An idea on how to stimulate the economy, create jobs & help cure hunger


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't our government contract hundreds of thousands of Americans to design and build gigantic towers (1-10 per state) consisting of multiple levels which would house a wide variety of foods from fruits and vegetables to livestock, control and monitor every aspect of the environmental conditions to prevent against contaminations and diseases, and grow the states supply of food?

I can think of tons of pro's and not a whole lot of con's with this idea.

-hundreds of thousands of Americans are given jobs

-resources are bought in America, stimulating the economy. Cement, steel, etc.

-surpluses of vast amount of food are produced leading to international trade and exports

-utilize and engineer alternative energy sources to secure the towers own power

-the land that's currently being used for agriculture could be zoned some other way leading to even more economic gain

So wtf don't we build shit like this????

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
Well the jobs and cash flow would be extremly great for the workers and the town these buildings are located in. However the profits won't be worth a damn. Vegetables don't sell for $50 a gram. The government would be losing money.


Well-Known Member
It's more about the food supply than the money. Sell the extra, all that money is profit. Put 50-100 towers, however many the state needs to produce for the states residents. Solar panels and wind farms on top and the sides.


Well-Known Member
It's more about the food supply than the money. Sell the extra, all that money is profit. Put 50-100 towers, however many the state needs to produce for the states residents. Solar panels and wind farms on top and the sides.
And a coal mine underneeth to run the generators and produce co2


Well-Known Member
when and why was it ever decided that the meaning of life was WORK?

we worked this hard for 1000's of years, can't we all just take a few off? does everybody HAVE to have a job? i don't get it. if there is nothing to do, there is nothing to do.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
there is a whole world of stuff out there to do. everybody is too busy at work to do any of it though.
Except the 1% which is why the 99% HAVE to work. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to afford that 4th house or 2nd island.


Well-Known Member
i would love to help tend to a garden, or raise a barn, or help clear a road. if i wasn't forced to be there 40 hours a week.

walmart greeter? :?
i bet people get fired from that job. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
A few cons I thought of.

People don't go to college to work on a farm or work in construction, they want easy jobs that don't require physical labor.

Most likely there would be another boom in population from the construction jobs created.

We have the ability to make everything automated so there would only be upkeep and maintenance after it's complete with no jobs again.


Well-Known Member
We are exporting jobs and importing strife. Way too many people, way too few jobs.

If I was P I would encourage people and communities to become more independant. Grow more food yourselves locally instead of encourageing monsanto to buy all the land, and grow gmo feed.

Teach a new generation to do things for themselves, make a reliable auto that is easy to work on and inexpensive, Volkswagon bugs rule!!!

A 9 - 5 sucks especially when you have no chance of retireing with a gold watch in 40 years. So think outside of the box


Well-Known Member
Build trade schools for 14 year olds who dont want to or cant get more education that can be meaningless.
Let them use their hands to accomplish things instead of tearing things down in an attempt to be a round peg in a square society.
Teach men to repair almost anything from a small motor to repairing roofs. If you are gonna stimulate something stimulate me and a million other homeowners with some solar for our roofs.

Tear down all the crap that was built the past twenty years by bankers who flooded the system with credit. Build simple casas that are well insulated and put a solar panel on those two. Hell, they already spent billions on solar factories.

And we have to accept a simpler lifestyle with more time to be a human being instead of a human doing


Well-Known Member
Build trade schools for 14 year olds who dont want to or cant get more education that can be meaningless.
Let them use their hands to accomplish things instead of tearing things down in an attempt to be a round peg in a square society.
Teach men to repair almost anything from a small motor to repairing roofs. If you are gonna stimulate something stimulate me and a million other homeowners with some solar for our roofs.

Tear down all the crap that was built the past twenty years by bankers who flooded the system with credit. Build simple casas that are well insulated and put a solar panel on those two. Hell, they already spent billions on solar factories.

And we have to accept a simpler lifestyle with more time to be a human being instead of a human doing
i really am wondering why everyone doesn't have solar panels. with the extra energy created we wouldn't need anymore power plants.


Well-Known Member
I think accepting a simple lifestyle will produce better neighbors who care more about each other then neighbors who strive to keep up with each other and are always envious.

20,000 dollar, 40, 80,000 is wany to much to spend on a car. Thats great if you make the big bucks (lotta strain on the nerves and heart) go ahead and buy a 200,000 dollar that can go 180 on roads with a 65 speed limit.

But the rest of us need cheap transportation and the feds have placed so many rescictions, and safe laws that are dumber then dirt for the children so cars cost as much as a house. Not to mention all the fees like insurance and registration.

Preventive health care in advance would not only save money but produce better citizens. We need more "clinics" where people can get things looked into instead of just living with it.

But citizens must work!! We need to give young hos,,, I mean young women need something to do besides being incubaters. Young women have the mindset that they dont have to work. All they do is make a baby and the guv becomes their suger dads.