So lets get back on track...immigration. Would anyone out there agree that America is as well off as it is partially due to illegal immigrants?
I think so.
Doesent anyone still agree that America is supposed to be a safe haven where the statue of liberty's words still ring true, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me"
Whats going on here? I understand the frustration and anger about our present time, I too am angry and frustrated. But lets not have the basis of blame for a person exist based on their immigration status. The real issues are more complex than that. The people most responsible for destroying America were born right here, into wealthy families, and they got top notch educations. Thats how they fleeced us. While you were busy blaming brown-skinned people, they were taking advantage of that diversion by swindling us all. The problem is us, not them. Its just painful to accept.
Now... Would the economy improve without them....i dont know, I tend to lean toward thinking no. I think the cheap labor they bring is the only thing holding a lot of struggling businesses afloat. I think we would collapse without them.
This whole thing seems very racist to me...