An idea on how to stimulate the economy, create jobs & help cure hunger


Well-Known Member
and then as far as the "hunger" part, we can just eat all the older giraffes. after they can't run anymore.

it's a win, win. :clap:


Well-Known Member
A mod told you that? Watch yourself fade, you are stepping on deadly ground
Silas I hate to be rude but your last two post to fade and I are whacked
no worries dude.with what the garbage puppet has told me it kinda gets me back to my wanting solar energy just not enough to merit full blown. only because technology is advancing so fast id just sooner wait and see what happens till im 30 or so. i agree im whacked, your government did it too me. as for the comment i read about hunger, all one has to do,easier said than done, is plant a garden. every person plant a garden. that helps. wal-mart needs to look at its food and see what the throw away date is and give it away. that makes another good one for hunger


Active Member

We have a legion of growers here!!

Seriously. There is no reason why we could not organize a system of vertical farms and flood fields. With very little start-up cash and resources. Might have to quit your shit job and live a humble life for a minute. Just think... We could all argue in real time!


Well-Known Member
solar energy is so useless at this point we are not far enough along to have it be useable to the common person. the amount of money needed to start a good house solar project is 2-5k now after that replacment batteries for ever 5 years of use and updates and fix it problems you put more cost into it than anything so its not worth it. in many ways. please if someone else calls me a liar show me id love to get the idea of using solar energy back into my plan. no sarcasm or ill words intended
U r correct, I looked into solar panels & I didnt have the room for the amount of power needed, and did not want to cut down my beautiful redwood trees. But it was a great idea...until i found out it would not work for me & would have cost thousands of dollars. Maybe one day! Peace


Well-Known Member
so are they working for free?
The guys on the Gold Rush Alaska show did last year, we still don't know what is going to happen this year but Dakota Fread is a real asshole, They are adding value sure they might be losing money but there working hard and thats good.

He could have at least let them keep working for a percentage


Well-Known Member
i took off from work when they stoped getting contracts, god blessed me with a back up, time to wonder about the future. whats the demand vs supply like for restoration?


Well-Known Member

We have a legion of growers here!!

Seriously. There is no reason why we could not organize a system of vertical farms and flood fields. With very little start-up cash and resources. Might have to quit your shit job and live a humble life for a minute. Just think... We could all argue in real time!
You are right, we should do this, I want to help with the digging


Well-Known Member
Good I dig better and longer with a steady supply of beer-
Could you handle a brewing operation? We will need our own brewery
Yes if it doesn't involve too much physical labor. I can't lift too much or work too hard because of previous injuries, I'm a hard worker, it's not laziness.


Well-Known Member
I'll help jonny out, between the 2 of us we probable make up one good working have injuries too.