An idea on how to stimulate the economy, create jobs & help cure hunger


Well-Known Member
Shouldnt you fellas be in church?
Face it, we are just cattle waiting to be slaughtered. I figure we will be balls deep in the first great war of the 21s century in another year. Thats the stimulation the feds have in mind. Yep, a big arse war to cover up for all the money they have stolen and lives destroyed
hey man dont go there. greece is already trying to drop out of the euro zone and there was an article about "how the euro became a failed dream" at least its one step away from world domination or alittle closer depending but it got me to calm down when i saw that. so i wasnt as freaked because im still preparing.


Well-Known Member
dude like i said it costs more to maintain than anything you have to understand all the extra power you give to them. whats the $ they will give you? is it worth it? will it be enough to cover the replacments you need. its going to be a while for you to get a return off of it. unless you have a big house where part is just collecting and part for use. theres allot of stuff that goes into getting this up and running to the point where in time it will be no out of pocket exspence. like i stated before you have to have evaluate is your electric company going to pay you enough so you wont have to worry about replacements? forget profit if all you get is free electricity then more power to you.
maintaining them will give people JOBS.

seriously, where do you people come from?

so instead of improving on something that already works, we'll just mine the moon instead. fucking brilliant. :clap:

we are trying to stimulate the economy and create jobs, not get free shit.


Well-Known Member
maintaining them will give people JOBS.

seriously, where do you people come from?

so instead of improving on something that already works, we'll just mine the moon instead. fucking brilliant. :clap:

we are trying to stimulate the economy and create jobs, not get free shit.
This program will create jobs and stimulate economy
But instead of false gains- it will create wealth, It will be a positive- we will gain work which equals wealth increased energy equals real gains we can sustain more, it will be like the new discovery of oil- A positive gain in energy for the world


Well-Known Member
maintaining them will give people JOBS.

seriously, where do you people come from?

so instead of improving on something that already works, we'll just mine the moon instead. fucking brilliant. :clap:

we are trying to stimulate the economy and create jobs, not get free shit.
The problem with solar is the batteries, the mining for battery material and the cost of having to replace them every few years is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
maintaining them will give people JOBS.

seriously, where do you people come from?

so instead of improving on something that already works, we'll just mine the moon instead. fucking brilliant. :clap:

we are trying to stimulate the economy and create jobs, not get free shit.
dude still not listening. if its at your house are you going to pay someone to maintain your panels at the house thats an out of pocket exspence on your part. good free energy. yes for giant solar fields perfect for the everyday person as so long as all you energy is free and the money you get doesnt not put you in the red its good.i am agreeing with you just think of the end result of replacements as ive stated. thats the only problem along with it takes too many panels get effiencey out of it. ive been on a solar forum and had the moderater tell me him self its almost not worth it.ALMOST thats where ive been. now beardo awesome idea just watch out for he big new oil companies who will harness the sun and keep it inflated like gas.


Well-Known Member
dude still not listening. if its at your house are you going to pay someone to maintain your panels at the house thats an out of pocket exspence on your part. good free energy. yes for giant solar fields perfect for the everyday person as so long as all you energy is free and the money you get doesnt not put you in the red its good.i am agreeing with you just think of the end result of replacements as ive stated. thats the only problem along with it takes too many panels get effiencey out of it. ive been on a solar forum and had the moderater tell me him self its almost not worth it.ALMOST thats where ive been. now beardo awesome idea just watch out for he big new oil companies who will harness the sun and keep it inflated like gas.
yes, i will pay someone. which will help stimulate the economy. which is the point of this thread.


New Member
maintaining them will give people JOBS.

seriously, where do you people come from?

so instead of improving on something that already works, we'll just mine the moon instead. fucking brilliant. :clap:

we are trying to stimulate the economy and create jobs, not get free shit.
if this is racist, then shame on you... but if you are really asking, a vagina.


