• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Iran kick off looking iminant?


Well-Known Member
Do you really belive that? Are we really going to enslave the world? I understand things are bad and a lot of our policymakers are fools, but do you think the answer is to give everybody nukes? That's the most insane thought I have ever heard. The solution to all the worlds problems is to give some country that talks about removing officials for witchcraft nuclear weapons, yeah that's a great idea.
Umm, last time I checked the United States has never given a nuke to another country. For some reason you have come to the conclusion that other sovereign countries need to get our permission to do things that you don't like. That just isn't the case.

Countries that have nukes are invited to negotiate, countries that do not have nukes are geared up to take a big red white and blue dick in the ass while bending over to tie their shoe.


Well-Known Member
Who started this? I understand they have neighbors who have nukes but that's a weak excuse. In the treaty it outlines that a nuke can't just be used at a whim. So that really is no threat. Maybe if they quit paying for a terrorist organization the world would be more open to funding them or even just doing buissness with them. They don't get sanctions levied against you for being a peaceful nation.


Well-Known Member
They don't get sanctions levied against you for being a peaceful nation.
Who did they attack?
With what?
Should other non peaceful nations have sanctions placed upon them? if so Who should enforce these sanctions and how?


Well-Known Member
They attacked Israel through their proxy's wich no one even Iran denies. And the body that enforces sanction decisions is the U.N. sir, I feel you might be trying to step away from common knowledge. I don't like the UN but its there. If you don't agree with it that sucks, and I don't belive in the UN. But we as citizens have not changed it. So obviously we have some who do.


Well-Known Member
They attacked Israel through their proxy's wich no one even Iran denies. And the body that enforces sanction decisions is the U.N. sir, I feel you might be trying to step away from common knowledge. I don't like the UN but its there. If you don't agree with it that sucks, and I don't belive in the UN. But we as citizens have not changed it. So obviously we have some who do.
I had forgotten that the U.N. took over the world, most people are unaware of this and think their country is in control of itself, I think the proxy conflict your talking about has been going on a long time and goes both ways with both sides attacking each other. As far as proxys go, what about selling the saudis weapons? I think it's tons of weapons going to the saudis and haven't they attacked us through proxys?


i highly doubtany military action will be taken against iran without direct provocation. understandably the economic future of iran looks bleak , and with with increasing drop off of their currency due to economic sanctions they might become desperate, and hastly commit an act of war against the united states i can guarantee that the only nations lending support to the iranians will be the north koreans and the possibilities of syria , african nations and other middle eastern nations. the united states would be fully backed by the un and the top 5 powerful nations, the eu, russia, china, canada, not to mention france, germany, south korea and etc etc. iran would be smart to shut their mouths.


Well-Known Member
I am in agreement with you on all but one point. By this I mean, I agree but we are in this situation right now. How to deal with it? In reality though, please. What can we do? They (iran) are planning another military exercise. As a man who has lived and loved in the state of Israel, and having met many different people through my stint in the IDF, I can say when it gets to this point all Arab/Jew peoples are ready to fight. This kind of war of the words that has been going on throughout this conflict is not how that region handles war. It's just history no religious views included. And in todays world Israel IS our ally and historically we fight with our allies. Obama is on his way out and no candidate will abandon Israel. So what to do?


Well-Known Member
I am in agreement with you on all but one point. By this I mean, I agree but we are in this situation right now. How to deal with it? In reality though, please. What can we do?
1- Lift sanctions, stop threats of military action, stop expansion of Israel's borders and stop our incursions into and over their country and start having open talks with their leaders and hope to bring tensions down and increase trade and diplomacy.
2- force them to do something or do something and blame them and then attack, kill all those with any power or leadership abilities as well as a whole lot of regular people and then put all of the countries resources under control of select companies and have their remaining people working for us harvesting the resources of their country for low pay.
Those are pretty much our two options


Well-Known Member
I meant reality sir, Israels borders have nothing to do with Iran. You honestly think that by giving in and talking Iran is just gonna quit? You seem like a smart man, I find it hard to belive you would think Israel is what this conflict is about. Come on let the crazy shit go for a second.


