Ron Paul for... Vice President?


Well-Known Member
Some of the young libertarian congress men and women.
I took some libertarian "purity" quiz earlier.. thought about posting it but got pissed off when I realized the person who made it was trying to imply that a true libertarian is an anarchist. Asked questions like privatizing the military/police/judicial branch/legislative branch, and if you answered in favor of it that made you more libertarian.

Random, I know.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again, just like in life.

It was racist democrats going after mexican immigrants and black musicians...
Just because you're right about the discriminatory influence doesn't mean I'm wrong about the lobbying efforts by the major industries most adversely affected by hemp/marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again, just like in life.

It was racist democrats going after mexican immigrants and black musicians...
really, that is a weak talking point.

a perfunctory glance at history tells us the racist southern democrats are now the bigoted southern republicans.

very intellectually dishonest.


Active Member
really, that is a weak talking point.

a perfunctory glance at history tells us the racist southern democrats are now the bigoted southern republicans.

very intellectually dishonest.
Pot/kettle/black. It was a northern carpetbagger Republican that recognized that blacks were entitled to the benefits of their labor and the dixie democrats of the south that fought him to keep their slaves. That Republicans now hold majorities in the south doesn't mean they switched ideals. In fact, I think you'll find that most white supremacists now tend to be libertarian, politicaly, not Republican. That's because libertarians are socially liberal. Just look at stormfront and Ron "the bigot" Paul for all the proof you need. :D


New Member
hmm well it has a lot to do with the way you are raised and your psychology..I don't think its genetic at all..this is a pretty deep subject in libertarian philosophy actually. Our non-agression principles are a big part of how we raise children, and teach them to question (especially question the government and private sector**snicker**)

Stef Talks about how the libertarian philosophy applies to raising children:


Well-Known Member
Pot/kettle/black. It was a northern carpetbagger Republican that recognized that blacks were entitled to the benefits of their labor and the dixie democrats of the south that fought him to keep their slaves. That Republicans now hold majorities in the south doesn't mean they switched ideals. In fact, I think you'll find that most white supremacists now tend to be libertarian, politicaly, not Republican. That's because libertarians are socially liberal. Just look at stormfront and Ron "the bigot" Paul for all the proof you need. :D
do i have to post maps with red and blue colors on them to convince you of history?

this is not rhetoric, this is verifiable historical fact.


Well-Known Member
hmm well it has a lot to do with the way you are raised and your psychology..I don't think its genetic at all..
the twin studies stuff with respect to political preference is controversial and has itself been examined, but by no means disqualified.

it's a long read and hard to understand to some extent if you don't have a wife who is getting a doctorate in the field to explain all the nuances. still interesting.


Well-Known Member

Fox news viewers. Adios.


Active Member
do i have to post maps with red and blue colors on them to convince you of history?

this is not rhetoric, this is verifiable historical fact.
Again, after democrats lost the civil war Republicans became a majority but that doesn't mean that living in the south makes you racist. Republicans don't care what race anyone is. That's just liberal delusions. In fact one could easily argue that modern democrats are *still* racist becasue they don't think "minorities" can make it on their owm merits.


Well-Known Member
Again, after democrats lost the civil war Republicans became a majority but that doesn't mean that living in the south makes you racist. Republicans don't care what race anyone is. That's just liberal delusions. In fact one could easily argue that modern democrats are *still* racist becasue they don't think "minorities" can make it on their owm merits.
It's a fact that Republicans and Democrats flipped positions in the past 150 or so years.


Well-Known Member
Yet homosexuality is genetic? It's possible that both are genetic but doubtful...
very few things are purely genetic, most if not all behaviors are a combination of nature and nurture to varying degrees.

needless to say, nature plays a role in homosexuality. we can say for sure that some people are born gay without ever identifying a gay gene.


New Member
Yet homosexuality is genetic? It's possible that both are genetic but doubtful...
The Fact that there is a lot of gay people is enough evidence to show that gay people are born that way...Who would choose to be gay? Perhaps a few but not many people would. There is also gay animals and gay people since the beginning of time. I remain thoroughly convinced that gay people are born that way. I have a gay sibling and I worked on porn websites for a long time and you would be surprised how many people are actually gay and you probably have no idea, it is easily 1 in every 10 people if not more. Why would so many people choose to be gay?

Gay websites also get the most traffic and sell the most DVD's


Active Member
It's a fact that Republicans and Democrats flipped positions in the past 150 or so years.
It's a fact that you're not very bright. You could say that the word "liberal" means something different today than it did 150 years ago but democrats are still the same and it's democrats that made liberal a dirty word. :D