Lets Stop Immigration To Help Eliminate Unemployment And Raise The Standard Of Living


New Member
A Jewish ladys poem that was placed on a luciferian statue that France gave us because the intended reciepant didn't want it- Is Not What Our Country Was Founded On. Or Built Upon- Is is the ORIGONAL Constitution and Declaration of Independance and Bill of rights you should quote
Yeah Sure
Where in any of those 3 is a person restricted from coming here due to country of Origin?
mexicans come here Illegally Because legally it is a 2 decade wait for them

Where as if they were From Europe the wait is less than 8 months

No racism there

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
A Jewish ladys poem that was placed on a luciferian statue that France gave us because the intended reciepant didn't want it- Is Not What Our Country Was Founded On. Or Built Upon- Is is the ORIGONAL Constitution and Declaration of Independance and Bill of rights you should quote
Oh, I guess your right, our country wasnt founded as a place where immigrants could leave behind oppression and unfortunate circumstance to come to a new country where by working hard they had the chance to better their lives. I see that now. Immigration has never been a cornerstone for american freedom.


Well-Known Member
Ok...yeah, what about it. I can do that, watch :senate bill 19 clause G.

What of it? You're grasping at straws.
What i said was relavant and on topic, one of the ideals the country was founded upon- what i sited, it says they will set standards for naturalization of citizens and also controll commerse with other nations

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
What i said was relavant and on topic, one of the ideals the country was founded upon- what i sited, it says they will set standards for naturalization of citizens and also controll commerse with other nations
Yeah, I know...i read it. They said they will set standards on naturalization. It doesnt say stop immigration, just as it doesnt say to open the floodgates. It says sets standards. It also doesnt address problems of illegal immigrants and an economy which is reliant on them. With said article if the standard they set is to do nothing, it is still in word with said ammendment.


New Member
What i said was relavant and on topic, one of the ideals the country was founded upon- what i sited, it says they will set standards for naturalization of citizens and also controll commerse with other nations
And exactly what were those standards for the first 150 years?

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Arent you the Ass Clown talking about how great our country was before 1913? Well guess what Buddy. We let in 99% of everyone who JUST SHOWED UP

Including those Brown people you detest

And Birth Right Citizenship? Until The 16th amendment Law was if you were Born here. You were a Citizen. Actually almost everyone except For Blacks and Indians Could claim to be a US citizen just by being born here. Thats what the 16th amendment Fixed for Blacks



Well-Known Member
And exactly what were those standards for the first 150 years?

Show Up
Arent you the Ass Clown talking about how great our country was before 1913? Well guess what Buddy. We let in 99% of everyone who JUST SHOWED UP

Including those Brown people you detest

And Birth Right Citizenship? Until The 16th amendment Law was if you were Born here. You were a Citizen. Actually almost everyone except For Blacks and Indians Could claim to be a US citizen just by being born here. Thats what the 16th amendment Fixed for Blacks

"suck my ass it smells"- G.G. Allin

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
So beardo, lets just go back to saying your oppinions arent substantiated with the constitution or a founding fathers vision for whites...lets call it what it is, simply your oppinion based upon your perspective of some nationalities.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Beardo, I would be interested in hearing what you are like as a person. Tell me.a bit about yourself,,nothing identifying or anything, but I would like to know what kind of person you are. Where are you from, what do you do? have you recieved a classical education? If so where and what did you study?Are you religious, where do your political ideologies lie, things like that...whats your profile?