Well-Known Member
I meant reality sir, Israels borders have nothing to do with Iran. You honestly think that by giving in and talking Iran is just gonna quit? You seem like a smart man, I find it hard to belive you would think Israel is what this conflict is about. Come on let the crazy shit go for a second.
Quit what?
I'm not sure I follow you?
And yes i'm pretty sure Israels borders do have something to do with Iran.
I think the issue also has a lot to do with the US presence in the area
So what do you think the whole thing is about and what is your solution?


Well-Known Member
I know what its about is this, a once great land Persia, is now this defunct internally cracking government that knows the rest of the world will not let them take any great strides ( wich I am not in total agreement with) and having seen the example of North Korea know they can go on with this drum thumping, until they find themselves talked into a corner. The government of Iran is at that point now. There is an element of pride in politics over there that we don't have, and once enough shit is talked one can't back down due to honor. If they (iran) backed down now they would show weakness thus opening the door for more social unrest in that country leading to a revolution that they have tried very hard to keep down. I think the only option at this point is war and that sucks. Why is it so hard to belive that Iran could kick it off? Why are they the victims in your eyes?


Well-Known Member
I had forgotten that the U.N. took over the world, most people are unaware of this and think their country is in control of itself, I think the proxy conflict your talking about has been going on a long time and goes both ways with both sides attacking each other. As far as proxys go, what about selling the saudis weapons? I think it's tons of weapons going to the saudis and haven't they attacked us through proxys?
Well said......


Well-Known Member
I know what its about is this, a once great land Persia, is now this defunct internally cracking government that knows the rest of the world will not let them take any great strides ( wich I am not in total agreement with) and having seen the example of North Korea know they can go on with this drum thumping, until they find themselves talked into a corner. The government of Iran is at that point now. There is an element of pride in politics over there that we don't have, and once enough shit is talked one can't back down due to honor. If they (iran) backed down now they would show weakness thus opening the door for more social unrest in that country leading to a revolution that they have tried very hard to keep down. I think the only option at this point is war and that sucks. Why is it so hard to belive that Iran could kick it off? Why are they the victims in your eyes?
Never said they can't kick it off, just saying that they won't
And not really saying that they are the victims- just saying it how it is
but in time they will most likely be among the victims because I believe you will get the war you desire with Iran probably at the end of this year or beggining of next- it will happen right before or right after the U.S. elections


Well-Known Member
Quit what?
I'm not sure I follow you?
And yes i'm pretty sure Israels borders do have something to do with Iran.
I think the issue also has a lot to do with the US presence in the area
So what do you think the whole thing is about and what is your solution?
What Fenderburn doesn't seem to realise is Israels actions scare the rest of the Middle East. When the Arabs see what the Israelis do on a daily basis to the Gazan people (walk all over them, call them "dogs", settlement building, etc) it's not a far stretch to imagine Israel doing it to the rest of the Middle East.

If I was Iranian I'd want nukes to defend my country against their eventual attack.


Well-Known Member
I know what its about is this, a once great land Persia, is now this defunct internally cracking government that knows the rest of the world will not let them take any great strides ( wich I am not in total agreement with) and having seen the example of North Korea know they can go on with this drum thumping, until they find themselves talked into a corner. The government of Iran is at that point now. There is an element of pride in politics over there that we don't have, and once enough shit is talked one can't back down due to honor. If they (iran) backed down now they would show weakness thus opening the door for more social unrest in that country leading to a revolution that they have tried very hard to keep down. I think the only option at this point is war and that sucks. Why is it so hard to belive that Iran could kick it off? Why are they the victims in your eyes?
You think the only option at this point is war??? You are a RETARD!!!


Well-Known Member
Woah beardo I never said I desired a war with Iran. In fact quite the opposite, its just that it will happen. And as for the Mideast being scared of Israel, the only wars in the region were started by the Arabs. And I know you will hate to hear this but they they lost said wars. Israel is not innocent but to put all or even a majority of the blame on them is assanine. I understand the anti Israeli sentement but again let's get out side of our emotions and look at the facts.


