New Member
Do you have reading comprehension problems?
"Americans will cheat and steal to exploit their illegal worker"
Maybe should put down the pipe before you post?
Americans who hire them exploit them. Why do I have to work hard to pay for cheaters?
Again, the illegals aren't our friends. Their loyalty is mother Mexico. But some loyalty huh? They're like a fair weather friend to both our countries. No matter their reasons, that's not very honorable. Let's see how many come here if when caught are sent over seas as our military cannon fodder. The Marines could then change their motto to, "the few, the proud, the illegal immigrant."
On this veteran's day, I salute our troops, even if I don't agree with the job they do. But unlike our illegal "friends," the troops are victims of a corrupt government and ordered to invade and occupy. The illegals are ordered by no one but themself.
First of all, why do you think you work hard for cheaters?
Also, most illegals I have known were very honorable people.....work hard every day, pay their bills, and send money home to their family (who still lives in poverty in mexico, since they do not have enough money to move yet). Really, what could be more honorable than that?
Why would we not offer them citizenship if they want to be citizens? They probably resemble the American dream more than most Americans. Most of our immigrant forefathers did the same thing, especially in the early 1900's. Men would come over to work in America, and send money home and try to move their families here as soon as they could.
I think the most Un-American thing to do is to hate these people. These people ARE LIVING the American Dream, and want it more than we do, apparently. Why not let them have some pride in being an American?
Really, most of it comes down to racism, sadly. Most folks will argue otherwise, but, like I said, these people resemble our forefathers, the only difference is that they are brown and speak Spanish. And conservatives hate that.