Well-Known Member
So beardo, lets just go back to saying your oppinions arent substantiated with the constitution or a founding fathers vision for whites...lets call it what it is, simply your oppinion based upon your perspective of some nationalities.
Wrong, its in the constitution and it is for the federal and state governments to controll immigration- Race has nothing to do with it- this is not my prespective, it is a fact


Well-Known Member
Beardo, I would be interested in hearing what you are like as a person. Tell me.a bit about yourself,,nothing identifying or anything, but I would like to know what kind of person you are. Where are you from, what do you do? have you recieved a classical education? If so where and what did you study?Are you religious, where do your political ideologies lie, things like that...whats your profile?
From the US went to public school never did really well in school, learning disabilitys and poor health made it harder, im dislexic and could never really learn to spell and cant memorise multiplication but its gotten better over the years with lots of practice dyslexica has become less of an obstacal, i allways tested really high in school but would fail certain things like spelling and writing, have done some traveling and have lived around and with many types of people from many different walks of life, have worked many jobs, labor, restaraunt, sales I could go on and on, I've been working since i was 8 and have had many different jobs, all basicly entery level - not religious but i believe in god and try to live my life with respect for god and what is right, im conservitive on many issues but liberal on some- im not a republican or dem, i despize both but registered republican to vote for Ron Paul- i love my country and all the good people of the world


New Member
From the US went to public school never did really well in school, learning disabilitys and poor health made it harder, im dislexic and could never really learn to spell and cant memorise multiplication but its gotten better over the years with lots of practice dyslexica has become less of an obstacal, i allways tested really high in school but would fail certain things like spelling and writing, have done some traveling and have lived around and with many types of people from many different walks of life, have worked many jobs, labor, restaraunt, sales I could go on and on, I've been working since i was 8 and have had many different jobs, all basicly entery level - not religious but i believe in god and try to live my life with respect for god and what is right, im conservitive on many issues but liberal on some- im not a republican or dem, i despize both but registered republican to vote for Ron Paul- i love my country and all the good people of the world
Learning Disabilities is no Excuse for being a ignorant Racist
And you are


Well-Known Member
From the US went to public school never did really well in school, learning disabilitys and poor health made it harder, im dislexic and could never really learn to spell and cant memorise multiplication but its gotten better over the years with lots of practice dyslexica has become less of an obstacal, i allways tested really high in school but would fail certain things like spelling and writing, have done some traveling and have lived around and with many types of people from many different walks of life, have worked many jobs, labor, restaraunt, sales I could go on and on, I've been working since i was 8 and have had many different jobs, all basicly entery level - not religious but i believe in god and try to live my life with respect for god and what is right, im conservitive on many issues but liberal on some- im not a republican or dem, i despize both but registered republican to vote for Ron Paul- i love my country and all the good people of the world
Beardo, I would be interested in hearing what you are like as a person. Tell me.a bit about yourself,,nothing identifying or anything, but I would like to know what kind of person you are. Where are you from, what do you do? have you recieved a classical education? If so where and what did you study?Are you religious, where do your political ideologies lie, things like that...whats your profile?
Learning Disabilities is no Excuse for being a ignorant Racist
And you are
their was a time i lived in Mexico and worked as a driver, I eventually ended up being stopped at the border with eight people hidden in the vehicle, - just thought some of you might find that chapter of my life interesting if your looking for perspective

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
From the US went to public school never did really well in school, learning disabilitys and poor health made it harder, im dislexic and could never really learn to spell and cant memorise multiplication but its gotten better over the years with lots of practice dyslexica has become less of an obstacal, i allways tested really high in school but would fail certain things like spelling and writing, have done some traveling and have lived around and with many types of people from many different walks of life, have worked many jobs, labor, restaraunt, sales I could go on and on, I've been working since i was 8 and have had many different jobs, all basicly entery level - not religious but i believe in god and try to live my life with respect for god and what is right, im conservitive on many issues but liberal on some- im not a republican or dem, i despize both but registered republican to vote for Ron Paul- i love my country and all the good people of the world
Thank you, I appreciate the openness. In all respects it seems you are just a person, of course in ways an exception from the norm, but its also normal to be different from the norm...


New Member
their was a time i lived in Mexico and worked as a driver, I eventually ended up being stopped at the border with eight people hidden in the vehicle, - just thought some of you might find that chapter of my life interesting if your looking for perspective
Eight people in the trunk?
So reforming Immigration Policy might actually cut into your human slavery business?