Well-Known Member
Spliff Chris you have no better input than your a retard really? You are not helping the other side of this debate at all. Stupid responses like that do nothing but further pull two sides apart.


Well-Known Member
Woah beardo I never said I desired a war with Iran. In fact quite the opposite, its just that it will happen. And as for the Mideast being scared of Israel, the only wars in the region were started by the Arabs. And I know you will hate to hear this but they they lost said wars. Israel is not innocent but to put all or even a majority of the blame on them is assanine. I understand the anti Israeli sentement but again cts.
Do you mean like when you said you think the only option is war?
Are you refering to the time Israel bombed Iran or the time they bombed Iraq or the time they invaded Egypt?
I don't understand why you talk about "anti Israeli sentiment" when i'm not talking about anything anti-Israel
"let's get out side of our emotions and look at the facts"


Well-Known Member
These are the countries your Government sells weapons too.... Makes you proud??? How many these countries harbour terrorists????

Top 25 U.S. Arms Recipients in the Developing World, FY 2006 and FY 2007
Country by Rank
Amount of Weapons Received
Combined Total for FY 2006 and FY 2007 (dollars in millions)
1. Pakistan
2. Saudi Arabia $2,511.3
3. Israel
4. Iraq
5. Korea
6. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
7. Kuwait
8. Egypt
9. Colombia
10. Singapore $492.7
11. Jordan
12. Bahrain $307.5
13. Thailand $164.0
14. Philippines
15. Brazil $95.4
16. India
17. Malaysia
18. Oman
19. Chile $53.8
20. Morocco
21. Argentina
22. Lebanon $41.9
23. Indonesia
24. Yemen $18.1
25. Tunisia

Top Five Recipients of U.S.Security Assistance, FY2002 to FY2009 (dollars in millions)
FY 2002-06 FY 2007 FY 2008[SUP]a[/SUP] FY 2009[SUP]b[/SUP] Total
$11,520.2 $9,085.6 $4,502.6 $4,656.2 $29,764.6
$14,459.5 $7,658.1 $3,997.2 $ 2,397.0 $27,492.2
$14,219.7 $2,460.2 $2,380.6 $2,550.0 $21,610.5
Egypt $9,994.4 $1,757.7 $1,705.9 $1,505.4 $14,963.4
$7,600.8 $616.6 $738.5 $798.4 $9,754.4
$57,794.6 $21,578.7 $13,824.8 $11,907 $104,585.1

U.S. Arms Sales to Nations at War,2006/07 (in current dollars)
Foreign Military Sales
FY 2006
Foreign Military Sales
FY 2007
-- -- --
-- -- --
Chad $1,816,000 $100,000 $1,916,000
Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
-- -- --
Democratic Republic of the Congo
$1,255,00 $1,464,000 $2,719,000
Ethiopia $8,852,000 $3,200,000 $12,052,000
$1,600,000 $3,853,000 $5,453,000
$253,000 $724,000 $977,000
-- -- --
Sudan -- -- --
$3,017,000 -- $3,017,000
$1,727,000 -- $1,727,000
Burma (Myanmar) -- -- --
-- $92,334,000 $92,334,000
$100,000 $200,000 $300,000
Pakistan $3,475,245,000 $187,156,000 $3,662,401,000
$30,578,000 $125,502,000 $156,080,000
Sri Lanka
$1,400,000 $310,000 $1,710,000
$75,576,000 $88,439,000 $164,015,000
-- -- --
$967,776,000 $2,033,629,000 $3,001,405,000
The Americas
$139,463,000 $435,617,000 $575,080,000
$200,000 $835,000 $1,035,000
Middle East
-- $1,416,752,000 $1,416,752,000
Israel $1,004,631,000 $1,065,541,000 $2,070,172,000
$1,684,000 $40,154,000 $41,838,000
$4,143,000 $14,056,000 $18,199,000
Posted this earlier... Read it and WEEP (If my country did this I would move!!! ) DISGUSTING

So Its cool for America to sell weapons to all the scumbag countries in the world... But when Iran wants to build a nuke to protect it's self thats a good enough reason to go to war with them???? Get a grip!!!!