Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

if you have downloaded anything illegal and you are agreeing with this guy. then you are agreeing you deserved to get a beating for your downloads to and you should contact me asap for that beating

By beating I figure you mean an actual beating and not the strapping as shown in the video... I knew someone here would actually know the difference...
You also need to realize, what are the chances this was the worst beating she ever had? She definitely had much worse beatings she was unable to record...you gave justification in your words and absolutely no apathy to the situation, you need therapy...

I need therapy for not caring about a teenager getting the strap..?

Ps... and can you provide the physical evidence that this wasn't the worst she had received..?
....good thing they werent my parents....im one of those sick fukn ppl who would have killed us all and laughed while he looked me in the eye and took his last breath.......then move on to the mother.....i was 16 when i laid my dad on the floor cuz he liked to get fukd up and beat on shit too....eventually enough is enough....

....that being said hell probably end up in jail (if not already) and they will give him his....10 fold... i just hope he runs into somebody who knows him and can also make it personal.....
....good thing they werent my parents....im one of those sick fukn ppl who would have killed us all and laughed while he looked me in the eye and took his last breath.......then move on to the mother.....i was 16 when i laid my dad on the floor cuz he liked to get fukd up and beat on shit too....eventually enough is enough....

....that being said hell probably end up in jail (if not already) and they will give him his....10 fold... i just hope he runs into somebody who knows him and can also make it personal.....

Hopefully he gets to meet some of the people he put away so they can teach him a thing or two :D
my parents are awesome. my dad i dont think ever raised his voice and my mum had a "you learn from your own mistakes" attitude. All 4 of us have grown up and never got into anything bad, are all very successful and have such an amazing relationship with our parents.
By beating I figure you mean an actual beating and not the strapping as shown in the video... I knew someone here would actually know the difference...
lol yeah i know what a real beating is.. try getting ambushed and beaten with 2 metal pipes, that and iv been mugged and jumped by 3 black guys in sf, got kicked with steel toe boots and have a knarly scar right next to my eye, i know about beatings. and i agree that although force and pain wise might not have been a beating in your eyes because to me and you that wouldent have us huddling over in fear we would fight back, but to a girl thats just as traumatizing as having 2 guys with metal pipes come at her, its in her voice... it was mentaly a beating and a "mental beating" really fuckes with a person ego makes you feel weak and for a guy can take away your feeling of being a man

i just think way he was verbaly yelling was controlled like a parent should be, it was more like a beating scenario all around mentally minus the one factor she wasent actully getting "beaten" although id still consider that a beating non the less. a weak beating is still a beating.
I've been jumped by five guys outside of a bar before... and it's not a matter of what I would take now versus what she took then... it's a matter of what I took when I was younger than her in that video...

Personally, If you attempt to punish someone for something they did and that type of punishment didn't work the fist time, you need to try a different form of punishment...
It was the yelling that got you wasn't it..? the yelling combined with the strapping was too much for you..?

Nope...it was the drawing back and beating the shit out of her...I yell at my kids when they are being dumbasses...and they correct themselves...they know not to fuck with daddy or your favorite things in life will disappear fast :D
the fact of the matter is this judge looks like he made a career out of what his father did to him and what he does to his kids which is wrong and hypocritical. he probably just wanted to be on the other side of the laws he broke all the time
i agree its a little excessive.....but at least he never put hands on her....iv never seen a belt (but it lways reminds me of when we used to whip each other with willow branches).....
i agree its a little excessive.....but at least he never put hands on her....iv never seen a belt (but it lways reminds me of when we used to whip each other with willow branches).....

have a friend of yours whip you in the ass with one...it hurts like hell and if done too hard(which in this case his strokes were pretty fucking hard), you'll end up with welts and can easily break the skin
"here, slap me in the ass with this" lmao.....i believe the welts and breakin skin.....our game (which we properly named mom) always did that too....
Belts suck... but you're over it the next day... Now my mum caught me with a wicked left hook once and only once when I was like 8 or something... I was being a shit, talking back and being mucho disrespectful. she told me to stop several times and I wouldn't let up. that one hit stopped me from being an arsehole towards my mother... She never hit me before then and never afterwards... one well timed left solved my mothers problems... my father on the other hand liked to use the belt and yell... and coming from experience yelling and a belt are not as effective as a quick left to ear... It was ringing for days...
Belts suck... but you're over it the next day... Now my mum caught me with a wicked left hook once and only once when I was like 8 or something... I was being a shit, talking back and being mucho disrespectful. she told me to stop several times and I wouldn't let up. that one hit stopped me from being an arsehole towards my mother... She never hit me before then and never afterwards... one well timed left solved my mothers problems... my father on the other hand liked to use the belt and yell... and coming from experience yelling and a belt are not as effective as a quick left to ear... It was ringing for days...

aight...ok you are fucked up in the head and were raised to be that way...you no longer have any value to this conversation except as an example of how fucked up parents are...thank you for enlightening us on your fucked up upbringings...now I definitely know you need therapy...
aight...ok you are fucked up in the head and were raised to be that way...you no longer have any value to this conversation except as an example of how fucked up parents are...thank you for enlightening us on your fucked up upbringings...now I definitely know you need therapy...

I love how judgmental you are... and stop with all that therapy crap... what you are doing is cyber bullying and bigotry... you are judging me and insulting me because I was raised differently than you... you are singling out points that you wish to make and ignoring other things I say so you can attempt to belittle me, probably in an attempt to bolster your self worth as an individual...

You completely ignored the post I made stating my views on punishment and you continue to be obstinately offensive...
This is a clear case of child abuse, both parents are to blame, not the child, she was not misbehaving in any way that justified using a belt on her,them leaving the room twice and returning to satisfy the evil urge they felt was not her fault. She only made concrete proof to show what was happening. Do i agree with here choice to post this online, no !handling this with some class instead of a taste for revenge would have looked a lot better, why did she wait 7 years ??? No sure but people do weird things when the parents they are suppose to trust to protect them hurt them in ways so may of us could never understand :(
I love how judgmental you are... and stop with all that therapy crap... what you are doing is cyber bullying and bigotry... you are judging me and insulting me because I was raised differently than you... you are singling out points that you wish to make and ignoring other things I say so you can attempt to belittle me, probably in an attempt to bolster your self worth as an individual...

You completely ignored the post I made stating my views on punishment and you continue to be obstinately offensive...

Yeap...I am a bigot when it comes to things like this...I bet you are religious too arn't you? Oh hey look I'm attempting to stereotype you now...I'm singling out your entire argument as its completely uncalled for...so have a nice life...i'll be peacing out from this thread because i'm being rude and uncaring towards your fucked up view of life and punishment...have a good day.
You also need to realize, what are the chances this was the worst beating she ever had? She definitely had much worse beatings she was unable to record...you gave justification in your words and absolutely no apathy to the situation, you need therapy...

personally, i think people resort to surveillence cameras after they've had enough of something. something keeps getting stolen, someone keeps getting beat, etc. it doesn't prove the past either way, but i'd bet that wasn't the first time or there wouldn't be a camera.