Well-Known Member
If we want to create jobs we have to do away with all the regulations the feds have imposed on big business in order to create a huge federal bureaucracy that has become a huge pig monster devouring everything in its site.

We also have to scrape the NWO and do away with high corporate tax rates. Then do away with the IRS and impose the fair tax and BAM. We explode with jobs

Stark Raving

Active Member
The batteries used to store solar energy are, by far the most prohibitive factor, but not completely so. Using the right deep cycle batteries, and proper maintenance means they last a hell of a lot longer than a few years. Mine are 7 years old, and are still holding at about 80% capacity. The real issue is technology. My batteries, as well as my panels are already outdated. I generate plenty of power, but if I were to replace my whole setup, I'd be able to collect a fair bit more energy. As it sits, my setup took about 5 years to pay for itself, and in the last two years I've put in about $400 in repairs, and saved well over $1200. That's a savings of $800 after I broke even. Not fantastic (it's actually only a savings of a little over $100 a year over the 7 year period), but ain't no kick in the teeth either. The point is, there is most definitely a savings (and as technology advances the savings improve), and the $$ aside, it's better for the environment (the mining/manufacturing involved has WAY less impact than drilling for oil). And if this is a discussion about future ways to improve life, then whether you're a tree hugger or not, the environment is a major factor.

At the moment, the most effective use for solar power would be using it on a smaller scale, like home electricity, rather than industry. By doing so, we free up a lot of the fossil fuels for industry, and use less of them, meaning they last longer, and become lower in price because the supply will catch up to the demand. Plus by using those resources while we still have them to produce the massive amounts of solar setups required to get started, we make the best use of non-renewable resources. Plus, once again, as the technology improves, the need for those fossil fuels will become less and less.

Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
dude still not listening. . thats the only problem along with it takes too many panels get effiencey out of it. ive been on a solar forum and had the moderater tell me him self its almost not worth it

A mod told you that? Watch yourself fade, you are stepping on deadly ground
Silas I hate to be rude but your last two post to fade and I are whacked


New Member
The batteries used to store solar energy are, by far the most prohibitive factor, but not completely so. Using the right deep cycle batteries, and proper maintenance means they last a hell of a lot longer than a few years. Mine are 7 years old, and are still holding at about 80% capacity. The real issue is technology. My batteries, as well as my panels are already outdated. I generate plenty of power, but if I were to replace my whole setup, I'd be able to collect a fair bit more energy. As it sits, my setup took about 5 years to pay for itself, and in the last two years I've put in about $400 in repairs, and saved well over $1200. That's a savings of $800 after I broke even. Not fantastic (it's actually only a savings of a little over $100 a year over the 7 year period), but ain't no kick in the teeth either. The point is, there is most definitely a savings (and as technology advances the savings improve), and the $$ aside, it's better for the environment (the mining/manufacturing involved has WAY less impact than drilling for oil). And if this is a discussion about future ways to improve life, then whether you're a tree hugger or not, the environment is a major factor.

At the moment, the most effective use for solar power would be using it on a smaller scale, like home electricity, rather than industry. By doing so, we free up a lot of the fossil fuels for industry, and use less of them, meaning they last longer, and become lower in price because the supply will catch up to the demand. Plus by using those resources while we still have them to produce the massive amounts of solar setups required to get started, we make the best use of non-renewable resources. Plus, once again, as the technology improves, the need for those fossil fuels will become less and less.

Just sayin.
I always think you are that ryan the rhino dude..then I see you are not and don't read your posts.

Stark Raving

Active Member
;) haha well for one... for me its too wordy, but thats whats terrific about not having to care what I think. ;) plus I am crazy high.

I was just kidding... btw.
Ya, I get WAY too wordy sometimes. When I'm high my brain seems to go about three times faster than it should.


New Member
Ya, I get WAY too wordy sometimes. When I'm high my brain seems to go about three times faster than it should.
After a few more years of good abuse that will subside... this too shall pass away...
