The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
I'd like to put my 2 pence in and truly do something "for them" because this is what growers do,we spread the love.

I have been making my own nutes for a couple of years now (not all growers are dumb consumers that don't know any better,how do you think we were growing trees before cannabis specific nutes came around?) with a free software program called Hydrobuddy (Google it, it was invented for just that use by a Biochemist).
You tell me the N-P-K value,the volume by weight of solution and the container size and I'll tell you how to make the damn stuff yourself.
Hell I can make most AN stuff, CANNA's entire line (except cannazyme and other enzyme products) and most other company's nutes.
Most raw fertiliser salts are available on Ebay cheap as chips.
So here we have Advanced Nutrients Hammerhead PK 9/18.
Recipe as follows for 1 Litre size....
MonoPotassium Phosphate (0-52-34) 78.2g
Sulphate of Potash (0-0-41) 91.8g
distilled or RO water, to top up to the 1L mark
as a preservative you can add 1g of sodium benzoate if you wish (food preservative).

Knock yourself up a makeshift lab in the kitchen and your good to go!

The ingredients (minus water) to make more than 10 litres of Hammerhead cost me about £12,a kilo of potassium sulphate (with delivery) is less than £4!

That Mr Black,is how you do something for the community 
You tell me the N-P-K value,the volume by weight of solution and the container size and I'll tell you how to make the damn stuff yourself.
Hell I can make most AN stuff, CANNA's entire line (except cannazyme and other enzyme products) and most other company's nutes.
Most raw fertiliser salts are available on Ebay cheap as chips.
So here we have Advanced Nutrients Hammerhead PK 9/18.
Recipe as follows for 1 Litre size....
MonoPotassium Phosphate (0-52-34) 78.2g
Sulphate of Potash (0-0-41) 91.8g
distilled or RO water, to top up to the 1L mark
as a preservative you can add 1g of sodium benzoate if you wish (food preservative).

Knock yourself up a makeshift lab in the kitchen and your good to go!

The ingredients (minus water) to make more than 10 litres of Hammerhead cost me about £12,a kilo of potassium sulphate (with delivery) is less than £4!