Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Some people say the Sour strains i like are too strong for them, taste wise. Personally i love that fuel smell and taste, that lingers at the back of your throat ;)


Well-Known Member
Until 2010 I didn't know there were "strains". Only kind I've ever smoked that I knew what I told it was was grand daddy purp. Don't remember the taste but it blacked me out in one big hit.was zoning out while still coughing. I only know how to chief.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That's one of the first things that I told you about the Rommys....lack of taste. That's why I don't run it and a lot of times forget about them when I'm fairying out seeds.

That's a tough one with the arthritis man don't know a whole lot about that but what's going on with your back? I have a lifetime of going to physical therapists and surgerys for various volleyball injuries lol. About 4 years ago I fell off a roof a work and ripped up my rotator cuff muscles pretty good and had to have them reattached to the bone. Been making a push with the weights lately, getting my body in shape for this spring when things pick up.

Hey I forgot to mention the other day that your plants are looking good! They are in veg mode now so you will start to see some excelerated growth with them.

Keep it up man!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah but everyone has different tastes so was just curious if he thought it was bad tasting since he said he didn't like it. Little taste is probably good right now for me.

That's rough hc. As a kid I used to jump off roofs and out of trees. Destroyed my feet, Dr said it looked like I had broken my arches multiple times.

Thanks. I think its time to top some more plants


Well-Known Member
All the plants are topped now. How much do y'all usually top? I cut like 3 nodes off. Should of done it sooner.

2 of original 3 are ready for step 2.

The third is lagging way behind.


Well-Known Member
It depends on your space really, and how long you vegged. If you have lots of space top high and leave lots of node. if your running in sort of sog situation i would top all the way down to the 2-4 node. depending on how much you vegged. i have some that are topped at two, and some topped way up and they are the same height. i may post pics in my journl. i took some for personal records but i suck at updating my riu journal.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. I tend to update in HC's thread as that's where all the assholes converge. Ha. Went to take pics and realized its too early for lights on. I need to reset my timer, its way behind.


Well-Known Member
Hey Voidmang!

Your bean satchel :) Should arrive soon. Lettme know when you get it. I am a little nervous of it making it, I added something that I should have put separately, but i was mad high and not really thinking when I mailed it.


Well-Known Member
Ha really wish you hadn't told me :p I don't mind surprising, just hate anticipation. Ha.

Forgot I have to go out of town for the Dr tomorrow so can't work. Need $5 to order the light. Still will need fan and filter and cooltube.


Well-Known Member
So I got the cash to order that ballast kit. Now I have to find a place to put the cash into my prepay debit card. My bank card doesn't work on PayPal or many other websites. Something about the card processor for the bank or something.


Well-Known Member
Got the money on the card and the light is now ordered. Step 1 done for flower side. Got a week or two for shipping unfortunately, then for ventilation. Got to get clones going asap, want to finish a flower by end of april at latest, even if it's a small yield. Got some friends coming to visit, want to have a little on hand. Just tell them it's what's going around.


Well-Known Member
Good news !

I hate waiting for equipment to be delivered!! So what did you end up going with? What it just the ballast and socket? What type of ballast?

You try the C99 Yet? LOL I feel like im interrogating you ... Im blown to space right now =====~~


Well-Known Member
I got the 400w package with ballast, small wing, and hps bulb.

Was going to last night but remembered j had a Dr today. Don't want to be high or uncharacteristicly happy. When I get home though I'll hit it. Wish I had a small vaporizer to draw it out longer


Well-Known Member
I got the 400w package with ballast, small wing, and hps bulb.

Was going to last night but remembered j had a Dr today. Don't want to be high or uncharacteristicly happy. When I get home though I'll hit it. Wish I had a small vaporizer to draw it out longer


Well-Known Member
Yea I know it wasnt alot :( There wasnt much room in the end and I wasnt gonna stuff it full with 1/2 dry weed. I got a better idea next time I send the haze x's out; should be able to fit enough for a phat doober


Well-Known Member
Oh no problem, was totally unexpected and a great surprise since it made it through. Much appreciated

I'm wanting a vaporizer regardless but all the money is going into the grow gear instead for now. Eventually I'll probably get one, down the road.


Well-Known Member
I never liked vap's too much, I have a basic one. The heat is uncontrolled, so maybe i dont like it because it gets too hot. If i ever get another one I wanna get a digital one.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I never liked vap's too much, I have a basic one. The heat is uncontrolled, so maybe i dont like it because it gets too hot. If i ever get another one I wanna get a digital one.
I bought an ok one about 4 yrs ago, used maybe a dozen times but never really cared for it. Alot of it was prolly in my head cause I like the act of token on a bowl and a lung full of smoke. I have looked for it once or twice...it's stashed in the house somewhere but I forget where lol. Thinking I may have to find it though, my lungs are getting kinda spent.