Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

Has anybody stopped to think that maybe he tried every other way to discipline her before the beltings..? that every other kind of punishment wouldn't work on her..?

highly doubtful considering she was 16 at the time...no amount of beating is going to work on a child that age...the only thing accomplished is fear and trauma...
From ShannonAlexander

"Fuck all the bleeding hearts... 17 times with a belt is nothing... Boo fucking hoo"

"And am I the only one that notices she set him up to be filmed... she purposefully put herself in that position to get it on camera... "

"She obviously thought it was worth the punishment... She knew what would happen when she got caught..."
No you didn't directly say those things (it was justified or she deserved it), but like Fox news your spinning it. Your words speak volumes about your stance without having to actually having to say it.
Has anybody stopped to think that maybe he tried every other way to discipline her before the beltings..? that every other kind of punishment wouldn't work on her..?
yeah i thought about it.. but i dont believe thats the case, im willing to bet he got the belt first thing so he gives the best first thing. listen to the interview with the old wife and the daughter they make it pretty aparent hes just an asshole who cant control his temper
You ever think that she was trying to show people that she unjustly gets beaten and that it needed to stop so that in order to stop it, she must prove that it exists.

It's too funny b/c your comment mostly put the blame on her.
Saying that b/c she filmed it that she purposely put herself in that position....really?

That's like saying a woman who dresses like a slut and goes to a club deserves to get raped...I hear ya man...some people are just way too fucked in the head from their teachings as a youth...they will never understand ;)
highly doubtful considering she was 16 at the time...no amount of beating is going to work on a child that age...the only thing accomplished is fear and trauma...

Again I will disagree with your use of the word beating, that was nowhere near a beating, you're all making that video out to be something that it is not in regards to that...

And the point of punishment of any kind is to put fear of one kind or an other into an individual in an attempt to curb certain undesirable behaviours.
And if your putting the blame on her, your condoning what he did. Again if your saying that b/c she knew she was going to get the beating that the beating was JUSTIFIED....so you didn't say it, but you damn sure inferred it.
Again I will disagree with your use of the word beating, that was nowhere near a beating, you're all making that video out to be something that it is not in regards to that...

And the point of punishment of any kind is to put fear of one kind or an other into an individual in an attempt to curb certain undesirable behaviours.

DUDE EVEN SAID BEATING IN THE FUCKING VIDEO....Shannon...you are delusional, but you need to realize this is unacceptable behavior, but you probably never will due to your fucked up outlook on life...hows that treating you?
No you didn't directly say those things (it was justified or she deserved it), but like Fox news your spinning it. Your words speak volumes about your stance without having to actually having to say it.

Again I will state that people are reading into my words what they want to see because I'm not saying "Oh poor girl, she got hit with a belt, that is so bad, he should go to prison and be hit with a belt, cause people that hit people with belts 17 times should be hit with belts, and have their bones broken and other nasty stuff...

You're only seeing in what I write what you want to and attempting to demonize my posts because I'm not with you...
Not a beating? What in the fuck do you consider a beating?

That clearly was a beating. I have been spanked before, but never ever even close to that. A spanking and a beating are different and that sir was a beating, Especially considering it was a 16 yr old girl.
Just because someone says it is something doesn't make it so... I believe that topic has been covered in other areas of your life... I did not infer that she deserved it, only that if she didn't break rules that she knew not to break that she wouldn't have gotten punished...
you dont think he could have tried less lashings first. or he could have recognized the hits to her legs as hits too instead of acting like they didnt count until he turned over. why should she obey him if hes fucking insane and way out of line!!!
Again I will state that people are reading into my words what they want to see because I'm not saying "Oh poor girl, she got hit with a belt, that is so bad, he should go to prison and be hit with a belt, cause people that hit people with belts 17 times should be hit with belts, and have their bones broken and other nasty stuff...

You're only seeing in what I write what you want to and attempting to demonize my posts because I'm not with you...

You also need to realize, what are the chances this was the worst beating she ever had? She definitely had much worse beatings she was unable to record...you gave justification in your words and absolutely no apathy to the situation, you need therapy...
DUDE EVEN SAID BEATING IN THE FUCKING VIDEO....Shannon...you are delusional, but you need to realize this is unacceptable behavior, but you probably never will due to your fucked up outlook on life...hows that treating you?

Very good point as he did call it a beating in the video. If the father says it a beating, I would have to say in his eyes he knew he was beating her.
if you have downloaded anything illegal and you are agreeing with this guy. then you are agreeing you deserved to get a beating for your downloads to and you should contact me asap for that beating
DUDE EVEN SAID BEATING IN THE FUCKING VIDEO....Shannon...you are delusional, but you need to realize this is unacceptable behavior, but you probably never will due to your fucked up outlook on life...hows that treating you?

I am not delusional and my outlook on life isn't fucked up... I understand that people have different views on things... I understand that bleeding hearts such as yourself are soft individuals...

And my life is great thank you for asking...
Very good point as he did call it a beating in the video. If the father says it a beating, I would have to say in his eyes he knew he was beating her.

Bingo...because that's what sadly alot of parents do in the south...beatings...they also outlaw alcohol in counties...and beat their children with a paddle in school...I lived in the south for quite a few years and got to witness how fucked up it is...I sat in a school office while the vice principal would walk out of his office holding his paddle calling the next student in to get a beating as the screams of terror ensued...it was disgusting...