Voidlings First Cab

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Voidman just a thought...I know that your moving at some point from the house that your renting, but what about a little renovation in the bedroom closet and then patch things up when you leave there. Cut a hole in the ceiling, you could put your inline in the attic and vent out of there somewhere. My first growroom was my bedroom closet...a couple of hidden screws to keep the door locked is what I did. I met my current girlfriend about a month into that grow but of course did not tell her about it. Lots of scented candles towards the end, I was growing WW and it stunk! The closet is less than a yard from the bed and she never knew about the grow lol. Towards the end once she remarked that it "smelled like a skunk in the bedroom". I pulled 9 oz of super dank from that grow in a 5.5 sq ft area. Never come close to replicating that yield in there and that was five years ago lol


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt scrub the hot air coming off the light. If you keep the venting connected to the outside to the light and right back out of the cab (if using cool tube?) If your going to use an open reflector and try to vent the whole cab, then yes i would install a carbon filter

I actually need to make one, I am running a bunch of kush / skunk hybrids right now and i anticipate them to be stinky! I take a 5 gal pail, drill holes threw it like you do for your air pots, then I put a few inch layer of polyfill to the bottom of the pail, then wrap the sides with a few inches, Just enough to leave the center a bit open, Then go to a fish / pond store and they sell activated carbon , and fill the center in with carbon, and add some more polyfill ontop, That way you have a pail, layered and centered with carbon. Take the lid, get one of them stainless flanges, get whatever size you need, 4 - 6 " and make your hole, insert flange. Now I have alot more room than you , So I just set my pail in the back of my flower room and hook it up to pull air threw it and outta the tent.


Well-Known Member
Hey Voidman just a thought...I know that your moving at some point from the house that your renting, but what about a little renovation in the bedroom closet and then patch things up when you leave there. Cut a hole in the ceiling, you could put your inline in the attic and vent out of there somewhere. My first growroom was my bedroom closet...a couple of hidden screws to keep the door locked is what I did. I met my current girlfriend about a month into that grow but of course did not tell her about it. Lots of scented candles towards the end, I was growing WW and it stunk! The closet is less than a yard from the bed and she never knew about the grow lol. Towards the end once she remarked that it "smelled like a skunk in the bedroom". I pulled 9 oz of super dank from that grow in a 5.5 sq ft area. Never come close to replicating that yield in there and that was five years ago lol
no fucking way!
My first grow was White Widow, in a closet! Thou my sq ftage was alot less! LOL


Well-Known Member
My room doesn't connect to an attic I'm afraid. Well you're lucky she turned out to be cool with it.

If I get a short enough cool tube I can put carbon, fan, then cool tube and exhaust it out. That way I only need one fan for now. But that requires a short tube and the place I want to get the ballast from said they only have the one length.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning bro how are the plants doing. You must be starting to see some side branching growth since you topped them? How many Rommys did you end up with, 8?


Well-Known Member
Checked them this morning, snapped a couple pics. Will get them up in a little bit. One is branching real well. One is starting to branch good, and one just seems to be at a halt at the moment. I've got 10 plants in their at all. 10 out of 18 seeds. Not bad all in all for just getting started I suppose.


Well-Known Member
I like how you use your plastic spooons :) One day ima have to use that idea when I run outta label sticks.


Well-Known Member
I blame / credit dizzle. He said knives but I only had spoons and forks. Those fork tines are hard to write on.

Fyi don't use water soluble ink then mist them

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yea i shoulda mentioned that to you about the ink.... my bad

i use a xtra fine point sharpie .. and i use lil sticker labels to


Well-Known Member
I only had a yellow Sharpie and couldn't read it on white. Knew not to mist till got Sharpie but had a brain fart.

Can't wait till a harvest. Pain is killing me tonight. Hurt too bad to eat to take pain meds. Lousy cycle

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
That blows man , pain is really not weakness leaving the body , its just pain .... i found this out as i got older haha

I got a starain that might help you with pain a lil bit and deff eating


Well-Known Member
That's what I've always said when people tell me to suck it up. I've been doing to much hard physical work and paying for it. Got a lot more to go unfortunately.

What you got? I'm hoping this romulan helps with pain. Need to get high cbd, low thc strain. Hope to work on breeding at some point for a daytime painkiller for myself.

Got a guy with my same condition recomending pre98 bubba and to make ointments. Guess I'm going to have to look into what makes it pre98 vs whatever isn't pre98. More interested in the ointments/salves than the bubba part.

So much to grow, so little time, space, money


Well-Known Member
I only had a yellow Sharpie and couldn't read it on white. Knew not to mist till got Sharpie but had a brain fart.

Can't wait till a harvest. Pain is killing me tonight. Hurt too bad to eat to take pain meds. Lousy cycle
That blows man , pain is really not weakness leaving the body , its just pain .... i found this out as i got older haha

I got a starain that might help you with pain a lil bit and deff eating
That's what I've always said when people tell me to suck it up. I've been doing to much hard physical work and paying for it. Got a lot more to go unfortunately.

What you got? I'm hoping this romulan helps with pain. Need to get high cbd, low thc strain. Hope to work on breeding at some point for a daytime painkiller for myself.

Got a guy with my same condition recomending pre98 bubba and to make ointments. Guess I'm going to have to look into what makes it pre98 vs whatever isn't pre98. More interested in the ointments/salves than the bubba part.

So much to grow, so little time, space, money
Pain sucks, I am fairly young, (30 in march) and i suffer from chronic pain. I have had knee surgery, back surgery, wrist surgery, fractured my neck at like c-4 once. And now doctors think I might have Rhuematoid arthritis.

I have noticed that the Bubba doesnt really help with the pain too much. The oils work great. Cook an ounce of trim into some grapeseed oil, and then use that oil to rub on your sore spots, its like icy hot x 100 :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not far behind you. No surgeries like that but I've got arthritis and a back problem.

I wonder if coconut oil would work. I've seen it at the store but not grapeseed. Mind you I'm rural with little selection.

Good to hear your opinion. Makes the information neutral again on whether its good for pain or no5. Now I wont seek it out and possibly be disappointed


Well-Known Member
I'm not far behind you. No surgeries like that but I've got arthritis and a back problem.

I wonder if coconut oil would work. I've seen it at the store but not grapeseed. Mind you I'm rural with little selection.

Good to hear your opinion. Makes the information neutral again on whether its good for pain or no5. Now I wont seek it out and possibly be disappointed
Maybe i just had a different cut, but mine was always more sativa dom in the high, very heady.

For pain, you cant go wrong with a nice kush. Or Northern Lights, that shit makes my whole body go numb :)


Well-Known Member
Have you tried romulan? I started it first hoping for good relief?

Does using topical oil do couchlock or head highs? If not that'll be great for when I have to function.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried romulan? I started it first hoping for good relief?

Does using topical oil do couchlock or head highs? If not that'll be great for when I have to function.
Romulan is good, i just dont like the taste, lol.

Not one of my preferred strains.

The topicals dont get you high, they just get rid of pain ;)


Well-Known Member
How would you describe the taste? That's ok, my skin doesn't taste ;)

Good bc I'm not functional when high.