange comment and it still does. All precious metals fluctuate daily and have done so forever. You can check historical spot to get a feel for those numbers. The current calculation of the stated silver grain weight was done at just one of the many online calculators but the one I used was Coin Apps - sorry I couldn’t give the link due to posting rules. But all you have to do is search “silver grain calculator” and fill in with your numbers. To look up current or historical spot just search “silver spot price” and include a year if desired.

I came to this forum to learn more about hydroponics and how I could apply the concepts to my general “in the dirt” growing or for container plants whether tomatoes, hibiscus or orchids. What bothers me is the volume of foul language and the tremendous BS about the government, politics, bashing of companies etc. without actual proof or stating where folks hear this or that. To me this is very careless and certainly doesn’t help anyone. This type of nonsense is just that— “nonsense”. If you post data to back up claims or state I saw an article at such and such and give the source, then that can be more believable or at least can be followed up on. But what I see, is what appears to be too many smoking too much of your own weed and we get very uneducated, incomprehensible rantings. You read some of these and you are left feeling like “what the heck was that all about”. In terms of our government, I can’t figure out if some of the posters are so negative because many/most are growing illegally, or they’re jealous of those more successful, or just plain old malcontents and hate the USA because they’ve got nothing better to do. Don’t get me wrong, there are many things I think could be done better, and I’m sure there are many things we aren’t told ..maybe for our own good, and maybe not. It isn’t unusual for power to go to people’s heads, but then sometimes folks start out with the best of intentions but it still gets mucked up. I’ve spent my working life at the corporate level so I know a bit of what I talk about - but no one company is out to get everyone. If you believe that, you have some serious mental issues. That said, our government and all companies (big or small) is made up mostly of everyday people - our neighbors, our family or our friends. And I’m sorry, but I don’t believe any of them have it out for us nor are they sitting up in the ivory towers figuring out ways to rake us over the coals. It is also my feeling that the government (local, state and federal) does a lot to help many people and that they try to help the most people they can. That doesn’t mean everyone will be happy but you have to go with what is good for the highest number of folks. You can’t please everyone all the time and yes...some days life just isn’t fair. I also believe, if and when there are big discrepancies or wrong-doing, it usually comes out at some point. That is my take after 6 decades of living - wrong doers never get completely away with their dirty deeds, if only by their guilty consciences keeping them up at night. But they do eventually get caught or even better...karma catches up. As far as some of the posters and their “the government lies about everything and does nothing”...for heaven’s sake, please grow up, put down whatever strain you are smoking and step away from the grow room. Gosh, I thought weed was suppose to mellow you out. If you really don’t like the USA...try Russia or North Korea — maybe they would be more to your liking. I doubt it and my bets are you would be glad to come back. Our country isn’t perfect but if you want change, it won’t happen if you sit around doing nothing and especially if you don’t vote. And yes, even voting doesn’t always get you what you want. Persistence and patience are virtues. However, being involved, being educated on the facts, and trying to see all sides of a topic will certainly help most of us get the big things done. You can’t just look to your own square foot of ground — consider the big picture. Just look how far weed legalization has come over just a relative short period of years. Do I smoke? No, I like my lungs too much but the use of the oils (or anyway to utilize w/o smoking) for medicinal purposes in terms of autoimmune disease interests me. But setting all that aside, I feel it is no worse than liquor although I do question setting loose another product to make folks high and cause more accidents and deaths due to driving under the influence. We have enough issues with booze — both from vehicular accidents but also there will be an increase in lung disease from smoking even if it doesn’t cause cancer, and maybe other organs will be affected - who knows what the consequences will be ..we don’t have crystal balls. Who knows, maybe they will figure an easy way to get the benefits - medicinal and entertainment without having to smoke it. What’s important are the medicinal properties that have already been proven and most likely many more to come. Then there is the general opening back up of a relative plant ...hemp growing which could be a boom to farmers and our economy for many products - but got caught up in the weed bans of years ago. It is slow but coming around.

However, I think long gone are the days of doped up high school drop outs growing in hidden grow areas, or greenhouses back in the woods. Today it is quickly becoming very high tech, based on scientific grow methods and will involve a lot of capital and a lot of regulation to keep people safe and everyone on the same playing field. This is especially true for medical product. Sure, there will always be the home grower who will grow their weed next to the tomatoes and corn but they, we..will all have to follow the law whether you like it or not. Without the law - folks wont be able to grow it at all. And while, there are still many states to come on board, it is certainly on its way to being as legal as liquor. Actually more, since last time I looked moonshining is still illegal though you can grow your own grapes to make wine and your own hops to brew the book though. Even moonshining has taken on a more favorable light these days but again - it isn’t the old moonshine ways of decades ago. It’s all spit and polish, sexy advertising and pretty websites. Nothing we do will ever be without some sort of laws, regulations, etc.—why because there are just too many people who think it is their God given constitutional right to do whatever, whenever, however to whoever they please with no regard to their fellow citizen or our environment. So much for my soap box. I just hope I will be able to find more educated topic discussions on hydroponic growing — lighting, nutrients, water sources, media choices, temperatures, disease, pests, etc and not so much bad language, libelous statements, and hatred— of each other, of commercial establishments, and of our government. We have only one world - we have to embrace it and try to make it better - not just whine and gripe.
You're right, they do lie! I actually use way less nutes than what it says on the bottle and my monsters are thriving!!! =)

It's such a problem that i have to use less nutes and save money eh..

Now on the serious note, not saying other nutes are worse. I bought advanced nutes when i was still pretty new to growing, i have learned a lot since then and would love to experiment with other nutes and try organic amendments next grow perhaps.

Did i regret buying advanced nutes? Hell no
Did i have any problems with my plant using it? Nope, you should see how healthy the leaves on my monsters are now. The indoor i grew that i harvested is in my profile pic, you can see how nice that looked, i got over a gram per watt for my first indoor and i'd say advanced nutes was a big part of that.

Best of all, i never had to use PH down once since buying it. When i flush i mix about 1ml of each (micro/grow/bloom ph perfect) to 3 gallons of water and just water until 20-30% runoff for the last 3-4 weeks of the grow. You can check the ppm runoff and add more or less accordingly, having under 300ppm runoff at harvest made my ashes white, smoke was smooth, the terps were AMAZING. Lemon taste was in my mouth for a long time even after smoking, had better terps than a lot of high quality stuff I've seen around here. Not only that, my plant didn't get stressed one bit during the period most people flush and shock their plant.
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