Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
All my games are PC. My Xbox360 hard drive died so never got a new one. Lost all the saved games so didn't feel like starting over.

What do you 0lay?
I used to play a whole bunch of computer games...Cant wait for Diablo III to come out. then I used to play starcraft, BF2, BF2142, WoW :( LOL , I also got my faithful xbox, Kicks ass in BF3, I like to fuck around on hunting games too but mostly just FPS on the box....I wanna get skyrim and check it out


Well-Known Member
Huh, I looked at 1000bulbs and some of their 4ft bulbs at least were less than full 4ft.

Look up tribes ascend. It's in beta right now, I just finished playing some rounds of it.

Tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers can all be started indoors. The okra doesn't do well with transplanting. Herb garden hopefully works out better this year than last

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i think im gonna get some Pepper Joe seeds for next year....hes got soem tight peppers and some tomato seed that kicks ass


Well-Known Member
Is he the one that sells the hottest peppers? I've got some hot pepper seeds to get started.

Picked up some plywood and light fixtures today. Also got the wire I need for my flower side lights.


Well-Known Member
Overview of the cab

The two plants that were 2 inches are now 3 inches. The plant that was 3 inches is still 3 inches yet looks bigger. Don't know

This is the runt I thought I killed thats starting to kick fast after recovery

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Is he the one that sells the hottest peppers? I've got some hot pepper seeds to get started.

Picked up some plywood and light fixtures today. Also got the wire I need for my flower side lights.
HNY man

yeah he sells habaneros, scotch bonnets , ghost chili and soem other stuff that hard to find....bu the sells these tomotoes that grow massive


Well-Known Member
I went to the store today and walked out to my truck and found the plastic just above the door handle broken. Didn't notice it when I went to the store, didn't notice it earlier that morning or the day before. I know it wasn't there Thursday afternoon for sure. I had my laptop in their in a bookbag. Went in and asked a manager to look at the camera and he came back claiming no one had been near it. With the location of the break, the size of it, and what it would of taken to break it, it really seems like someone tried to break into it. Thing is that the only time it had been locked and the only time anything valuable was in it was at that store right then. It's been unlocked on personal property for the last two days.

Anyway, it reminded me how I really need to tighten up my security. I plan to figure out how to use TrueCrypt with out destroying my partitions, since the partition is the only way I can reformat my computer if I ever need to. If you don't know what truecrypt is, it is a file encryption software that if done correctly, the feds won't be able to break the encryption and use your pc against you. Will also keep the info out of others hands if it were to be stolen.

I replied earlier about the seeds but don't see the post now. Anyway, I have two ghost chili's ready to be cut open for seeds :)

I'm debating on 2ft deep, 2ft tall, and 4 ft wide for my first box for starting seedlings and clones. That could be 72 4in pots.

I could start off up to 72 seeds. Once they grew the box, I would take a clone from each one and place each into a second box with same foot print but taller. I would root each clone in the smaller cab while the main plants were put into flower in the second box. This way I could run a decent number of plants out to pick from for breeding. What do you think of this plan?

I could alway flip it on end and hang a verticle 150 or 250w hps if nothing else.

Otherwise thinking 2ft x 2ft foot print giving me 36 4in pots. Just figured that the extra space would give me room for moms.

Does a HEPA filter block out pollen or is pollen too small?

HC- are the BB a stabilized line or no?


Well-Known Member
Forgot that I had only planned to use 6 lights in my flower side of current cab. Went to wire and realized only had 6 plugs. Tilt said he'd use 6, if went with 8 he'd run two on the top in order to help the top more. So which of these three do you think?


Remember I plan to have the plants on the outside edges for the first two rotations and slowly move towards center


Well-Known Member
Hey voidling, nice cabinet. Cant wait to see the finished product and outcome!
Have you dialed in the whole coco procedures yet? It's funny, I had made the same party cup air pruning pots myself:-P
You can also do mini hempy style with the coco, and save yourself some time with watering.

Good thread so far, subbed :peace:


Well-Known Member
Dag nab it. I had a long response typed up and accidentally left the page and lost it all :(
So now you get a shorter version of it.

I'm definitely not dialed in. This is the first time I'm using synthetic nutes. Last year I got a couple of plants into week 3-4 of flowering before killing them with a different set up and using general organics. The plants before this in this cab were on general organics and did very poorly with them. So these are my first plants doing well in this cab.

I did the "air cups" as my first round seemed to be drowning and I only watered them like once. I thought about making hempy pots to up pot them into but thinking I'll stick with an "air pot" type design. Can I buy square airpots? I want 4in square airpots. Anyway, I'm really liking this bottom feeding rather than top down feeding. Unfortunately I can't find a tub with my foot print to put in there for using as a feeder.

I'm not sure if I should go with the first or second on the light setup. Need to get that down pretty quick so I can move the plants over to have room for clones soon.


Well-Known Member
I'll try grabbing some gloves tomorrow and cut them open to see how many seeds are in there. The last batch I had, from a different source, have all failed so far to germinate. Read up on them some more to find out they're finicky and can take a month just to germinate.

I'll probably have enough to send out but no promises on getting them to germ. If you have a seedling mat you probably have a better chance than I did.


Well-Known Member
ahh well I tried, lost some momentum from the other thread to this one, anyways, just kicking in to say hello! How are things going? I just installed a 5x5' tent yesterday for my new flower room.

Lets just say, 5x5 in your head is nothing like 5x5 on the floor. LOL TTYL Mang, Be safe and take care.


Well-Known Member
5x5 on the floor is fucking huge, lol.
**Pre-Hijacking Warning**
Im sorry LOL

Yes sir it is! I tried to mentally see before ordering by looking at my 3x3 and trying to visualize the extra 2ft on each end. That does no justice, the thing is fucking ridiculous! I needed a 4x4 now that I see it, but I always am looking for an excuse to buy more light...So this gives me the reason to buy a t5 to put in, I need the UVA/B and the 6500k to the room anyways.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a 5x5 would take up most of my bedrooms usable space. I've got my 4x2 and might put my new 4x2 in here ass well.

I posted an update on hc, but not here. Well my 3 originals got haircuts today. Try to clone the tops but not counting on them. No sex yet.


Well-Known Member

Would a 400w hps work on 4'x2' footprint? How tall should the cab be?

If 400 is too small how about 600? I can get an electronic dimmable 400 for $10 more than I got my fluorescent ballasts for my flower side

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
4' id go for the 600 ... i got a 600 roaring in a 2x2 right now LOL.... id go with the 6' tall cab

the 600 has the best lumens per watt of any lamp....but be careful what you buy, alota those cheaper ballasts are shitty and dont last long