An idea on how to stimulate the economy, create jobs & help cure hunger


Well-Known Member
Oh and the most important thing we can do to bring back jobs is to stop being the worlds policemen. Bring our soldiers home, put them on the border so they can see their kids everyday and spend their money here.

I could go on and on. Its not dems or reps causing the problems. It is all of them. The D of C just looks out for themselves and the fatcats who line their pockets with ill gotten gains.

We need to quit playing dem vs rep and start playing us against all of them. Demand Term limits. People are not supposed to go to Washington to get rich but to serve the people.

They may go there with great intentions but they all get caught up in "what can I get out of my country" instead of what can I do for the common good and they ALL get rich.


Well-Known Member
i really am wondering why everyone doesn't have solar panels. with the extra energy created we wouldn't need anymore power plants.
Trees and alge are natures solar panels
We would still need fossil fules to power the factories that make the solar panels and components
And you cant run HAARP on solar it takes to much juice.


Well-Known Member
Trees and alge are natures solar panels
We would still need fossil fules to power the factories that make the solar panels and components
And you cant run HAARP on solar it takes to much juice.
you can't run a factory on solar panels? yes you can.

try again. :roll: :sleep:


Well-Known Member
you can't run a factory on solar panels? yes you can.

try again. :roll: :sleep:
It would take a whole lot of solar panels to run a steel plant
And a whole lot of solar panels to power the plant to make the solar panels- solar panels are not free energy- it takes energy to make them.
I think trees or hemp or plankton or alge is more practicle as far as harnessing energy from the sun


Well-Known Member
Trees and alge are natures solar panels
We would still need fossil fules to power the factories that make the solar panels and components
And you cant run HAARP on solar it takes to much juice.
solar energy is so useless at this point we are not far enough along to have it be useable to the common person. the amount of money needed to start a good house solar project is 2-5k now after that replacment batteries for ever 5 years of use and updates and fix it problems you put more cost into it than anything so its not worth it. in many ways. please if someone else calls me a liar show me id love to get the idea of using solar energy back into my plan. no sarcasm or ill words intended


Well-Known Member
Almost every little community around my state has a small creek or river running through it and almost everyone has a dam of some sort but almost none are collecting hydro electric power, seems like kind of a waste. I know running water has more power and is more reliable than wind so I can't understand why they wouldn't add them.


Well-Known Member
Almost every little community around my state has a small creek or river running through it and almost everyone has a dam of some sort but almost none are collecting hydro electric power, seems like kind of a waste. I know running water has more power and is more reliable than wind so I can't understand why they wouldn't add them.
Tidle power is another unutilized source of energy- The project at the bay of fundy would have been grate they should start that up again.


Well-Known Member
It would take a whole lot of solar panels to run a steel plant
And a whole lot of solar panels to power the plant to make the solar panels- solar panels are not free energy- it takes energy to make them.
I think trees or hemp or plankton or alge is more practicle as far as harnessing energy from the sun
well since we already have the solar panels made and we make more everyday ... :dunce:

is there a problem with making A LOT of them? how many exactly does it take to run a steel plant? do you even know? :neutral:

yeah, cause tending to crops is easy then just mounting a panel. :roll:

you woke up on the stupid side of the bed today. take a nap and start over. ;)

or are we simply playing make believe again?


Well-Known Member
solar energy is so useless at this point we are not far enough along to have it be useable to the common person. the amount of money needed to start a good house solar project is 2-5k now after that replacment batteries for ever 5 years of use and updates and fix it problems you put more cost into it than anything so its not worth it. in many ways. please if someone else calls me a liar show me id love to get the idea of using solar energy back into my plan. no sarcasm or ill words intended
yeah, because the common man has no solar as of today. :dunce:

where do you people come from?

i can call the power company tomorrow and they will come out and evaluate my property for solar panels. if we can fit them in then i can have them installed and i can then sell the power company my extra power. 1000's of people are ALREADY doing it.

there are members here who run solar. ask them. :)


Well-Known Member
well since we already have the solar panels made and we make more everyday ... :dunce:

is there a problem with making A LOT of them? how many exactly does it take to run a steel plant? do you even know? :neutral:

yeah, cause tending to crops is easy then just mounting a panel. :roll:

you woke up on the stupid side of the bed today. take a nap and start over. ;)

or are we simply playing make believe again?
Solar panels are a trick just like electric cars
Maybe they are a good idea- but they are not the solution, just another alternitive- they still pollute
We need H3- lets mine the moon


Well-Known Member
Solar panels are a trick just like electric cars
Maybe they are a good idea- but they are not the solution, just another alternitive- they still pollute
We need H3- lets mine the moon

who said anything about caring about pollution?

yeah, because going to the moon is FREE. :dunce:

you done with algae already? :-|:-?


Well-Known Member
who said anything about caring about pollution?

yeah, because going to the moon is FREE. :dunce:

you done with algae already? :-|:-?
Sure is going to the moon to mine H3 is
Free and profitable...
No actually algae produces electricity and oxegyn and grows easily- Algae is one of the answers


Well-Known Member
Shouldnt you fellas be in church?
Face it, we are just cattle waiting to be slaughtered. I figure we will be balls deep in the first great war of the 21s century in another year. Thats the stimulation the feds have in mind. Yep, a big arse war to cover up for all the money they have stolen and lives destroyed


Well-Known Member
i'm saying you should at least read the thread title.
The use of Algae and development of algae power and algae related industry could help create jobs and end hunger and help the economy and by using the unemployeed and the military and collage professors and the homeless we could start a huge space program with all the money were already using being diverted to it eliminating unemployment. We could build space craft and machines and be on the moon mining H3 and building power plants to run off H3 it would generate so much power we would have free energy for generations to come allowing us to have a utopian paridise and eliminate poverty


Well-Known Member
yeah, because the common man has no solar as of today. :dunce:

where do you people come from?

i can call the power company tomorrow and they will come out and evaluate my property for solar panels. if we can fit them in then i can have them installed and i can then sell the power company my extra power. 1000's of people are ALREADY doing it.

there are members here who run solar. ask them. :)
dude like i said it costs more to maintain than anything you have to understand all the extra power you give to them. whats the $ they will give you? is it worth it? will it be enough to cover the replacments you need. its going to be a while for you to get a return off of it. unless you have a big house where part is just collecting and part for use. theres allot of stuff that goes into getting this up and running to the point where in time it will be no out of pocket exspence. like i stated before you have to have evaluate is your electric company going to pay you enough so you wont have to worry about replacements? forget profit if all you get is free electricity then more power to you.